Guest Permission Slip

Neon Dance Party

Friday, April 22, 2016

7:30 – 9:30 p.m.

All students bringing a non-NDP student must complete this form BEFORE they purchase a danceticket for a guest. The Neon Dance Party is limited to high school students and guests under the age of 21. This completed form must be returned to the Student Activities Office by Thursday afternoon, April 21, 2016. Incomplete or late forms will NOT be accepted. No Exceptions. Outside guests need to follow the same dress requirements as NDP students attending. Please refer to the dance policy and dress code sheet (provided with the sale of each ticket) for further details. All students and guests must present a picture ID to get into the dance.

NDP Student Name:______

NDP Student Grade:______

Name of Parent/Guardian:______

Home Phone Number:______

Cell Phone Number: ______

(# you can be reached at on the night of the dance)

Guest is a High School Student: A copy of his/her high school ID must be attached.

Guest Name:______

Guest’s Complete Address:______


Parent/Guardian Phone #:______

High School Guest Attends:______

Name of School Administrator:______

Signature of Administrator:______

School Phone Number:______

Guest is no longer a high school student, but is under the age of 21. A copy of his/her driver’s license must be attached. College ID’s will not be accepted.

Guest Name: ______

Guest’s Complete Address: ______


College Attending: ______

Place of Employment: ______


By signing this letter, I agree that I am responsible for my guest at the dance and that if my guest does not comply with the rules stated in the NDP handbook, I will also be held accountable and face disciplinary action.

Signature of NDP Student:______

Signature of Parent/Guardian: ______

Signature of Guest Student:______

Signature of Guest’s Parent/

Guardian( if in high school):______



THURSDAY, April 21, 2016

3:00 P.M.

Neon DanceParty Dress Policy

Girls and Guys:

  1. Shorts are allowed for all, but must have an inseam of AT LEAST 3 inches. No short-shorts or spandex allowed. No leggings or yoga pants may be worn to school or school functions.
  2. Jeans may be worn.
  3. All shirts must be school appropriate; tank tops must have at least one-inch straps; halter tops or off –the-shoulder tops are not permitted. Cami’s must be worn underneath shirts with large cut-outs (bandeaus may not be worn).
  4. Tennis shoes and closed toe shoes only, please. No sandals or flip-flops allowed.
  • Clothes and shoes will get water-based fluorescent and neon paint on them! Don’t wear it if you don’t want it stained with paint!

Note for all students and guests in attendance:

  • Visible tattoos and body piercings are not permitted at school events.
  • The Administration reserves the right to make the final decision regarding appropriateness of attire. Students not properly attired will be asked to change and may not be permitted to enter the dance. See Dean Hess or Mrs. Beers ahead of time if you have any questions about the dress code.