Macedonian Society’s
Christmas Ball 2016
Saturday 3rd December 2016 at 19:00PM
Royal Garden Hotel
2-24 Kensington High Street, London W8 4PT
Dear Member / Friend,
The President and the Governing Board of the Macedonian Society of Great Britain cordially invite you to attend our Christmas Ball 2016. The programme will include:
Reception: 19:00 to 19:45
Dinner & Dance: 19:45 to 02:00
Live music by Aggeliki Polyzou and her group, DJ Avgoustinos and featuring Harpist Maria Yerosimou. Guest star Argyris
Dress code: Smart Evening Wear (Black tie is optional)
Reservations can be made by completing the form below and sending it along with payment directly to the treasurer of the MSGB in the address below:
The Treasurer of MSGB, Dr Panos Dafas, 11 Freeland Road, London, W5 3HR
Send your payment to our bank account:
Barclays Bank, Sort code: 20–69-15, Account No: 03036065
Cheques should be payable to: Macedonian Society of GB. Unfortunately, we will not be able to accept any reservations received after Monday 28h November2016. So please book as early as possible to avoid disappointment.
We will be publishing a souvenir programme to commemorate the occasion. If you wish to advertise in our programme you can use the form below and send it to the same address as above the latest by Friday 19th November 2016.
For further information or to contribute prizes towards the raffle please call Mrs Natasha Svetzouri on 07904 086677 or the Secretary of MSGB Mr. Andreas Petridis on 07964 280 270 or Miss Panagiota Koteli on 07747 515 003 or email at .
The Macedonian Society is dedicated to the promotion of Macedonian history, culture & heritage and is the only organisation in this country that informs and educates the public that Macedonia, its history and its heritage are Hellenic. It is involved in organising lectures and events open to the general public as well as events to foster community spirit among the Greek Diaspora in London and the UK. The Society was established in 1989 and is a Registered Charity (No: 1044357) with the UK Charity Commission.
Reservation Form
I will be attending the Macedonian Society’s Christmas Ball 2016.
Please reserve places for ...... person(s).
I enclose payment of £...... (£85 per person). Members: £75 per person
Please complete the details of those attending below. If you wish to be seated with particular friends fill in their names as well, but mark the people you are paying for with an asterisk (*). Although we cannot guarantee it, we will make every effort to seat you according to your preference.
I will be unable to attend but wish to make a donation of £......
Name: ………………………………………...
Address ………………………………………
Telephone: …………………………………...
Email: …………………………………………
Cheques payable to: Macedonian Society of GB
Seating Arrangement Details
Please list the names of the people to be seated together marking the people you are paying for with an asterisk (*).
Advertising Form
We would like to advertise in the Souvenir Programme for the Christmas Ball 2016 and enclose a cheque for the appropriate amount.
Full page advert (£120)
Half page advert (£80)
The text and artwork for the advertisement:
is given below (text only)
is enclosed with this form
will be sent by email to
Name: …………………………………………
Company: …………………………………….
Address: ………………………………………
Telephone: …………………………………...
Email: …………………………………………
Cheques payable to: Macedonian Society of GB
Advertisement Text