Missouri Association of Sheltered Workshop Managers


April 6, 2012

Country Club Hotel, Lake Ozark, MO

I.CALL TO ORDER at 9:00 a.m. by MASWM President, Bob Koch (Washington) who welcomed those in attendance and asked all to join in the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance. After the Pledge, individual introductions were made by all in attendance.


Year 2011 / Year 2012
January / 67 workshops with guests,
managers and associates / 45 workshops with guests, managers and associates
April / 37 workshops with 18 guests / 41 workshops with 15 guests,
3 state employees, 1 associate and 2 others
no general membership
meeting / no general membership meeting
October / 55 workshops with 4 guests and associate members


Fulvio Franzi, Director, Extended Employment (E.E.) Sheltered Workshops;

Dan Gier - DESE Regional Field Technician

Bill Kaltenborn - DESE Regional Field Technician

Leslie Miles, Associate Member with A.J. Gallagher, Administrator for S.W.I.M.

II.MINUTES by Secretary Robert Engemann (Marthasville)

Minutes from the January 24, 2012 general membership meeting in Jefferson City were presented. A motion was made by Randy Hylton (Liberty), with a second by Stan Shurmantine (Independence) to accept the minutes as presented, motion passed.

III.TREASURER=S REPORT by Treasurer Dee Froneyberger (St. Louis County)

She discussed finances which showed total liabilities and equity at $24,944.19 as of March 31, 2012, with a checking account balance of $8,443.68 and a CD balance of $15,147.51. She also noted that two workshops were outstanding in their dues payments. A motion was made by Stan Shurmantine (Independence) and seconded by Randy Hylton(Liberty) to approve the treasurer’s report as presented. On a vote, this motion was approved.

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Randy Hylton reported that the Missouri Senate Appropriations Committee had met on 4/4/12 and

signed off on the $24.7 million budget amount for workshops. They discussed that this amount was approximately four weeks short for the fiscal year and thanked all members who had made calls to their Senators on the budget bill. Other bills reported were HB1887 relating to reserve funds and HB1902 which is the Missouri Set-aside legislation. He also noted that the FY2013 budget would be even tighter with an approximate $200 million shortfall.

On the federal level he reported on HR3086, relating to 14c, the Fair Wages for Workers legislation which is opposed by ACCES.

V.D.E.S.E. REPORT by DESE-EESW Director Fulvio Franzi (Jefferson City)

Mr. Franzi reported on the budget noting that it currently looks like there will be a shortfall of four weeks of non pay pending conditions that affect attendance.

Workshop Data reported:


Certified Workers7,0626,991-716,978-13

Full Time Equiv.5,8265,710-1165,794+84

Waiting List1,1681,239+711,259+20

This data indicates a definite trend of decline in both the actual numbers of workers and the FTE as well as an increase in the number of persons waiting for employment in the workshops.

DESE and SWIM are planning to coordinate Safety Training this summer and will also provide new manager training in May in Jefferson City.He reported that the Regional Field Technician position was posted on the DESE website and hopes to announce the name of the person hired by July1.

He discussed the workshop survey data noting that 58 shops responded out of a possible 91. The 58 respondents represent 4,352 certified workers or 62.4% of the March 2012 DESE census. There are also reportedly 2,360 certified and non certified workers on the waiting list.He also reported that the DNR grants were awarded to Boonville, Sedalia and Maryville workshops.


A.Legislative – Randy Hylton – see report above.

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B.Marketing Committee-- Randy Hylton (Liberty) reported that the summer newsletters were underway and he would be getting photos from the April meeting as well as Dr. Ronald Lankford’s presentation during the banquet to incorporate into the newsletter.

C.Training Committee B Aaron Martin (Grandview)reported that theOctober training would consist of a strategic planning update with industry specific training and advocacy training.

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D.MembershipB Dee Froneyberger (St. Louis County) reported that she had called 29 workshops to discuss attendance at the April meeting.

E.Conference Committee B Bob Koch, (Washington) The following dates were reported for upcoming programs:

Summer - No General Membership Meeting; Board Meeting TBA

October 8-10, 2012FALL MEETING

Radisson Hotel, Branson, MO

January 29-30, 2013WINTER MEETING

Location TBA, Jefferson City

F.MoDOT REPORT B Sandra Boeckman reported that billings were being sent to vendors on their anniversary date and that there had been a report that one vendor had installed his own machines. MoDOT is investigating this report. She also reported that MoDOT is trying to limit the number of bins for any one vendor.

G.MACDDS/Missouri Planning Council – Brent Blackwell(Carrollton) reported he recently attended the MPC meeting in Columbia and met the new Director, Steve Mason. MPC is planning another survey on school to work transition. He reported that MoHealthNet discussed individual accounts being swept by Dept. of Mental Health and these accounts being forced to spend money to maintain their Medicaid eligibility. He reported the following accounts that do no affect Medicaid eligibility were Medical Spending Account, Independent Living Account, Special Needs Trust and Federal Form 1619B.

Mr. Blackwell reported that he attended the Jefferson City meeting of the MACDDS where they reported that they had hired Les Wagner as their new Executive Director. Mr. Wagner will begin his new post on July 1. He noted that Bernie Simons with DMH spoke at their meeting on the 75% budget cuts from the House for the Lopez Waiver and the Partnership for Hope.


S.W.I.M.:Leslie Miles reported that the SWIM Annual Meeting would be held May 18 in Columbia at the Holiday Inn Select where their audited financials would be discussed as well as the self insured workers compensation fund. She reported a surplus of $180,000 that would be distributed to the SWIM members. She also reported on the Safety Seminars that would be held around the state in the summer sponsored by SWIM, DESE, AJ Gallagher and MASWM. These sessions will be two-days and cost for members would only be $20 which includes lunch. The seminars will be held in the St. Louis and Kansas City areas, Mid Missouri and the Southeast and Southwest.


Strategic Planning: The president discussed the various committees and their missions and noted that a RFP would be put together for the staff person. A motion was made by

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Ginger Williams (Sikeston) and seconded by Randy Hylton (Liberty) to proceed with the RFP and hire a staff person as soon as possible. This motion was approved by the membership.


2012 Budget: Dee Froneyberger presented the proposed 2013 budget making note of the strategic planning expenses that were not budgeted in 2012. She also reported on the plans for an audit in 2013 with a bid of $6,000. A motion was made by Nicki

Sampson and seconded by Eric Giebler to proceed with the audit in 2012 but to get another bid(s) for any subsequent audits. This motion was approved with one “no” vote. After further review of the proposed budget, a motion was made by Randy Hylton and seconded by Lon Little to approve the budget as presented. This motion was unanimously approved.


Motion to adjourn was made by Eric Giebler(Sullivan) and seconded by Randy Hylton (Liberty). Meeting adjourned at 10:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Sandra Boeckman and Bob Engemann

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