VB Manager Job Description
The VB Manager’s job is to primarily oversee the day to day running of Treetops ABA provision. Currently there are90 pupils receiving ABA therapy and close to 100 members of staff in place to help support them.
Daily running of the ABA department
- To directly line manager all 100 staff, including the management of the deputy manager, board certified instructor, 9 class instructors, 9 senior tutors and over 80 1:1 tutors.
- To decide on staff allocations and where individual staff members will be based. To make termly changes to the staffing list and continuous changes when staff leave.
- To recruit new staff members by hosting taster sessions, before reading applications and shortlisting for interviews.
- To recruit new staff through interviews, by being part of the interview panel.
- To meet with staff throughout their probation period and conduct 3 months and 6 month reviews.
- To ensure that staff follow the schools codes of practice and discuss this in meetings in this has not taken place.
- To complete exit interviews when staff leave.
- To host regular weekly meetings with Deputy Manager, board certified instructor and class instructors.
- To host termly meetings with all ABA staff.
- To provide cover for absence staff daily by completing the cover board.
- To write and ensure that care plans are implemented for staff who have medical issues, to update these when needed.
- To complete risk assessments for staff and pupils. Including the implementation of pregnancy risk assessments and meetings for the whole school for the duration of a pregnancy.
- Occupational health referral forms, including implementation of any additional measures for supporting staff and phased return to work timetables.
- Management of the schools sickness and absence policy, formal return to work meetings.
- Staff members reference requests for additional jobs or after leaving treetops employment.
- Overall responsibility for making decisions with regards to ABA pupils programmes.
- Ongoing supervision of programme changes and target adaptations.
- Supervision of new targets selected for pupils programmes.
- Monitoring of IEP targets and achievements within this.
- Supervision of specific ABA assessment tools such as the AFLS, ABLLS, VB MAPP and Essential for living, to ensure that pupils are making the expected progress.
- To meet with board certified instructor and instructors individually in the implementation of the above assessments.
- Monitoring of instructor and senior training notes for staff, ensure quality and correct information being given.
- To supervise staff competencies and ensure that these are being carried out and that tutors are scoring at a satisfactory level.
- To ensure that pupils are continuing to make expected progress by monitoring termly progress for each pupil and comparing this to the previous terms data collected.
- To oversee the writing and implementation of any behaviour reduction plan.
- To monitor all ABA departments problem behaviour for pupils by looking at collected data for each class.
- To observe and agree any changes to behaviour reduction plans, including the management and supervision of any physical intervention.
- To observe in classes and provide direct work with pupils where necessary, advising on programmes and behaviour reduction.
- Meetings with parents as requested, regarding any concerns with their child.
- Supervising termly parent consultation evenings.
- Dealing with parental complaints informally and formally, and meeting with parents upon request with regards to this.
- Attending child protection and child in need meetings when needed and providing information when requested on pupils.
- Liaising regularly with external consultants and setting up regular supervision sessions.
- Parental show rounds and visits.
- Input and advice on staff appraisal targets for instructors.
- Decisions for staff’s performance related increments.
- Liaise with other professionals externally with regards to the ABA service and individual pupils. Provide information and reports as requested.
- To support staff in the writing and delivery of the EHCP’s
- To regularly attend middle management meetings to ensure that information is collated and fed back to instructors.
- To regularly liaise with the head teacher and ABA senior line manager.
- To authorise any expense on the ABA budget.