Department of English, Linguistics and Communication
Postgraduate Taught Programmes 2010/11
Electronic Coursework Submission Handbook
MA Translation
MA English Language
MA Language Teaching
Students on the MA Translation, MA English Language, or the MA Language Teaching must submit electronic coursework via the myUWE student portal. This handbook details the instructions and guidance for electronic submission of coursework via the myUWE student portal.
To begin with, you need to make sure that you have received your UWE Student ID Letter. This welcome letter contains your initial User ID and Password. You will need this to log on to a number of IT services, including the University portal myUWE and voting in the Students' Union elections.
If you have not received this letter, please contact the Postgraduate Taught Programmes’ Administration to request it at .
If you face problems when logging in, or any other IT problems, please contact the ITS Support Centre:
Email /In person
Monday - Thursday09:00 - 16:50 hrs
Friday09:00 - 16:20 hrs / room 1E07 on the Frenchay Campus
External Telephone Number
All day, every day including Bank Holidays and University Closure days, except for 8.00am to 8.30am ( 30 Minutes) each weekday. / 0117 328 3612
Internal Telephone Extension
All day, every day including Bank Holidays and University Closure days, except for 8.00am to 8.30am ( 30 Minutes) each weekday. / 123 or 83612
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Postgraduate Taught Programmes
Postgraduate Taught Programmes Electronic Coursework Submission Handbook – Table of Contents
Table of Contents
myUWE Student Portal
How do I access myUWE
Support/ Getting Started Guidance
Additional Guidance
Navigating the myUWE Student Portal-the Tabs
Submitting Electronic Coursework via myUWE
Specific Electronic Coursework Instructions
Acceptable Document Formats for Electronic Coursework
Module Name Abbreviations
Assignment Cover Sheet
Assignment Cover Sheet Form
Sample Assignment
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Postgraduate Taught Programmes
Postgraduate Taught Programmes Electronic Coursework Submission Handbook – the myUWE Student Portal
myUWE Student Portal
The myUWE student portal is the University's web portal where you go to register online (provisional registration only for postgraduate taught students during 2010/11).It is also the door to Blackboard, UWE Live Mail, your academic records, provisional coursework marks, and maintenance pages for your contact information:
The myUWE portal delivers a single point of entry to a full range of University services online. These include access to information such as academic records and personal details for students, and photosets for teaching activities for many staff. The portal initiative is a significant one for the University and we are committed to developing myUWE with new features.
myUWE is built on the uPortal open source framework. For further information about developments to myUWE, take a look at Completed developments.
How do I access myUWE
From inside UWE, either follow the link on the UWE intranet page, or type the word 'my' in the address field in your web browser.
From outside UWE, either follow the 'Log in' link on the UWE home page and then select the 'myUWE' option, or type into the address field in your web browser.
Support/ Getting Started Guidance
- You can contact the myUWE Support at :
- The myUWE Guidance, Getting Started’pages:
- The myUWE Guidance:
Additional Guidance
- Legal Issues: By logging into myUWE, you agree to a range of regulations.
- Announcements: Allows certain staff to communicate information to students.
- Bookmarks: You can save your favourite URLs in myUWE.
- News: This channel allows access to RSS news feeds.
- Zip files: How to use Zip files, what software you need, and how to download it.
- Technical test: Check to see if your computer is set up for myUWE.
- Looking for marks and results?: Information on what myUWE does and does not provide.
Navigating the myUWE Student Portal-the Tabs
When you log into your myUWE portal, you will notice a series of Tabs at the top as the following screen shot shows:
You can find additional tabs if you scroll down the screen, but they are not connected with the submission of electronic coursework. As you can see from the above screen shot, each of these tabs will have subtabs. Please click on them to view all of your records etc.
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Postgraduate Taught Programmes
Postgraduate Taught Programmes Electronic Coursework Submission Handbook – Submitting Electronic Coursework via the myUWE Student Portal
Submitting ElectronicCoursework via myUWE
In order to submit your coursework electronically or ‘upload’ it via your myUWE portal, please follow the steps listed below:
1 / Go to your myUWE portal (), and enter your User ID and password in order to log in:2 / Once you have logged into your myUWE portal, you will arrive at the below screen, click on the ‘Courses’tab:
3 / For students registered on Distance Learning Programmes,clicking on the Coursestab, brings up the below screen - click on the tab called ‘Coursework’:
* / For students registered on standard programmes, clicking on the Coursestab, brings up the below screen - click on the last subtab called ‘Coursework’:
/ For students registered on standard programmes, clicking on the on the ‘Coursework’ subtab will bring up this screen:
4 / For students registered on Distance Learning Programmes, clicking on the ‘Coursework’tab will bring up this screen, which will show if the student has any coursework to upload. If the student does not have any coursework to upload, the below screen, will say ‘you do not have any coursework to submit’:
This link lists the guidance notes on uploading coursework, Online Coursework Submission(
5 / If you do have coursework to submit showing in the ‘Coursework’tab, you will be able to see a table displaying Coursework items that are available to you, i.e. you will see the button called ‘Coursework Items’ for any coursework that you must upload for submission.
The below screen shows is a sample of the screen you could have on your record. Click on the ‘upload coursework’button and follow the instructions:
6 / Once you have clicked on the ‘upload Coursework’ button, the following prompts will appear:
- Student number verification
From here you may cancel by selecting ‘return to Coursework Items’ or carry on by selecting ‘Continue to Upload’. Please note that if you continue to the Coursework Submission page, your activities will be tracked from this point on and may be displayed to University staff. This is necessary for us to be able to confirm your upload attempt in the event of problems with your upload.
- Coursework Submission
Title: the name of the coursework item to be uploaded.
Description: a brief description of the work to be uploaded. This can also take the form of a set of instructions for the submission of work (e.g. please include photos with work).
Module: the code of the module that the coursework is for:
Submission Deadline: the deadline by which the coursework must be submitted.
Release date: the date from which you are able to upload the coursework online.
Closure date: the last date that this coursework item will be displayed in myUWE. Please note this is not the Submission Deadline.
You will be able to navigate to the file for submission by using the ‘Browse’ button and once located, upload the file by selecting the ‘Submit’ button.
Please note that by submitting coursework online you are giving your personal certification that the content of the coursework is your own work.
After successful submission a screen confirming receipt for the submission of the work item will be displayed
Please print this screen. You will also be sent an email to confirm successful submission-please keep this receipt for your records.
Note: you will be able to upload your coursework more than once before 14:00 on the deadline date; however, only the final submission will be downloaded.
All assessed Course-Work must be anonymised and should therefore, not be sent to the module tutor.
You must submit your work by the relevant submission date at 14:00. All electronically submitted coursework must be submitted via the myUWE Student Portal, by the relevant submission date at 14:00.
UWE Students are required to read the Academic Regulations and be aware of all the assessment requirements. If you encounter difficulties in meeting your deadlines, please contact the student advisers
You must complete a Cover-Sheet (a copy can be found at the end of this document) and insert it as the first page of your assignment document i.e. the cover sheet and your assignment must be submitted as one document (unless you are submitting a database). Your assignment will be rejected if you send the cover as a separate document.
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Postgraduate Taught Programmes
Postgraduate Taught Programmes Electronic Coursework Submission Handbook –Electronic Coursework Instructions
Specific Electronic Coursework Instructions
Thefollowing steps must to be followed in order for your coursework to be processed as efficiently as possible. Failure to do so will seriously affect acceptance of your Assignments/Coursework, and could result in your coursework being rejected.
Acceptable Document Formats for Electronic Coursework
The only acceptable Format for your assignment document will be MS Word 2007 with the file extension ‘.docx’. However, if you do not yet possess Office 2007 (MS Word 2007), you can send your files with the extension of ‘.doc’.
You must identify your work correctly by including your UWE student number in the top right-hand corner of your work.
The File name of your MS Word Assignment DocumentThe File Name of your MS Word Assignment Document should include:
Your student ID number
The Module Name Abbreviation
Coursework Number
Therefore, the Format should be as follows
Student ID Number-Module Abbreviation Coursework number.doc
Example:12345678-TF1.docfor the first item of coursework for French core translation for example, and 12345678-TF2.doc for the second item of coursework for French core translation and so forth.
Module Name Abbreviations
Module Abbreviations for MA Translation:
Module Code / Module Name / Module Name AbbreviationUPNQCR-15-M / Introduction to Critique / IC
UPLQCT-15-M / Critique of Translation - Arabic / CA
UPLQCN-15-M / Critique of Translation - French / CF
UPLQCP-15-M / Critique of Translation - German / CG
UPLQCQ-15-M / Critique of Translation - Spanish / CS
UPLQDF-15-M / Critique of Translation - Italian / CI
UPLQCS-30-M / Core Translation - Arabic / TA
UPLQCD-30-M / Core Translation - French / TF
UPLQCF-30-M / Core Translation - German / TG
UPLQCH-30-M / Core Translation - Spanish / TS
UPLQDE-30-M / Core Translation - Italian / TI
UPNQCK-30-M / Computer Assisted Translation (CAT) / CAT
UPNQCL-20-M / Corpus Based Specialized Translation Project (CBSTP) / CBSTP
UPNQC9-30-M / Text Linguistics / TL
UPNQC8-30-M / Theories of Translation / TH
UPLQD8-30-M / German/English Translation in a Social Context / GETS
UPLQDX-30-M / The Translator Entrepreneur / TENT
UPNQC7-30-M / Humour and Its Translation / HM
UPNQCB-60-M / Dissertation / DISS
Module Name Abbreviations for MA English Language:
Module Code / Module Name / Module Name AbbreviationUPLQDB-30-M / The Structure of English / SE
UPNQC9-30-M / Text Linguistics / TL
UPNQDA-30-M / Second Language Acquisition: Theories and Methods / SL
UPNQCM-30-M / Research Methods in Linguistics / RM
UPNQD9-60-M / The Dissertation / EDISS
Module Name Abbreviations for MA Language Teaching:
Module Code / Module Name / Module Name AbbreviationUPLQDT-30-M / Language Description / LD
UPLQDS-15-M / Intercultural Communication and Language Teaching / ICLT
UPNQCM-30-M / Research Methods in Linguistics / RM
UPLQDR-15-M / Language Teaching Methodologies / LTM
UPUQTJ-15-M / Language and Communication Project / LCP
UPNQDA-30-M / Second Language Acquisition / SL
UPLQDW-15-M / Technology Enhanced Language Teaching / TELT
UPLQDM-60-M / MA Language Teaching Dissertation / MALTD
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Postgraduate Taught Programmes
Postgraduate Taught Programmes Electronic Coursework Submission Handbook –Electronic Coursework Instructions
Assignment Cover Sheet
The form for this Cover sheet will be available at the end of this document.
Please note the following:
- You must copy and paste this Cover Sheet into your MS Word Document as the first page, and then complete it before submitting the entire assignment – this has to be saved and sent as one MS Word Documentin the above mentioned format. i.e. the cover sheet and your assignment must be submitted as one document (unless you are submitting a database).
Your assignment will be rejected if you send the cover as a separate document from your assignment.
- You must identify your work correctly by including your UWE student number in the top right-hand corner of your work.
- A Footer must be included in your assignment on every page:
Please include the below mentioned information in your footer, using the following format:
[Module code] [Module title], [page x of x] for example: UPXXXX-30-M Spanish Core Translation, page 1 of 10.
Assignment Cover Sheet Form
UWE StudentID Number
/ Department of English, Linguistics and Communication / Postgraduate Taught Distance Learning Assignment Cover SheetMark* / *This mark is provisional and subject to moderation and approval by the relevant examining board
Modular Programme – Assignment Cover Sheet
Please complete the form below (in CAPITAL LETTERS) and include it with your assignment when submitting it electronically via the Student Portal (myuwe). If you face difficulties or have any queries with regards to submitting your coursework please contact the Postgraduate Taught Programmes Office at .
Do not put your name on the assignment.
Student number (or numbers for group work)
Title of your award
Name of module
Module Code
Assignment title
Hand-in date
You will still have to submit your coursework via the Student Portal (myUWE).
In submitting this form with your work you make the following declaration:
*I/we declare that the coursework submitted is *my/our own work and has not (either in whole or in part) been submitted towards the award of any other qualification at UWE or elsewhere. *I/we have attributed/referenced all sources of information used during the completion of *my/our assignment, and *I/we are aware that failure to do so constitutes an assessment offence.
Marker’s comments (feedback):
Individual assignments should be completed by students working alone. Students submitting individual assignments that have been written with other students are committing an assessment offence.
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Postgraduate Taught Programmes
Postgraduate Taught Programmes Electronic Coursework Submission Handbook –Electronic Coursework Instructions
Sample Assignment
UWE StudentID Number
/ Department of English, Linguistics and Communication / Postgraduate Taught Distance Learning Assignment Cover SheetMark* / *This mark is provisional and subject to moderation and approval by the relevant examining board
Modular Programme – Assignment Cover Sheet
Please complete the form below (in CAPITAL LETTERS) and include it with your assignment when submitting it electronically via the Student Portal (myuwe). If you face difficulties or have any queries with regards to submitting your coursework please contact the Postgraduate Taught Programmes Office at .
Do not put your name on the assignment.
Student number (or numbers for group work) / 12345678
Title of your award / MA xxx
Name of module / xxxxxxxxxx
Module Code / xxxxxx-30-M
Assignment title / xxxxxxxxx
Hand-in date / e.g. 10 January 2010
You will still have to submit your coursework via the Student Portal (myUWE).
In submitting this form with your work you make the following declaration:
*I/we declare that the coursework submitted is *my/our own work and has not (either in whole or in part) been submitted towards the award of any other qualification at UWE or elsewhere. *I/we have attributed/referenced all sources of information used during the completion of *my/our assignment, and *I/we are aware that failure to do so constitutes an assessment offence.
Marker’s comments (feedback):
Individual assignments should be completed by students working alone. Students submitting individual assignments that have been written with other students are committing an assessment offence.
[Module code] [Module title], [page x of x] for example: UPXXXX-30-M Spanish Core Translation, page x of x .
UWE StudentID Number
Student’s assignment.
[Module code] [Module title], [page x of x] for example: UPXXXX-30-M Spanish Core Translation, page x of x .
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