Van Zile Hall Governing Board
April 3, 2005
Roll Call
Lorna Blasche called the meeting to order at 8:00p
Peter Wetzel
Minutes Approval
Minutes were approved as presented
Officer Reports
President: There will be an electronic referendum on April 26 about a new center for student activities
Vice President: Make sure you fill out at application if you want to run for a HGB position next year.
Intramurals: The first Softball game will be at 8:00p. Bring your friends and be at the field at least 15 minutes prior to the game
ARH: There will be a blood drive. Email Kelly Hemphill if you would like to volunteer or give blood. There is a Mabel Strong Scholarship available if you are returning to the dorms. It’s worth $500 and is due on 4/13/05. The only constitutional changes that went into effect are those dealing with the pet policy. There will be an event featuring Vernon Walsh on 4/12/05 at 7p.
Social Chair: Egg hunt was Wednesday and went well. The Date auction will be coming up soon.
Multicultural: Hooray for Hobbits was this weekend. The writing on the wall will start Sun. 10th. People are still needed to guard the wall. The tear down is Saturday. Please email Peter if you want to guard or help build. There will be a stories program on 4/18 at 8p in Putnam.
New Business
Open House: The theme of Open House will be “Welcome to Fabulous K-State”. Van Zile will play blackjack as the activity. We need to decorate with streamers and such.
Move-in Crew: Design a T-shirt and get people organized to help with move-in in the fall. If you would like to do this, please email Camilla
OTY Bids: OTY’s are due on April 11th. If you have any notes from Camilla, give them to Jeremy.
Room Decorating Contest: There will be a room-decorating contest this weekend. The signup will be at the front desk.
Old Business
Date Auction: Putnam, Boyd, and Ford have signs and if you want o sign-up pleas email Jeremy at . More posters will go up a week before the event
Constitution: Info coordinator will be deleted. We need to make sure we tell whoever wants to be info coordinator, that they may not have a job in the fall. FYI, as the constitution is worded, the HGB has the power to suspend a portion of the constitution.
CSI night Thursdays in the VZ Lounge @ 8:00p
Recycling Wednesday’s @ 3:30p
Meeting was adjourned at 9:07p