VCYB Board Meeting Minutes October 20, 2015

1. OPENING: Meeting called to order 7:05pm by Steve Padilla

2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Candice motioned to approve 9/8/15 minutes, second by Larry.


A. Reaction from incident: Steve, Erin, Michelle C. were all in contact w/ authorities. Outpour of great support from other leagues. Montalvo LL back to even out schedule. El Rio not back since that day.

B. Fall Ball: Having inter league scheduling problems-no shows, schedule changing. Limited snack bar by Michele R. doing great- has been able to cover all ump costs for the day.

4. TREASURY REPORT: No September report Candice hasn’t received much info. Requesting a fall ball report like Cindy’s from last year. Bank 35,000 Pizza Man Dans 113.00


A. Field Reassignment: Vote on purchasing take down/temporary fences & portable rubber for bronco. We will table this for next meeting again when more members present.


A. Fields: Jr announced after fall ball he is resigning due to new job. He cannot keep commitment too busy at work. Steve said Jr has fields looking beautiful. Jr had no help at field day, we need to set up a better system. Jr would still like to be involved in the score board project.

B. Snack Bar: Tina reported not returning to snack bar but will find a replacement. Tina & Sheila will meet to discuss & start pricing stuff. Erin working on ice machine & possible gofundme page. We need to get work done in there before Spring. Steve going to ask CJ if they want to redirect the scoreboard donation to the snack bar due to city hold up. Steve will check on price from Hydrex.

C. Equipment: We need to make another list for CJ before we lose that donation. Michele R volunteered to take list & handle this.

D. League Info: Need to review bylaws. Discuss raise of opt-out fee, scholarships, sponsorships, windbreaker & picture package. Need to start working on Spring registration.

E. Ways & Means: Michele R. has gotten 2 sponsorships so far.

7: ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 8:30pm by Steve . Next meeting is November 10th at the clubhouse at 7pm.