Vascular Plant List
Cady Mountain
Cady Mountain. San Juan County, WA. List covers plants found on the Pence Cady Mountain property, located about four miles west of Friday Harbor on San Juan Island. List by Louisa Nishitani, summer 2004. 192 spp.
These lists represent the work of different WNPS members over the years. Their accuracy has not been verified by the Washington Native Plant Society. We offer these lists to individuals as a tool to enhance the enjoyment and study of native plants.
* - IntroducedScientific Name / Common Name / Family Name
Abies grandis / Grand fir / Pinaceae
Acer circinatum / Vine maple / Aceraceae
Acer glabrum / Douglas maple / Aceraceae
Acer macrophyllum / Big-leaf maple / Aceraceae
Achillea millefolium / Yarrow / Asteraceae
Adenocaulon bicolor / Pathfinder / Asteraceae
Agoseris grandiflora / Large-flowered agoseris / Asteraceae
Agropyron repens* / Quack grass / Poaceae
Agrostis microphylla / Small-leaved bentgrass / Poaceae
Agrostis pallens / Dune bentgrass / Poaceae
Agrostis stolonifera* / Creeping bentgrass / Poaceae
Agrostis tenuis* / Colonial bentgrass / Poaceae
Aira praecox* / Early hairgrass / Poaceae
Allium acuminatum / Taper-tip onion / Liliaceae
Alopecurus aequalis / Short-awned foxtail / Poaceae
Amelanchier alnifolia / Serviceberry / Rosaceae
Amsinckia menziesii / Menzies' fiddleneck / Boraginaceae
Anaphalis margaritacea / Pearly everlasting / Asteraceae
Anthoxanthum odoratum* / Sweet vernalgrass / Poaceae
Arbutus menziesii / Pacific madrone / Ericaceae
Arrhenatheram elatius* / Oat-grass / Poaceae
Artemisia sp. / Wormwood / Asteraceae
Athyrium filix-femina / Lady fern / Polypodiaceae
Berberis aquifolium / Tall Oregongrape / Berberidaceae
Berberis nervosa / Cascade Oregongrape / Berberidaceae
Brassica nigra* / Black mustard / Brassicaceae
Brodiaea coronaria / Harvest brodiaea / Liliaceae
Brodiaea howellii / Howell's brodiaea / Liliaceae
Brodiaea hyacinthina / Hyacinth brodiaea / Liliaceae
Bromus inermis* / Smooth brome / Poaceae
Bromus mollis* / Soft brome / Poaceae
Bromus pacificus / Pacific brome / Poaceae
Bromus sitchensis / Alaska brome / Poaceae
Bromus sterilis* / Barren brome / Poaceae
Bromus tectorum* / Cheat grass / Poaceae
Camassia leichtlinii / Great camas / Liliaceae
Camassia quamash / Common camas / Liliaceae
Cardamine oligosperma / Little Western bittercress / Brassicaceae
Cardamine pensylvanica / Pennsylvania bittercress / Brassicaceae
Carex deweyana / Dewey's sedge / Cyperaceae
Carex inops / Long-stoloned sedge / Cyperaceae
Carex tumulicola / Foothill sedge / Cyperaceae
Centaurium umbellatum* / Common centaury / Gentianaceae
Cerastium arvense / Field chickweed / Caryophyllaceae
Cerastium vulgatum* / Mouse-ear chickweed / Caryophyllaceae
Chrysanthemum leucanthemum* / Ox-eye daisy / Asteraceae
Circaea alpina / Enchanter's nightshade / Onagraceae
Cirsium arvense* / Canada thistle / Asteraceae
Cirsium brevistylum / Indian thistle / Asteraceae
Cirsium vulgare* / Bull thistle / Asteraceae
Collinsia parviflora / Small-flowered blue-eyed Mary / Scrophulariaceae
Corallorhiza maculata / Spotted coral-root / Orchidaceae
Corallorhiza striata / Striped coral-root / Orchidaceae
Crataegus monogyna* / English hawthorn / Rosaceae
Crepis capillaris* / Smooth hawksbeard / Asteraceae
Crepis nicaeensis* / French hawksbeard / Asteraceae
Cystopteris fragilis / Fragile fern / Polypodiaceae
Cytisus scoparius* / Scot's broom / Fabaceae
Dactylis glomerata* / Orchard grass / Poaceae
Danthonia californica / California oatgrass / Poaceae
Daucus carota* / Queen Anne's lace / Apiaceae
Dodecatheon hendersonii / Broad-leaf shooting star / Primulaceae
Draba verna / Spring whitlow-grass / Brassicaceae
Elymus glaucus / Western ryegrass / Poaceae
Epilobium angustifolium / Fireweed / Onagraceae
Epilobium minutum / Small-flowered willow-herb / Onagraceae
Epilobium paniculatum / Tall annual willow-herb / Onagraceae
Epipactis helleborine* / European helliborine / Orchidaceae
Erodium cicutarium* / Filaree / Geraniaceae
Erythronium oregonum / Giant fawn-lily / Liliaceae
Festuca bromoides* / Barren fescue / Poaceae
Festuca elatior* / Meadow ryegrass / Poaceae
Festuca myuros* / Rat-tail fescue / Poaceae
Festuca occidentalis / Western fescue / Poaceae
Festuca rubra / Red fescue / Poaceae
Festuca subulata / Bearded fescue / Poaceae
Fragaria vesca / Wild strawberry / Rosaceae
Fragaria virginiana / Woods strawberry / Rosaceae
Fritillaria lanceolata / Chocolate lily / Liliaceae
Galium aparine / Cleavers / Rubiaceae
Geranium bicknellii / Bicknell's geranium / Geraniaceae
Geranium molle* / Dovefoot geranium / Geraniaceae
Geranium robertianum* / Stinky Bob / Geraniaceae
Geum macrophyllum / Large-leaved avens / Rosaceae
Habenaria elegans / Elegant rein-orchid / Orchidaceae
Heuchera micrantha / Small-flowered alumroot / Saxifragaceae
Holcus lanatus* / Common velvet grass / Poaceae
Holodiscus discolor / Ocean spray / Rosaceae
Hypericum perforatum* / Klamath weed / Hypericaceae
Hypochaeris glabra* / Smooth cat's-ear / Asteraceae
Hypochaeris radicata* / Hairy cat's-ear / Asteraceae
Ilex aquifolium* / English holly / Aquifoliaceae
Juncus balticus / Baltic rush / Juncaceae
Juncus effusus / Soft rush / Juncaceae
Juniperus scopulorum / Rocky Mountain juniper / Cupressaceae
Lactuca muralis* / Wall lettuce / Asteraceae
Lathyrus nevadensis / Nuttall's peavine / Fabaceae
Lithophragma glabrum / Smooth woodland-star / Saxifragaceae
Lithophragma parviflorum / Small-flowered prairie-star / Saxifragaceae
Lolium multiflorum* / Italian ryegrass / Poaceae
Lonicera ciliosa / Orange honeysuckle / Caprifoliaceae
Lonicera hispidula / California honeysuckle / Caprifoliaceae
Lotus denticulatus / Meadow lotus / Fabaceae
Lotus micranthus / Miniature lotus / Fabaceae
Lupinus bicolor / Two-color lupine / Fabaceae
Luzula multiflora / Common woodrush / Juncaceae
Melica subulata / Alaska onion-grass / Poaceae
Mimulus alsinoides / Chickweed monkey-flower / Scrophulariaceae
Mimulus guttatus / Common monkey-flower / Scrophulariaceae
Montia linearis / Narrow-leaf montia / Portulacaceae
Montia perfoliata / Miner's lettuce / Portulacaceae
Montia sibirica / Candyflower / Portulacaceae
Myosotis discolor* / Yellow & blue forget-me-not / Boraginaceae
Nemophila parviflora / Small-flowered nemophila / Hydrophyllaceae
Nepeta cataria* / Catnip / Lamiaceae
Oemleria cerasiformus / Indian plum / Rosaceae
Osmorhiza chilensis / Mountain sweet-cicely / Apiaceae
Parentucellia viscosa* / Yellow parentucellia / Scrophulariaceae
Perideridia gairdneri / Gairdner's yampah / Apiaceae
Philadelphus lewisii / Mock-orange / Hydrangeaceae
Pinus contorta / Lodgepole pine / Pinaceae
Pityrogramma triangularis / Gold-back fern / Polypodiaceae
Plantago lanceolata* / English plantain / Plantaginaceae
Plantago major* / Common plantain / Plantaginaceae
Poa annua* / Annual bluegrass / Poaceae
Poa pratensis* / Kentucky bluegrass / Poaceae
Poa scabrella / Pine bluegrass / Poaceae
Polygonum sp. / Smartweed / Polygonaceae
Polypodium glycyrrhiza / Licorice fern / Polypodiaceae
Polystichum munitum / Western sword fern / Polypodiaceae
Prunus avium* / Sweet cherry / Rosaceae
Pseudotsuga menziesii / Douglas fir / Pinaceae
Psoralea physodes / California-tea / Fabaceae
Pteridium aquilinum / Bracken / Polypodiaceae
Pyrus fusca / Pacific crabapple / Rosaceae
Quercus garryana / Oregon white oak / Fagaceae
Ranunculus occidentalis / Western buttercup / Ranunculaceae
Ribes divaricatum / Coast black gooseberry / Grossulariaceae
Ribes lacustre / Prickly currant / Grossulariaceae
Ribes sanguineum / Red-flowered currant / Grossulariaceae
Rosa gymnocarpa / Baldhip rose / Rosaceae
Rosa nutkana / Nootka rose / Rosaceae
Rubus discolor* / Himalayan blackberry / Rosaceae
Rubus laciniatus* / Evergreen blackberry / Rosaceae
Rubus leucodermis / Blackcap / Rosaceae
Rubus spectabilis / Salmonberry / Rosaceae
Rubus ursinus / Wild blackberry / Rosaceae
Rumex acetosella* / Sheep sorrel / Polygonaceae
Sambucus racemosa / Red elderberry / Caprifoliaceae
Sanicula bipinnatifida / Purple sanicle / Apiaceae
Sanicula crassicaulis / Pacific sanicle / Apiaceae
Satureja douglasii / Yerba buena / Lamiaceae
Saxifraga integrifolia / Grassland saxifrage / Saxifragaceae
Selaginella wallacei / Wallace's selaginella / Selaginellaceae
Senecio jacobaea* / Tansy ragwort / Asteraceae
Senecio vulgaris* / Common groundsel / Asteraceae
Sherardia arvensis* / Blue field-madder / Rubiaceae
Sisyrinchium angustifolium / Blue-eyed grass / Iridaceae
Sonchus asper* / Prickly sowthistle / Asteraceae
Sonchus oleraceus* / Common sowthistle / Asteraceae
Sorbus aucuparia* / European mountain-ash / Rosaceae
Stachys cooleyae / Cooley's hedge-nettle / Lamiaceae
Stellaria media* / Common chickweed / Caryophyllaceae
Symphoricarpos albus / Common snowberry / Caprifoliaceae
Taraxacum officinale* / Common dandelion / Asteraceae
Teesdalia nudicaulis* / Teesdalia / Brassicaceae
Tellima grandiflora / Fringecup / Saxifragaceae
Thuja plicata / Western red cedar / Cupressaceae
Tiarella trifoliata / Foamflower / Saxifragaceae
Tragopogon dubius* / Oysterplant / Asteraceae
Tragopogon pratensis* / Meadow salsify / Asteraceae
Trientalis latifolia / Broadleaved starflower / Primulaceae
Trifolium dubium* / Least hop clover / Fabaceae
Trifolium microcephalum / Woolly clover / Fabaceae
Trifolium microdon / Valparaiso clover / Fabaceae
Trifolium pratense* / Red clover / Fabaceae
Trifolium repens* / White clover / Fabaceae
Trifolium tridentatum / Tomcat clover / Fabaceae
Trifolium variegatum / White-tip clover / Fabaceae
Triodanis perfoliata / Venus' looking-glass / Campanulaceae
Urtica dioica / Stinging nettle / Urticaceae
Verbascum thapsus* / Common mullein / Scrophulariaceae
Veronica arvensis* / Field veronica / Scrophulariaceae
Veronica officinalis* / Common speedwell / Scrophulariaceae
Veronica serpyllifolia / Thyme-leaf speedwell / Scrophulariaceae
Vicia americana / American vetch / Fabaceae
Vicia hirsuta* / Tiny vetch / Fabaceae
Vicia sativa* / Common vetch / Fabaceae
Viola adunca / Early blue violet / Violaceae
Viola howellii / Howell's violet / Violaceae
Vitis vinifera* / Wine grape / Vitaceae
Zigadenus venenosus / Meadow death-camas / Liliaceae
WNPS plant Lists
Cady Mountain, San Juan County, WA
Created on 4/23/2005 10:09 AM
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