Vendor ModificationsBy John Kong
Three vendor modifications are required by UC Riverside:
· Vendor Classification Codes
· “Business Info Form on File” Y/N Flag
· Commodity Codes
Vendor Classification Codes
Vendor Classification Codes are currently used in UCRs 7.5 Release. The VAT_TXN_TYPE_CD field on the VENDOR_INVOICE record was used to associate these custom codes to vendors in Release 7.5. During the conversion to Release 8.8, the custom codes were converted to the VAT_VALUE_CHAR field on the VAT_DEFAULTS record where VAT_DRIVER_KEY2 field is the Vendor ID.
As a Post Upgrade step, these custom codes (A1, X2, etc.) will be moved from the Release 8.8 PS_VAT_DEFAULTS table to the VNDR_TYPE field of the PS_VNDR_RPT_ELEM table. To do this:
1. Modify the VNDR_TYPE field to be of length 2 (as delivered it is of length 1).
2. Add all the valid Classifications Codes (A1, X2, etc.) to the translate values of this field. Further, delete the existing, delivered classification codes. The valid Classifications codes can be found in the VAT_TXN_CD table in Release 8.8.
3. Run a SQL script to move the vendor classifications from PS_VAT_DEFAULTS to PS_VNDR_RPT_ELEM.
4. Truncate the VAT_TXN_CD table as this will no longer be the prompt table for the classification codes.
The Vendor Classifications will now reside in the Type of Contractor field of the Identifying Information Tab of the Vendor Add/Update pages.
“Business Info Form on File” Y/N Flag
UC Riverside will keep track of whether or not “Business Info Form on File”. The “Emerging Small Business” checkbox field on the Identifying Information Tab of the Vendor Add/Update pages will be used to keep track of this information.
A Label will be added for this field (EMERGING_SM_BUS) for “Business Info Form on File”. This label will be used on this page VNDR_ID1.
Commodity Codes
UC Riverside will utilize commodity codes defined by the website:
UCR will use the Std Industry Codes section of the Identifying Information tab of the Vendor Add/Update pages.
To do this:
1. Add a Translate Value (i.e., UCR) to the SIC_CD_QUAL field. This translate values will be used to identify UCRs commodity codes.
2. Use SQL to insert values into the PS_SIC_CODE_TBL for each commodity code. The layout of this record is:
SIC_CD_QUAL CHAR 3 (i.e., ‘UCR’)
Note: It appears that there is no way for users to add these values to the system through the application. Although a component exists (SIC_CODES), the component does not seem to be registered to any Menu or Content/Reference structure.