

Your grade is dependent upon the following items:

ANNOUNCED TESTS: You will be given a major test at least once every three weeks. These tests will constitute a majorportion (approximately 65%-70%) of your grade. If you are absent and miss a test, you must make arrangements for a make-up exam before or after school. School policy dictates the number of days you have available to complete the exam (see ILLNESS below).

Corrected tests will be returned to students during a class period for review. The tests will be re-collected and stored in the classroom. Students can look at their tests at any time but will not be able to take them out of the classroom. Please make arrangements with your teacher.

QUIZZES: These are based on your homework and may occur at any time and may be announced or unannounced.

HOMEWORK:(approximately10% of grade)The purpose of homework is to practice skills learned in class, to provide an opportunity for self-assessment, and for review of concepts prior to a test or quiz. You will be assigned homework most days.Your homework must be completed in pencil. (All homework must be done in pencil and all work must be included.) Math is not a spectator sport! Homework is essentialif you wish to succeed in math. Allocation for late work will depend on the reason for why the assignment is being turned in late and will not be tolerated as a habit. Exceptions will be made for extenuating circumstances.

NOTEBOOK: A bound notebook for class notes is required everyday as well as loose leaf binder paper for homework and graph paper for graphing. Keep all returned assignments and quizzes in a folder or binder that will be brought to class every day.

LABS: You will be asked to participate in group labs or investigations. These labsmay require data collection in-class and processing of the data at home in addition to the homework.

ATTENDANCE It is extremely difficult to learn math if you are not in class. Regular attendance and class participation are major steps toward the mastery of math.

ABSENCE: If you are absent,you have time equal to your days absent to complete all make-up work. However, it is to your advantage to keep up with the class if you are absent. Teachers have their assignments on their web page.

SUSPENSION: If you are suspended, you are responsible to find out about missed class work and homework. All homework and classwork is due the day you return to school. You are expected to make up all tests and quizzes either the day you return or the following day. You are responsible for scheduling the makeup test time with your teacher.

PLEASE NOTE:For absences that are known in advance (sports release, field trips, etc.) you should make every effort to turn in work prior to the absence. If is not turned in before you leave it is expected to be turned in the next day. If these absences happen to fall on a day when a test is given, that test must be taken before the absence. Please make plans with your teacher accordingly.

Help/Tutor Availability

Student needs to be proactive in seeking help during class and outside of class. Know when your teacher is

available during the day. Tutoring will be available in the HUB before school, during their Gael Period, during

lunch and after school.


It is the intent of each teacher in the mathematics department to help you achieve math proficiency. Meeting this goal requires your best efforts. Please come to class prepared to work and bring the materials that your teacher requires. Courtesy and respect are to be shown to each other at all times.


A calculator is required in all Algebra 2, Trigonometry, Pre-Calculus, Statistics, and AP Calculus courses.We recommend a graphing calculator for all of the aforementioned courses. The TI-84 Plus or the TI-84 Plus Silver Edition is our graphing calculators of choice. If you use calculators in an inappropriate way, such as playing games during class or writing inappropriate material, you will lose the right to use a graphing calculator in the classroom for the rest of the year. We have engraving tools that you may use to clearly mark your calculator.


The publishers of the math textbooks provide student online tools. These tools include practice tests, practice quizzes, additional practice problems and additional chapter/section explanations which can be used by absent or struggling students. The web address and instructions for accessing these tools are included on your teacher’s web page.

Code of conduct

Please be conversant with the school discipline policy as the math staff strictly supports, adheres to, and enforces this policy.


The math department and its teachers support and follow the homework and grading policy approved by the DublinUnifiedSchool District’s board and DublinHigh School.


It is important to note that most four year colleges only recognize grades of C or better on a high school transcript. If you earna D in a math class and plan to attend a four year college you should see your counselor for advice on how to re-enroll in the class to improve your grade.


Each math teacher posts student grades on Infinite Campus. Grades are normally posted after each chapter test. All students have access to their grades. Parents can check using their student’s account.

Note to student: Please print page 2, sign this and have your parent/guardian sign it. Keep this information sheet in your notebook.

Note to parents: If you wish to discuss your child’s progress with me, you may email me at

or call me at x7014 and leave a message. Your call will be returned as soon as possible. Please sign this document and have your child return it to me.

Thank you,

Katharine Sievers

Student (Print) ______Period ______

Student (Signature) ______

Parent (Signature)______Date______

The best way to reach me is:______