Vector Analysis
Summary of prerequisites (revision)
- A scalar quantity has magnitude only; a vector quantity has both magnitude and direction.
- The axes of reference, OX, OY, OZ, form a right-handed set. The symbols i, j, k denote unit vectors in the directions of OX, OY, OZ, respectively.
If then
- The direction cosines are the cosines of the angles between the vector r and the axes OX, OY, OZ, respectively. For any vector r = axi+ayj+azk
- Scalar Product (Dot Product)
where is the angle between A and B.
If A = axi+ayj+azk and B = bxi+byj+bzk then
- Vector product (Cross Product)
A x B = C =ABsinθn ; n is a unit vector in a direction perpendicular to A and B
- Angle between two vectors
For perpendicular vectors
For parallel vectors
a)If P is the point (3,2,6), determine r, , l, m, and n
b)If A = 2i+3j+4k and B = i2j+3k, find the direction cosines of each vector hence the angle between A and B
c)If A = 2i3j+4k and B = i+2j+5k, determineand verify
d)If A = 3i2j+4k and B = 2i3j5k, determineand verify
Triple Product of three vectors
Remembering that
We have
Example: If
Properties of scalar triple product
Since interchanging two rows in a determinant reverses the sign.
It can be shown
i.e the scalar triple product is unchanged by a cyclic change of the vectors involved.
i.e a change of vectors not in cyclic order, changes the sign of the scalar triple product
c) since two rows are identical
Coplanar vectors
Vector triple products of three vectors:
Take note that
It can be proved that:
Example: If
Equivalently using
Try these: Determine for
Differentiation of vectors
Many practical problems deal with vectors that change with time (independent scalar) e.g. velocity, acceleration etc. If A can be represented as
Differentiating with respect to t
In general if u is the independent scalar parameter
Example: A particle moves in space so that at time t its position is stated by:
Find the components of its velocity and acceleration in the direction of the vector when t = 1
At t = 1
A unit vector parallel to
The component of (velocity) in the direction of :
The component of (acceleration) in the direction of :
Differentiation of sums and products of vectors
If and then
Proof that and are perpendicular vectors.
If , then
If and
Unit tangent vectors
If a position vector in space, the direction of vector is parallel to the tangent to the curve at P.
the unit tangent vector
Example: Determine the unit tangent vector at point (2,4,7) for the curve with parametric equations
The point (2,4,7) corresponds to u = 1
The vector equation of the curve is:
Integration of vector functions
If where F, x, y, z are expressed as function of u
Example: If then
Example: If . Evaluate
Try yourself! : Determine where and
Scalar and vector fields
Grad (gradient of a scalar function) denoted by
If a scalar function (x,y,z), is continuously differentiable with respect to its variables x, y, z, throughout the region, the gradient of , written as or , is defined as the vector:
Where is called a vector differential operator and is denoted by (pronounced ‘del’ or sometimes ‘nabla’)
Example: If , determine at the point P(1,3,2)
Try these: If and , determine
Consider these:
Directional derivatives
is the projection of on the unit vector and is called the directional derivative of in the direction of . It gives the rates of change of with distance measured in the direction of .
will be a maximum when and have the same direction.
Since as when and are parallel.
Example: Find the directional derivative of the function at the point (1,2,1) in the direction of the vector
Try these:
a) Find the directional derivative ofat the point (1,1,2) in the direction of the vector
b) Find the direction from the point (1,1,0) which gives the greatest rate of increase of the function
Unit normal vectors
If , this relationship represents a surface in space, depending on the value ascribed to the constant.
is a vector perpendicular to the surface at P, in the direction of maximum rate of change of . The magnitude of the maximum rate of change is given by
Example: Find the unit normal vector to the surface at the point (1,3,1)
At (1,3,1)
The unit normal at (1,3,1) =
Collecting our results so far, we have, for a scalar function :
c) directional derivative
d) unit normal vector
Grad of sum and products of scalars
Div (divergence of a vector function) denoted by
The operator can be applied to a vector function to give the divergence of . If
Try these: Find for:
A vector for which at all points is called solenoid vector.
Curl (curl of a vector function) denoted by
.The curl operator , acts on vector and gives another vector.
Try these: Find for:
a) at the point (1,3,2) Ans:
b) at the point (2,0,3) Ans:
Summary of grad, div and curl
a)Grad operator acts on a scalar field to give a vector field (vector differential operator)
b)Div operator acts on a vector field to give a scalar field
c)Curl operator acts on a vector field to give a vector field
d)With scalar function
e)With a vector function
Revision exercise! If and determine for point P(1,1,2):
a) Ans:
b) unit normalAns:
c) Ans:
d) Ans:
Multiple operations
Example: If . Find
Try these:
a) If determine at the point (2,4,1)
b) If determine at the point (2,1,1)
Remember that grad, div and curl are operators that they must act on a scalar or vector as appropriate. They cannot exist alone.
Some interesting results but you have to prove it!