1. Course Description

The Freedom HS Choral Department is committed to excellence in the performance of a wide variety of choral music literature. The choirs will rehearse, study, and perform music from various historical time periods, cultures, and purposes, both secular and sacred. Sacred music is performed for its historical and artistic merit and not for its theological content. Instructional curriculum includes methods for developing appropriate vocal production, choral blend and articulation, sight-reading, music theory, performance and rehearsal etiquette. Students are afforded the opportunity to develop their individual vocal talents in a positive and encouraging ensemble setting.

  1. Course Objectives

Upon successful completion of the course, the student will have:

  • Learned the fundamentals of proper vocal technique
  • Developed music literacy through music theory and sight singing
  • Been introduced to music of all different styles, genres, and cultures through diverse concert programming
  • Learned and practiced proper rehearsal and performance etiquette
  • Gained the skills and knowledge necessary for lifelong musical enjoyment
  1. Class Expectations

The four pillars of success in the Freedom HS Chorus classroom are as follows:

  • Respect
  • Responsibility
  • Attitude
  • Leadership

The following classroom expectationswill set chorus students up for success this year:

1. Set your belongings against the wall and be seated with all materials when the bell rings.

2. No gum, food, or drink (other than water) is permitted in the chorus room.

3. Put cell phones away during instructional time unless invited to use them for BYOT, or by permission.

  1. Mission Statement

The mission of the Freedom High School Choral Department is to provide all students with the opportunity to develop and strengthen musical skills and understanding, perform a variety of choral repertoire, increase independent musicianship, and develop a love of choral music and an enjoyment of singing.

  1. Attendance

After School Rehearsals
After school rehearsals are mandatory and will be given a grade. Students will be given at least two weeks’ notice to make appropriate arrangements to attend. If a student is unable to attend an after school rehearsal, they must notify the director at least one week(7 days) prior to the date of the rehearsal or concert in order for the absence to be excused. If a chorus rehearsal overlaps with anotherFreedom High School event please contact your teacher as soon as the conflict is recognized. These will be addressed on a case-by-case basis.

In addition, the choral department will also excuse absences that arise due to extreme circumstances such as personal illness or a family emergency. Babysitting, work, missing a ride, and other avoidable conflicts will not be excused.
Concerts are a significant portion of the chorus curriculum. If a student is unable to attend a concert, they must notify the director at least two weeks(14 days) prior to the date of the concert in order for the absence to be excused.
In addition, the choral department will also excuse absences that arise due to extreme circumstances such as personal illness or a family emergency. Babysitting, work, missing a ride, and other avoidable conflicts will not be excused.

  1. Grading Policy

The grading system is numerical from 0-100 on a 10 point grading scale per every nine-week marking period. Based on this grading system, each marking period (quarter) grade will be determined by the following assessments:
Summative 1 Assessments (Tests/After School Rehearsals/Concerts) - 60%
Summative 2 Assessments (Smaller Assignments/Classwork/Homework) - 20%

Formative Assessments (Rehearsal Skills/Group Assignments) - 20%

  1. Rehearsal Skills Rubric

A (90-100) / B (80-89) / C (70-79) / D (60-69) / F (0-59)
Student is always participating. Student has all materials needed for class. Student is on time and respectful of the class rules and procedures. Demonstrates outstandingachievement and mastery of the subject area. / Student is usually participating. Student has most materials needed for class. Student is on time and respectful of the class rules and procedures. Student is rarely reminded to participate. / Student is sometimes participating. Student has some materials needed for class. Student is on time and respectful of the class rules and procedures. Student has to be occasionally reminded to participate. Achieves many of the objectives developed for the class. / Student is rarely participating. Student has some materials needed for class. Student is tardy and/or disrespectful of the class rules and procedures. Student needs frequent reminders to participate. Frequently falls below the level of achievement of which he/she is capable. / Student is never participating. Student has no materials needed for class. Student is tardy and/or disrespectful of the class rules and procedures. Infrequently completesassignments. Demonstrates no effort though he/she has the ability.
  1. Supply List
    A least two pencils, with eraser
    BYOD, when specified
  2. Financial Obligation
    The financial obligation for all chorus students for the 2016-2017 school year is $40. The $40 fee will cover the following expenses:
    -Concert attire and choral folder rental
    -Choral department t-shirt
    -Fine Arts department t-shirt
    -Fees for guest clinicians
    -Fees for performance event
    $40 cash or check to “Freedom High School” is due by Friday, September 9.
  3. Tag Day

Tag Day is our largest fundraiser of the year. Tag Day 2016 will be held on Saturday, September 10 from 8am – 4pm. For Tag Day, parent volunteers drive students into the community and members in small groups go door to door to solicit donations. Lots of parent volunteers are needed for this event. If you are able to help, please visit and sign up on the Sign-Up Genius link.

  1. After School Rehearsal and Performance Schedule
    *All events below are mandatory for all chorus students

Tuesday, October 18 or Wednesday, October 19
(Will be confirmed soon!) / Fall Chorus Concert
Student attire: chorus t-shirts, blue jeans, and flat shoes (no boots.) / 5:50pm student call, in auditorium
6:45pm, auditorium doors open
7:00pm concert
Monday, December 12 / After School Rehearsal / 4:00pm-6:30pm, in auditorium
Tuesday, December 13 / Winter Concert
Student attire: Concert Attire / 5:50pm call, in auditorium
6:45pm, auditorium doors open
7:00pm concert, in auditorium
Tuesday, January 31 / Cluster Concert
Fine Arts Festival / 5:50pm call, in gym
7:00pm concert
Thursday, March 2 / Pre-Assessment Concert / Briar Woods HS
Timing TBD
Friday, March 17 & Saturday, March 18 / Assessment Performance
Please leave both of these days completely open. Each choir will be scheduled a performance time on either Friday or Saturday. /
Riverside HS
Exact date and time TBA
Thursday, May 11, Friday, May 19 & Monday, May 22 / After-School Rehearsals / 4:00pm-6:30pm, in auditorium
Tuesday, May 23 / Spring Show
/ 5:50pm call, in auditorium
6:40pm, auditorium doors open
7:00pm show, in auditorium

1 | Chorus - Syllabus