Date: 5th May 2009
Venue: ExeterCourtHotel, Kennford
Time: 10.00 am
Present: Steve Dixon, Katy Kerley, Sue Gubb, Tina Norman, Lucy Jennison, Eoghan Kelly, Lynne Walmsley.
Apologies: Nicola Martin, Mandy Sharp, Carol Barkwell.
Minute taker:Lynne Walmsley
Item / Decision or Action or Message / Who? / When? / Who needs to be told? / Action Completed?Matters Arising, Apologies, Approval of Minutes and Chair
Tina chaired this meeting.
Apologies as above.
As we did not have a quorum at today’s meeting, K.K. suggested that a list of decisions from this meeting should be emailed to those Steering Group members that were not present.
Matters Arising
Someone other than Ian is to come to the next Steering Group meeting to talk about Procurement and the Preferred Suppliers List.
S.D. informed the group that information is still not forthcoming about the Participative Appraisal Scheme.
Membership of the Steering Group
Eoghan has contacted Christine Whitehead.
M.S. is checking with her line manager to see if she can come to meetings. Nicky Nendick from C.Q.C. (Care Quality Commission) can be asked, otherwise. / After meeting / DCT Steering Group
1. / Matters Arising (cont.)
The DCT Conference is now on the 17th July 09.
The Minutes were approved.
DCT Update (Eoghan)
Courses have now been planned for the coming year and Piers and Katy are to approve the budget. There will be 769 courses put on for the coming year, and there will be 22 topics within the Dementia training.
Zipporah, the online booking system, isavailable now although DCT are not using it yet.
DCT Website
We are not sure if we are going with an internal or external provider. K.K. informed the group that she was trying to influence that it goes externally.
‘New Types of Worker,’ ‘Care Ambassadors’ etc. will all feed off the master page.
Provider Engagement Network
Eoghan reported that there were a series of P.E.N. meetings in May 09.
Also, TSI (Training Strategy Implementation) funding is being administered by DCT again.Annette Bouloux is the administrator for that.
Care Ambassadors
The two existing part-time senior Care Ambassador posts will become two full-time posts.
2. / DCT Update (Eoghan) – (cont.)
Admin Process –(Lucy)
231 courses will be put on up to March 2010, delivered by 7 trainers. There will be 37 subjects represented in these.
Feedback from trainers is good, and there is positive feedback about the courses.
Lynne gave an update on Membership and a newsletter update. New members are continuing to join and there is a steady stream of new applications. Articles and reports for the Summer 09 newsletter are being received from contributors and sent to the person who formats the newsletter.
Constitution Amendments
Provider Engagement Network: Within the Constitution, K.K. to bring in and provide for the reporting and inclusion of P.E.N.
Disciplinary Instances: E.K.proposed thatDCT should draw up a set of rules/code of conduct specifying what is construed as ‘misconduct’ by DCT members, with a timescale within which trainers should inform DCT of any misconduct. This will be part of the terms and conditions of the contract we send to training providers.
S.D. suggested we specify in the letter that because of changes in the training format and the fact that DCT is now a larger organisation, it has become necessary to produce a code of conduct.
Housing Support
Sue Gubb suggested that Housing Support be included with Social Care, in Clause 3(b).
Constitution Amendments (cont.)
Also, Sue would like to accept membership of the Steering Group, but she needs to get this confirmed. / K.K.
E.K. to send letter from the Steering Group. / Circulate to existing members (email and hard copy).
Circulate to existing members (email and hard copy).
Consultation Subgroup
E.K. informed Steering Group members that the subgroup’s function was to decide whether we should pay for expensive training for DCT members, or not. This comes out of requests from members for specialist training. We must decide on operating processes, etc.
S.D. and S.G. are going to be on the Consultation Subgroup.
S.D:members of the subgroup would say if funding is available for this training; to do this, they would need to know the budgetary implications from K.K. and E.K. The group will act in response to emails from E.K.
S.D. also suggested that DCT members are sent a template of a business plan, with which to submit their case.
Conference Update (Eoghan)
Four speakers are still needed, two on Personalisation and two on Workforce Development.
K.K. suggested a piece about community mentoring and a choir for entertainment.
Graham Varley is speaking on the definition of Personalisation.
K.K. suggested that the opening speech could be on the theme of dementia.
T.N. suggested that Magic Carpet cover dementia themes on their puppet videos.
Process: people to pre-register, to avoid bottlenecks.
Sue Gubb suggesteda workshop about the Rapid Assessment Process and outcomes for individuals. Also, MCA and DOLS
Conference Update (Eoghan) – (cont.)
T.N.suggested Complex Care Packages (keeping people in their own homes) would be a suitable Conference theme
We are expecting approximately 400 delegates this time.
Hot Topics
Business cards will be sorted soon.
S.D. suggested setting a target for new members to DCT – i.e. to work towards a certain number over a certain period. Alongside this, we should track staff numbers and try to increase them.
E.K. suggested that we should aim to recruit 20 new members by March 2010.
S.D. thought that overall, an increase of 10 % is necessary.
Future Meetings
L.W. to send out future meeting dates to Steering Group members.
S.D. proposed that Steering Group members are asked if they want to continue on the group. / L.W. send out future meeting dates to S.G.
K:\PerProject\Shared\DCTC\Meetings\Management Team Meetings\2009\5th May 2009\Minutes.doc