Oklahoma State Facts Study Guide

1.)  Understand the concept of Oklahoma Statehood.

What to understand:

I. The two territories that combined to make the State of Oklahoma

II. When Oklahoma became a state

III. What city was the first capital, and how and why the State Capitol got moved to Oklahoma City

2.)  What was the first town in Oklahoma to have electricity?

3.)  Describe Will Rogers

I.  What was he originally

II.  How did he become famous

III.  How he died

4.)  Understand the concept of the first landrun?

I.  Why did people come here

II.  When was it and what time did it start

III.  How much land did people get

IV.  How and where did they stake their claim.

5.)  What is the oldest town in Oklahoma?

6.)  What is the largest County in Oklahoma?

7.) Be able to give a description of a Sooner

8.) What was the name of the first drug store in Oklahoma?

9.) Understand certain concepts of the depression.

I.  How it go started

II.  What happened to the banks and how that affected the economy

III.  Why it affected Oklahoma as hard as it did.

10.) Where was the world’s first parking meter installed?

11.) Describe the Boise City Bombing.

I. How and why it got bombed.

II. When it got bombed

12.) What event was the first tornado forecast given for?

13.) Have a broad understanding of the Oklahoma City bombing.

I. When was it

II. Who did it

III. What type of vehicle

IV. How and where he got caught

V. What happened to the person who did it

14.) Name one famous trail that went through Oklahoma.

15.) What major events are hosted at the Amateur Softball Association?

16.) Name Some unique characteristics of the Oklahoma State Capitol.

17.) What is the name of the town that is the only authentic Indian city in the U.S.?

18.) Where is the National Cowboy Hall of Fame?

19.)  When was the Indian Territory opened up to the white settlers?

20.)  What event opened up the Indian Territory to the white settlers?

21.)  Where is the tribal capital of the Cherokee nation?

22.)  What was the first radio station to transmit west of the Misssissippi?

23.) Be able to name the 4 mountain ranges

24.) Be able to list the 6 states that border Oklahoma.

25.) Name the Oklahoma state bird?

26.) What does the name “Oklahoma” mean?

27.) Be able to name 3 facts about the counties in Oklahoma.

28.) Be able to describe the process in which the state capitol was moved from Guthrie to Oklahoma City.

I. What process decided where it was moved to

II. What cities were involved in that process

III. Name 3 cities that did not get the capitol and list what they were given instead