18TH MAY 2017 – 7.00 - 8.00 PM

Attendees: Glenn Smith (Chair), Mary Hammond (Treasurer), Carol Wheeler (Secretary), Mic Rafferty (Deputy Chair), Margaret David, Nick Hammond, Tudor Grenhow, Joy Jones, Huguette Tastenoy, Yvonne O’Keefe, Brendan O’Keefe, Shayne Price, James Evans

Apologies Received: Iorylle Aubrey, Edwin Slater

Also on Circulation list: Laura Jones, Cheryl Lloyd, Cheryl Hyde, Steve Butcher (PCC),

Village Notice Board, Velindre Village Hall Website


1. / Agree Accuracy of Previous Minutes – AGM 16th March 2017.
1.1 / Agreed.
2. / Discuss Actions Brought Forward from Previous Minutes
2.1 / Work estimate for an updated Electrical Testing Report to be obtained from Clive Keylock.
17/11. Waiting for contractor to provide a quote.
19/1. Glenn has again chased contractor with no response. Glenn has therefore asked another contractor to carry out the PAT testing. This will be done around the 30th of January.
18/5. Still awaiting contractor response. In the meantime Mary has asked for an electrical test for the whole building. The testing will now cover all once date agreed. / 21/7/16
2.2 / Gents toilet seat. New replacement not required as the old one has been repaired by Nick, but the cistern syphon is the wrong one so the lid doesn’t shut properly. It was agreed by all that we should purchase 3 new toilets asap. Glenn to obtain a quote.
17/11. Glenn has received a quote which all agreed should be accepted and work to go ahead.
19/1. Glenn advised that contractor is now asking for more money and Glenn is therefore negotiating a new quote with another party.
18/5. Only one toilet so far installed. Concerns about the delay and that space not used effectively. A simple solution space-wise is to box in pipes and re-hinge door to open outwards. Options discussed but agreed to see how things progress for now. / 15/9/16
2.3 / Glenn to contact Rob Lee with regard to putting a small roller shutter door on the hatch between kitchen and hall.
19/1. Glenn advised that is was thought the hatch opening was too small for a roller shutter door. It was suggested at the meeting that the opening could be covered by ordinary shutter doors. Glenn will see if he can find something suitable.
18/5. Glenn advised that Rob hadn’t responded but thought that it was unlikely doors small enough could be found. Tudor agreed to ask his son to make new doors. / 17/11/16 GLENN CLOSED
18/5/17 TUDOR
2.4 / Rounders Match/Tug of War – perhaps incorporated in a Family Fun Day. Glenn to organise.
18/5. On hold dependant on grass situation on field. The council are responsible for cutting this and since Shayne is cutting the grass at the top park Margaret was asked to enquire if the council would agree to cut the field in exchange. / 16/3/17 GLENN ONGOING
18/5/17 MARGARET
2.5 / CPR/First Aid Training. Mic will look into the viability of getting another defibrillator for the other end of the village and defibrillator maintenance. It was thought that CPR training should be every other year. Mic will also look into First Aid training.
18/5. Training: the defib initiator has agreed to carry out training – it was agreed a Saturday morning would be the best time – Mic to notify committee of suggested dates. It was also agreed a donation would be made for the trainer’s time/travel expenses. Maintenance: the kit is okay until 2022. Location of nearest defib: Ideally need one at the pub. Mic agreed to seek further advice/information. / 16/3/17 MIC ONGOING
2.6 / Bookcases to be set up in the bus shelter for Huguette and Dawn – Glenn agreed to do this asap.
18/5. Huguette is very happy with the new shelves and thanked Glenn and those who have donated books. There have been a lot of donations which have overloaded the shelves so the books will be alternated regularly. More books for small children are needed, particularly for the Hay Festival shuttle duration. Closed. / 16/3/17 GLENN
2.7 / Lottery Progression. Thought in theory to be a good idea. Mic has spoken to residents who want to be involved. Some committee members added that in the present planned form of implementation they would not wish to participate. Margaret explained the procedures relating to opening a bank account and the viability of using the current VHC account was discussed. The idea of selling raffle tickets at the pub with the owner’s agreement was better received as this would deal with cash only. Shayne agreed to get a price and sample. We do need to look at all options and also consider how much we want to raise. We would also need to reapply for an entertainments licence as our current certificate is not viable.
18/5. Shayne circulated details of lottery set-up, as run by the Rugby Club. We will progress once the legalities have been resolved. Then we need to find £240 to purchase 3,000 tickets, £100 to start off. Cash only basis agreed. A gambling licence is required and volunteers to sell tickets on a Friday night and for the draw on Sunday. Bigger the jackpot, the more money raised. A sub-committee will also be set up for the lottery. A letter box drop will be arranged to make residents aware with five numbers accompanying each drop for the first time. Mic agreed to progress the licence. / 16/3/17 SHAYNE ONGOING
18/5/17 MIC
2.8 / Easter Bingo. Mic agreed to produce posters – the committee asked for an Easter Bunny design.
18/5. Mic produced a great poster. The evening went well and £145 was cleared. / 16/3/17 MIC CLOSED
2.9 / Moss clearance. Margaret has written to Eric Johnson about power washing but received nothing positive back. The council is implementing many cost cuts across the region. Shayne advised he could get a road sweeper from work – we would need to cover cost of fuel and driver for the day but he would need to check insurance issues, movement of cars on the day etc.
18/5. Big sweep up completed Saturday 8th April. £425 was received in donations, of which £225 will go to the VHC account for more village maintenance, to include tidy up of the phone box. On the whole it was thought residents were happy with the result. The next step is to spray weedkiller on a monthly basis on the areas that were cleaned. Glenn to obtain best price. We may need a licence to spray weedkiller in public places. It was suggested that going forward, residents should “Adopt an Area” each to maintain. / 16/3/17 SHAYNE ONGOING
18/5/17 GLENN
2.10 / The height of the hedge along part of School Road is of concern. Glenn agreed to have a chat with the owner to see if something could be done.
18/5. Glenn continues to progress.
James also agreed to ask the Council to sort out the road signage. / 16/3/17 GLENN ONGOING
18/5/17 - JAMES
3. / Hall & Village Events Diary
3.1 / Previous Events Evaluation
-  Easter Bingo. Already discussed under 2.8.
3.2 / Forthcoming Events
-  Ping Pong Evenings – agreed every other Thursday – from 1st June at 7pm. Glenn has also been contacted by Glasbury ping pong club who are keen to set up a competition evening between themselves and Felindre. It was agreed that we would participate. We also agreed to take up the offer from Glasbury of a second ping pong table. It was noted that we do not want to pay an attendance fee.
-  Bobbing Balls in the Brook (Duck Race). Committee members were asked to think of a charity to make donations to.
-  Millionaires Quiz. Date TBC (not September).
-  Harvest Auction. C/f to next meeting. Discuss who we want to raise money for – suggestions were: Dial-a-Ride, part Air Ambulance. Glenn suggested a cooking competition – maybe bake-off.
-  Big Lunch (11th June)
-  Rounders Match/Tug of War (see 2.6 of these minutes). August Bank Holiday weekend. / 18/5/17 – ALL
18/5/17 – C/F TO NEXT MTG
3.3 / Future Hall Events Suggestions
3.4 / Hall Bookings
Mic provided a list of those events held, cancelled and future bookings.
It was agreed that a booking fee of £5 should be introduced for tentative bookings. To be incorporated into the VHC T&C. / 18/5/17 - MIC
4. / Reports - Chair & Treasurer
4.1 / Current account 1/1/17
As at 28th April / £3616.02
500.60 (inc £215 clean up
5. / Hall Publicity
5.1 / Nothing to discuss.
6. / Fund Raising Goals/Potential Activities to Meet Village Hall Running Costs
6.1 / Nothing to discuss.
7. / Hall Maintenance
-  Improvement Goals
-  Management of Hall Facilities
7.1 / Already discussed under other items in these minutes.
8. / Any Other Business
8.1 / Wednesday Walking Sessions advertising. Shayne, Dawn and Carol have started up Wednesday walking evenings aimed at getting the community together whilst we have the light evenings. Carol asked Mic if he would be happy to post details of future walks on the VHC website and Facebook, although she would be happy to be a guest administrator to upload the information if required. Mic kindly agreed to assist.
8.2 / Utilities Meters/New Coinage. Glenn/Nick to look into options of converting our current meters although it was accepted that we may need to purchase new. / 18/5/17 – GLENN/NICK
8.3 / Both Shayne and Geraint are undertaking voluntary mowing of grass in Felindre. Glenn asked if we should be reimbursing both for the cost of the petrol for the mowers. Shayne advised that he does not want any reimbursement. It was agreed that both should be rewarded with a bottle of their favourite tipple.
8.4 / Glenn has received a call requesting parking of two buses at the village hall car park on a day in July (changeover date in Cadarn). Currently awaiting more information but the committee agreed a charge should be made for the facilities.
8.5 / Carol raised an item on behalf of Cheryl Hyde. The community council have been approached by a company who would like to place a recycling unit at the hall for plastic film recycling. The committee voted against the unit – 5 to 4 - on the grounds that it would attract more rubbish.
8.6 / James Evans was welcomed to the meeting by Glenn and congratulated for his recent appointment to County Councillor. James encouraged everyone to let him know if they had any issues that he could take up on their behalf. He has been contacted re speed issues in the village and the possibility of speed bumps by the pub which is a bit of a blind area. James will look into the possibility of Powys speed counters. James also advised that he was keen that Felindre participate in the re-introduction of “Village of the Year”. / 18/5/17 JAMES
8.7 / Plant Exchange. Mic mentioned that he would be putting some plants in the bus shelter in exchange for donations.
9. / Date & Time of Next Meeting
20th July 2017 – 7.00 - 8.00pm
01497 842777).