Vegas PBS/Video IP Cable in the Classroom Overview

1. Getting Started

2. InStream Viewer in OnGuide Mode

3. Watching Your Channel Selection

4. Accessing the Viewing Options Menu

5. Ending Your Viewing Session

6. InStream Keyboard Shortcuts

1. Getting Started

Login to InterAct.

Double Click on the Cable in the Classroom button.

Once inside folder click on identical button again.

During your initial request to watch Cable in the Classroom (CIC), you will encounter various browser certificate messages for the PC, Mac OS X, and Linux platforms similar to the following:

Accepting the certificate allows you to receive the InStream viewer application necessary to watch the CIC services for which you are authorized.

Click Yes, Grant this session, or Grant always to accept the digital certificate. Clicking the Grant Always button or the Always trust? checkbox will minimize the occurrence of these warnings in the future. The InStream viewer launches to your desktop in OnGuide mode (see InStream Viewer in OnGuide Mode).

2. InStream Viewer in OnGuide Mode

The InStream viewer OnGuide interface contains several panels used for information display and a "Dashboard" used for selecting your IP video channel and settings as shown below. For more features, seeInStream Keyboard Shortcuts.

InStream Viewer Dashboard

The Dashboard displays the controls used during viewing. The channel logo in the red box shows the currently tuned channel.

Stopping/Starting the Selected Channel

InStream can be stopped from showing the selected stream by clicking the (Stop) button.
To resume viewing the selected stream, click the (Play) button.

Adjusting the Volume

Adjusting the volume is accomplished by clicking and dragging the volume slider or using the keyboard controls. [Ctrl + Right Arrow] increases the volume and [Ctrl + Left Arrow] decreases the volume. To Mute the audio, click the Speaker icon.
To un-MUTE, click the Speaker icon again. [Ctrl + M] toggles the Mute mode.

Selecting a Channel to View

There are two ways to select a channel to view:
  1. Channel selection buttons (highlighted above).
  2. OnGuide channel listings.

Channel Selection Buttons- To select a channel using the selection buttons, click the button or [Ctrl + Up Arrow] to tune the next channel up from the current tuned channel as referenced in the OnGuide channel list.

Click the button or [Ctrl + Down Arrow] to tune to the next channel down from the currently tuned channel as referenced in the OnGuide channel list. Pressing the button, located between the selection buttons, will retune the previously tuned channel.

InStream Information Display

Pressing on the Dashboard will display information about your current tuned IP video session, such as the InStream viewing mode, InStream version, and stream reception status.

OnGuide Channel List and Program Schedule

When in TV mode, click the button to access the OnGuide channel list and program schedule information display feature. The image below shows the various information panels presented by OnGuide.

To view the Program Guide for a channel, click once on the channel of interest. Use the slider control to scroll through the Program Guide for the channel. Click on a program title in the Program Guide to view a description of the program. Moving the cursor over another program title will show the description for that program.

3. Watching Your Channel Selection

To select a channel for viewing, double-click the channel name in the channel list. In OnGuide, the currently tuned channel is displayed in green text and the corresponding video shows in the Tuned Station Thumbnail; see InStream Viewer in OnGuide Mode.

Watching in "TV" Mode

To watch in TVmode, click the TV button on the Dashboard or WATCH TV inthe preview window to switch from the OnGuide mode to theTV mode.

Toggle Between Live TV and OnGuide Mode

  • In theTV mode, double-clicking on the video will switch to the OnGuide mode. In theOnGuide mode, double-clicking on the video will switch to theTV mode.
  • [Control + G] on Windows or [Command + G] on a Macintosh will toggle between theTV and OnGuide modes.
  • [Control + Right-click] displays a menu that allows you to switchbetween theOnGuide mode and the TV mode.

4. Accessing the Viewing Options Menu

Right-click on the player window (Macintosh users should hold down the [control] key, then click) to display the menu. This menu allows you to customize your viewing options, such as selecting a different viewing window size.

You may also resize yourviewing window by clicking on the green handle in the lower-right corner and dragging.OnWindows and Linux computers, position the mouse cursor over anycorner or sideof the viewing window, and when the mouse cursor changesto the "resizing" cursor,click and drag to resize.

InStream Keyboard Shortcuts
For the Macintosh, substitute the [Apple] key for the [Ctrl] key.
Feature / Short Cut / Feature / Short Cut
OnGuide/TV / <Ctrl<G> / Info Cycle / <Ctrl<I>
Channel Up / <Ctrl<Up Arrow> / Dashboard On /Off / <Ctrl<D>
Channel Down / <Ctrl<Down Arrow> / Minimize Screen / <Ctrl<0>
Volume Up / <Ctrl<Right Arrow> / Small Screen / <Ctrl<1>
Volume Down / <Ctrl<Left Arrow> / Medium Screen / <Ctrl<2>
Mute / <Ctrl<M> / Large Screen / <Ctrl<3>
Channel Jump / <Return/Enter> / Full Screen / <Alt<Enter>
Brightness Down / <F1> / Brightness Up / <F2>
Contrast Down / <F4> / Contrast Up / <F3>
Contrast/Brightness Reset / <F5> / Fixed Aspect On/Off / <Ctrl<A>
Closed Caption 1 On/Off / <Ctrl<H> / Thumbnail Toggle / <Ctrl<Q>
Closed Caption 3 On/Off / <Shift<Ctrl<H> / Stop/Pause / <Down Arrow>
Play / <Up Arrow> / Tune Channel Number / <000..999<Enter>
Sleep Timer (15/30/45/Off) / <Ctrl<S> / OnGuide Font Size / <Ctrl>Mouse Wheel
Program Description / <Ctrl<P> / Quit / <Ctrl<Q>