VanCoug Journey Success Plan
Last updated:
Each time you meet with your academic coordinator, bring an updated copy of your VanCoug JourneySuccess Plan to discuss. Keep it saved and up to date in your Microsoft Office 365account.
Goals, values, strengths and opportunities planning
1.Imagine you are in your cap and gown crossing the stage at your graduation. Consider the following questions and record your current thoughts.
What have you accomplished during your time as a WSU Vancouver student?
How will you positively impact society and be a contributing member?
How have you grown and changed through your VanCoug Journey?
How will you apply what you have learned in your courses in your next journey?
What activities did you build into your VanCoug Journey that positively influenced you? What kind of a difference did they make for you?
What next journey are you now ready to begin as a result of your hard work and dedication?
2.List your current values, strengths and growth opportunities and refer to them as you plan your courses each semester.
Personal values:
Professional values:
Opportunities for growth:
3.Write down your professional goals as part of your VanCoug Journey Success Plan, to help you stay on track. These goals may change during your VanCoug Journey, so update them from time to time.
Long-term personal and professional goals:
Map out your success plan
To make the most of your college career, commit to two or more activities in each of the strategies for college successfor upcoming semesters every year.
Map out your semester plan using the course outline templatethat follows.
Course outline
1.List the resources you will use to maximize your learning next to each class—refer to your course syllabi, planner and the strategies for college success.
Course 1:
Resources I will use:
Course 2:
Resources I will use:
Course 3:
Resources I will use:
Course 4:
Resources I will use:
Course 5:
Resources I will use:
2.Refer to the strategies for college success. Write down the two or more items you will commit to from each of the six sections this semester.
Major & career:
Faculty & staff:
Campus resources:
Financial literacy:
Peers & campus involvement:
School-life balance:
Final notes
Goals for this semester:
Total credits earned this semester:
Month/year I plan to graduate:
Questions/topics to discuss with my academic coordinator:
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