NB: all names and contact details have been redacted and replaced with “[name of organisation] OFFICIAL” because these details are incidental to the Freedom of Information request made.
Westminster City Council
City Hall
64 Victoria street
22 December 2008
Variation to ContactPoint CMS enablement Grant
Further to the offer of grant made in early 2008, we have decided to make a change to the milestone payment schedule. The payment percentages for Stages 4 and 5 were set in June 2007 based upon our understanding of the effort involved in each stage at that time. Recent experiences from the Interim Test Environment now suggest that the balance of effort tends to be more towards Type accreditation.
As a result we have decided to combine the Stage 4 (Type accreditation) and Stage 5 (Instance accreditation) payments into a singlepayment on successful Type Accreditation. The paragraph below now replaces paragraph 12 of the original grant letter:
“The grant allocation will be paid in four instalments: more detailed information on deliverables required for each stage is presented in the modified Table 1 below. The stage payments are as follows:
- Stage 1 – Project Initiation (15% of the total grant allocation);
- Stage 2 – Design (15% of the total grant allocation);
- Stage 3 - Development and Testing (40% of the total grant allocation);
- Stage 4 – Type Accreditation (30% of the total grant allocation) “
For planning and reporting purposes, Stages 4 and 5 remain.
Table 1 in Appendix A of the original grant letter is replaced as per Annex A.i of this letter.
Annex C has been amended as per Annex C.i of this letter.
As Lead Organisation it is your decision whether to make a combined payment to your supplier on Type accreditation or retain monies to incentivise their support for Instance accreditation.
Please sign and return a copy of this variation letter to indicate your acceptance of this change.
Yours sincerely
Director, IISaM Programme
Lead Organisation authorised signatorySignature
Name (please print) / WCC OFFICIAL
Position in organisation / Strategic Director for Children & Young People
Date / 4 February 2009
Annex A.i
Table 1 – End Stage Deliverables
Milestone / Milestone description (from SoR) / End Stage DeliverablesStage 1
(Payment milestone) / Initiation - Completion of a Project Initiation Document (PID) (acceptable to the Department) including a detailed project plan of the design of CMS enablement proposed by the Lead Organisation / Electronically signed Annex C
Project Initiation Document (a suitable template will be made available by the Department) – electronically signed by the designated SRO for the LO and the Supplier.
Return of the grant letter and signed Annex A.
Detailed Project Plan in Microsoft Project 2003 format including key project milestones as presented in Section 2.8.1 of the PID template.
Decision Point / The Department's written approval to continue to the next stage.
Stage 2
(Payment milestone) / Design - Design of the CMS enablement by the Supplier (signed off by Lead Organisation) / Electronically signed Annex C.
Confirmation that the Lead Organisation has accepted the design for the ContactPoint-enabled CMS - (an example acceptance certificate is presented in Annex D).
Confirmation that there is a signed contract in place between the Lead Organisation and Supplier (an example is presented in Annex D).
Decision Point / The Department's written approval to continue to the next stage.
Stage 3
(Payment milestone) / Development and testing - Completed development and successful testing of CMS adaptations by the Lead Organisation. / Electronically signed Annex C.
Confirmation that the Lead Organisation has accepted that the ContactPoint-enabled CMS has been tested to their satisfaction - (an example is presented in Annex D).
Confirmation that the Lead Organisation has accepted the updated user instructions / manual - (an example is presented in Annex D).
Decision Point / The Department's written approval to continue to the next stage.
Stage 4
(Payment milestone) / Type Accreditation - Successful Type accreditation(approved by the Lead Organisation). / Electronically signed Annex C.
Evidence recorded on LARA that successful Type Accreditation has been achieved by the Supplier.
Evidence recorded that first Instance Accreditation has been planned.
Decision Point / The Department's written approval to continue to the next stage.
Stage 5 / Instance Accreditation - Successful Instance accreditation (approved by the Lead Organisation/Sponsor). / Evidence recorded on LARA that successful firstInstance Accreditation has been achieved
Project Closure Report including lessons learned.
Decision Point / The Department's written approval of project closure.
Annex C.i
This claim form should be electronically signed by an authorised officer of the Lead Organisation and returned by email to the named Sector lead at the Department along with electronic copies of all applicable deliverables. Payment will be made by the Department within 30 days of the receipt of a satisfactory grant claim form and supporting deliverables.
Amount of claim
Name of Lead organisationClaim for Stage (1,2,3 or 4)
Amount claimed for this stage / £
I certify that:
- the above claim is made in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Detailed Grant Letter for this scheme;
- the required end stage deliverables are provided;
- no claim has been made for funding in respect of these items from any other body.
Lead Organisation authorised signatory
Name (please print)
Position in organisation
Departmental acceptance of end stage deliverables
Name (please print)
Position in organisation / ESI Sector lead