VCE Physics: A SAC task for Unit 3 Outcome 2
One possible assessment task for Unit 3 Outcome 3 is the explanation of the operation of a device.
Students work individually to research a device.
The teacher can supply a list of devices, students may suggest others. As much as possible, each student should have a unique device to research.
Some possibilities that relate to the electromagnetism include:
Prepared by Vicphysics Teachers' Network,
Bicycle dynamo
AC Generator
Induction motor
Electric telegraph
Three phase generator
DC Generator
Maglev trains
Magnetic damping
Tesla coil
Oudin coil
Prepared by Vicphysics Teachers' Network,
The task is to answer two questions about the device: what does it do? and how does it work?
Stage 1.
In the first session in class, the students are advised of their device. Given the number of devices listed above, students could research in pairs and report singly.
Each student uses a log book, either hard copy of electronic, to document their research, identifying precisely each source accessed and including the information gathered from that source and rating the value of the information as well as other comments by the student. The relevant dot points from the Outcome statement, see example over the page, can be supplied as a guide to the concepts they should limit themselves to, so they don't need to go beyond the course.
This task can be assisted by a table template for the student to record information from their research. Column headings might include: Title of source, access link, author, authority of author, key words and concepts, the extract itself, rating, etc
This stage should be a minimum of one session, but no more than three sessions.
At the end of this stage, the log book is handed in to the teacher, or in the case of an electronic log book, a print out is submitted.
Stage 2.
In another session the log books and print outs are handed back to the students. The students have 50 minutes to answer in writing the two questions above plus additional questions the teacher might like to include. The teacher may wish to give the students access to their text book. The log books can also be collected and contribute to the assessment. A word limit or a set number of lines on the page will discourage students from being excessive or going beyond the course.
Alternatively, if the class is small, the students could be assessed by an oral presentation to the class with or without powerpoint slides.
Assessment Rubric: Explaining the operation of a device
What does it do? / 1 / 2 / 3- Physics Terms
- Accuracy
How does it work? / 1 / 2 / 3
- Physics
- Coherence
- Completeness
Aspects of the Outcome statement that could be assessed:
- magnetic flux,
- generation of electromotive force, including AC voltage,
- production of DC voltage in DC generators and AC voltage in alternators,
- sinusoidal AC voltages with reference to frequency, period, amplitude, peak-to-peak voltage, peak-to-peak current and rms voltage,
- transformer action,
- supply of power across transmission lines,
- advantage of the use of AC power as a domestic power supply.
Other aspects of the Outcome can be assessed by another assessment task such as a Test.
Prepared by Vicphysics Teachers' Network,