Food Security Cluster (Dohuk – KRI/Iraq)

Date: August 10th, 2016

Venue: Conference Room – BRHA Office– Dohuk

Time: 11:00 am –12:00 pm


  • Review of previous meeting minutes and action points
  • WFP IDP Operation updates
  • WFP Refugee Operation Updates
  • Non-WFP Partners Operational Updates
  • Gaps
  • BRHA and PDS Updates
  • A.O.B.

Part 1: Food Assistance

  1. Operational Updates:

WFP continuing on assisting IDPs and Syrian refugees in need, Full ration will be provided to the IDPs with PDS cards and reduced ration to IDPs with no PDS cards inside the camps,as well as providingfull ration to IDPs with PDS cards outside the camps.

Cash assistance is increased to 20,000 IQD instead of 12,000 IQD per individuals for camp and non-camp IDPs.

The Distribution plans for PDS and non-PDS holders (IDPs)for August cycle is as below:

  • August Distribution Plan of in-Camp – In-kind:

PDS Cards Holders
Camp / #Fam
Bajid Kandala (Camp) / 1642
Bardarash (Camp) / 2016
Dawoodiya (Camp) / 624
Essiyan (Camp) / 2272
Garmawa (Camp) / 961
Kabarto 1 (Camp) / 2017
Kabarto 2 (Camp) / 1935
Khanke (Camp) / 2364
Mailman (Camp) / 1619
Mamrashan (Camp) / 630
Qadya (Camp) / 2169
Sharia (Camp) / 2538
Shekhan (Camp) / 834
Grand Total / 21621
No PDS Cards Holders
Camps / #Fam / CP
Bajid Kandala Camp / 428 / WVI
Bardarash (Camp) / 346 / WVI
Bersve Camp 1 / 377 / WVI
Bersve Camp 2 / 361 / WVI
Chamishko Camp / 806 / WVI
Dawoodiya Camp / 134 / WVI
Kabarto1 / 382 / WVI
Kabarto2 / 484 / WVI
Khanke (Camp) / 512 / WVI
Mamiliyan Camp / 371 / WVI
Qadya Camp / 493 / WVI
Sharia (Camp) / 656 / WVI
Essiyan Camp / 510 / BCF
Garmawa Camp / 310 / BCF
Mamrashan Camp / 154 / BCF
Shekhan Camp / 218 / BCF
Grand Total / 5350
  • August Distribution Plan of non-Camp – In-kind:

Dohuk - WV
Location / #Fam
Amedi Center / 245
Bamerni / 240
Bardarash (Non-Camp) / 4,650
Batel / 915
Deralook / 164
Domiz / 2,318
Khanke (Non-Camp) / 2,999
Mankishk / 311
Misrik / 1,512
Sharia (Non-Camp) / 2,864
Shiladz / 69
Sumel Center / 3,113
Zawita / 810
Grand Total / 20,210
Dohuk - BCF (Shekhan)
Location / #Fam
Atrush / 295
Biristik / 55
Betnar / 48
Cherghan (Kitak) / 50
Chira / 171
Kalakchi / 629
Mahat / 887
Qasrok / 577
Grand Total / 2,712
Ninawa - BCF
Location / #Fam
Al-Qush City / 151
Al-Qush Villages / 802
Manara , Tal Adas / 119
Rabiaa / 1501
Sharafaddin / 507
Shindank (Kalata Farhan) / 220
Sinjar mountain / 1023
Sinone / 503
Zummar / 1389
Grand Total / 6215

Commodities Plan of August 2016:

Non PDS holders – 2 items 20 kg

WHF 15 kg

Bulgur 5 kg


PDS holders – 5 items 20.3 kg

Oil 4.55

Bulgur 5 kg

Chickpeas 5 kg

Slat 0.75 kg

Horse beans 5 kg

  • Vouchers:
  • July Distribution (Plan) – Voucher and Cash:

Governorate / District / Individual / Families / Voucher
Dohuk / Dohuk / 51,730 / 9,998 / Cash
Dohuk / Zakho / 90,854 / 14,691 / Paper Voucher
Dohuk / Akre / 8,055 / 1,415 / Cash
Total / 150,639 / 26,104 / 14,691

WFP Refugee Operation:

  • The e-voucher distribution of August cycle started in Domiz 1 and Domiz 2.
  • The Cash Distribution of August cycle will start on 22ndin Akre District for Refugees.
  • The cash Distribution of August cycle finished for IDPs.
  • WFP distributed individual food parcels in Domiz 1, 2, and Akre Campsfor the non-targeted families considered vulnerable by the Camp Managers. The food parcels were also distributed to the vulnerable refugees as recently assessed and to the new arrivals in the camp. This Cycle was recently finished and it is the last distribution cycle as planned.
  • Below is the Actual figures of E-voucher, Cash & IFPs distribution for Refugee:

July 2016
Camp / Voucher / Beneficiary / Modality
Domiz I / 3,374 / 16,314 / E-Voucher
Domiz II / 955 / 4,653 / E-Voucher
Gawilan / 1,064 / 5,074 / E-Voucher
Akre / 209 / 979 / Cash
Akre / 49 / 185 / Individual Parcels (16.26 Kg)
Domiz I / 198 / 734 / Individual Parcels (16.26 Kg)
Domiz II / 47 / 201 / Individual Parcels (16.26 Kg)
  1. Non-WFP Partner Operational Updates

REACH:REACH has completed the distribution of 414 Food and Hygiene vouchers (12,000 IQD for food vouchers following the same criteria and procedures of WFP and 5,000 IQD for hygiene kits)for Ba’adre villagesduring June Cycle. To be noted: The duration of REACH project is up to the end of December 2016.

ICRC: No update, since no ICRC rep was attending the last FSC.

IBC: IBC has finished the June cycle distribution, covering 2,000 householdsHH in Shekhan City Center. July cycle is planned to start soon.

Ministry of Displacement and Migration (MODM): MODM: No update, since no ICRC rep was attending the last FSC.

Ninawa Governorate:Ninawa governorate has distributed additional 51,885 FPs in all camps and non-camps as a part of allocated 300,000 food parcels for three governorates of KR.The distribution is blanket in which they will cover all IDP families in Dohuk and Ninawa Governorates.

Mission East:No update, since no ICRC rep was attending the last FSC.

OM:514 Syrian refugees HHs in Domiz 1 were covered for one cycle in July 2016 out of total three cycles as planned.


Gaps in Dohuk are as listed in the below table. FSC is trying with partners, BRHA and WFP to fill these gaps. In the current time, MoDM has responded to some gaps in some different areas of of Zakho, Batel, Sinone and Zumar as of June 2016.

Governorate / District / Location / Caseload #Fam / Partner to cover
Dohuk / Amedi / Sarsing/Qadish/Chamanke/Enishke / 2,300 / No
Dohuk / Shekhan / Shekhan Center / 500 / NO
Dohuk / Baadra / Baadra Center / 1,100 / No
  1. PDS distribution & stock availabilities :

PDS Office for AugustCycle will cover most of Duhok Governorate and Liberated areaswith distribution ofWheat flour 9 Kg, Sugar 2 Kg and Rice3 Kg which are planned tobe distributed to all Dohuk Governorate ,while Rice is distributed to four sectors in Dohuk governorate and supplementary process is ongoing from Baghdad to Dohuk Governorate. As for Oil PDS Office still waiting Baghdad to send it. It is worth mentioning that PDS has issued 4,200 new PDS-Cards to newly married HH of Ninawa governorate.

PDS Office has registered 102,250HH equal to 582,068Individuals who are living within Dohuk Governorate as of June 2016. As shown in the below table:

District / Families / Individuals
Dohuk / 22,020 / 117,838
Semel / 25,258 / 151,247
Amedi / 2,643 / 14,071
Zakho / 18,944 / 113,800
Shekhan / 10,951 / 61,252
Bardarash / 15,041 / 81,711
Akre / 6,933 / 37,159
Total / 101,764 / 577,078

Below is the registered families according to which governorate they come from:

Governorate / Families / Individuals
Anbar / 316 / 1,623
Babil / 9 / 44
Salahaddin / 168 / 803
Kirkuk / 12 / 42
Ninawa / 101,259 / 574,574
Total / 101,764 / 577,078

As for the Liberated area, the below is the last updated registration data;

Location / Families / Individuals
Fayde / 77,74 / 44,248
Shekhan / 12,876 / 69,542
Zilikan / 2,157 / 12,340
Telkif / 361 / 2006
Sinone / 2,921 / 20,127
Wanne / 4,610 / 25,709
Zummar / 14,370 / 85,581
Alqosh / 104,69 / 55,082
Iyathiya / 6,674 / 38,976
Telafar2 / 282 / 1,858
Hamdiyat / 861 / 5,554
Baashiqa / 427 / 2,792
Rabia’a / 11,913 / 73,779
Total / 75,695 / 43,7594

Action Point: UNHCR to inform PDS Office on coming of new arrivals to Dohuk, so that PDS to send their mobile teams to register them.

Attendance: (please update the list)

Name / Org. / Email / phone No
Hussien sabri alkadi / PDS Office / / 613154
Nabeel baker / ninawa gov. / nabeel_baker / 7701601027
Vishal Olleri / ZOA int. / / 7512218963
Yousif Manhal Hazim / Dorcas / / 7511397014
Adong Martha / OCHA / / 7511354244
Kamil Ismaeel / OCHA / / 7511352871
Jotya Saeed / IRW / / 7501616005
Maher Wahed Hassan / BCF /
Iihsan Dosky / IKL / / 7504505601
Ali Hassn / IKL / / 7504146684
Sarah Parkinson / Johns Hopkins U / / 7517433125
Amy Rebecca Marsico / CRS / / 7517582880
Seepal J. Sleman / BCF / / 7515019269
Muhamad Baqr / BCF / / 7515019317
Majed Gazem Rajeh / UNHCR / / 7704946381
Sarbast RAOUF / WFP / / 7809299931
Elrashid Hammad / WFP / / 7809150982
karwan nazar / BRHA / / 7503501007
Evan Peter Michael / Operation Mercy / / 7508285002
Alan Salman / WFP / / 7809150769