Date:22nd & 23rd June 2015

Venue:Birla Auditorium, Jaipur


Hostedby:Jaipur Branch of CIRC of ICAI & Jaipur Branch of CICASA

Theme:“Broadening Horizons & Expanding Frontiers”

Monday, 22nd June 2015
(DAY 1)8.30amto9.30am / Registration & Breakfast
9.30amto10.30am / InauguralSession – Chief Guest
CA. ManojFadnis, President ICAI
Guest of Honour
CA. M Devaraja Reddy, Vice President ICAI
Name of Session Chairmen
10.30amto11.15pm / SpecialSession
“Interactionswith Chairman –BoardofStudies” / CA. V Murali
11.15am to 1.15pm / TechnicalSession- I : Companies Act 2013-
  1. Impact on Private Limited Company
  2. Accounting and Auditing Provisions under Companies Act
  3. Depreciation
/ CA. NileshVikamsey
Vice Chairman – Board of Studies
01.15pm to 02.15pm / LUNCH
2.15 pm – 4.15 pm / TechnicalSession- II : Service Tax
  1. Reverse Charge
  2. Abatement
  3. Negative List
/ CA. Atul Gupta
4.15 pm – 5.15 pm / TechnicalSession- III
Unleash the power within : Be an efficient Communicator / CA. C S Nanda
Tuesday, 23rd June 2015
(DAY 2)
10.00amto 11.45am / TechnicalSession- IV : Income Tax
  1. Capital Gain – Exemptions
  2. TDS – Consequence of non-compliance of provisions
  3. Cash Transactions under Income Tax Act
/ CA. B M Biyani
11.45amto 1.15pm / TechnicalSession- V : Accounting Standards
  1. Guidance Note on Application of Schedule II,
  2. A Guidance Note on treatment of Revaluation Reserves, AS 6 & AS 10
  3. AS 11
/ CA. Yagnesh Desai
1.15 pm - 2.15 pm / LUNCH
2.15pmto4.00pm / TechnicalSession- VI: Auditing Standards
  1. Risk Based Audit
  2. Fraud : Reporting Responsibilities
  3. Audit Sampling and Materiality
/ CA. AseemTrivedi
4.00pmto5.15pm / Special Session :
Motivational – its all about mind set / CA. Swapnil Kothari
5.15pmto6.00pm / ValedictorySession

StudentsarerequestedtogetregisterfortheConventionas per the following details:-

Regnfees / Rs.500/-PerStudent / For Accommodation details contact the branch
Paymentmode / Cash/DD/Cheque tobedrawninfavourof “Jaipur Branchof CIRCofICAI”,payable atJaipur


Mr. Manish Jain, Asst. Education Officer



; email: ;

Branch Telephone Nos; 0141-3044200 / 3044214 / 3044216 / 9667555065

Students are invited to contribute papers for presentation (1500 to 2000 words) for topics in Technical -Sessions and submit for approval a soft copy of the Paper at by 5th June 2015 and a hard copy of the same along with Student's Photograph (with his/her name on the back of the photograph), Registration Number, Course pursuing, complete postal address, Mobile, Landline numbers and e-mail ID be also sent to the Jaipur Branch of CIRC of ICAI at ICAI Bhawan, D-1 Institutional Area, JhalanaDoongari, Jaipur -302004 so as to reach on or before 8th June 2015.

Outstation Student Paper Presenters shall be reimbursed actual travelling expenses equivalent to 2 tier AC and DA @ 1500 per day for lodging etc.

CA. V. Murali
Convention Chairman & Chairman, Board of Studies, ICAI / CA. NileshVikamsey
Convention Co-Chairman & Vice-Chairman, Board of Studies, ICAI / CA. Vijay Garg
Convention Director & Central Council Member – ICAI
/ CA. ShyamLalAgarwal
Convention Director & Central Council Member – ICAI
CA. VipinGangwal
Convention Coordinator & Chairman ICAI Jaipur (CIRC)
Mob. 9672023777
/ CA. ShailendraAgarwal
Convention Coordinator & CICASA Chairman ICAI Jaipur (CIRC)
Mob. 9314412945
/ CA. Ram Manohar Gupta
Convention Coordinator &
Secretary ICAI Jaipur(CIRC)
Mob. 9414075310
CA. Manish Borad
Convention Co-Director CICASA Chairman CIRC
/ CA. C L Yadav
Convention Co-Director
Regional Council Member-CIRC
/ CA. Vivek Chatter
Convention Convenor
/ CA. Abhishek Sharma
Convention Convenor