Supplementary table 1. Intraspecific variations in testes investment in species with alternative reproductive tactics between which body size are different. Data were taken from texts or estimated from figures drawn in the cited papers. See also Taborsky (1994,1999, 2008) for fish examples.

Testes investment / Body size††
Class / Order / Family / Species / Bourgeois Parasitic / Measurements † / Bourgeois Parasitic / References
Insecta / Coleoptera / Nitidulidae / Librodor japonicus / TA / (2.0) / Okada et al. 2008
Scarabaeidae a / Onthophagus binodis / < / TA / (1.5) / Simmons et al. 1999; Tomkins and Simmons 2002
Onthophagus taurus / = * / TA / (1.5) / Simmons et al. 1999; Tomkins and Simmons 2002
Orthoptera / Anostostomatidae / Hemideina crassidens / = * / TA / (1.2) b / Kelly 2008
Dermaptera / Forficulidae / Forficula auricularia / TA / (1.8) / Tomkins and Simmons 2002
Tymenaptera / Apidae / Amegilla dawsoni, / TA / (2.0) / Simmons et al. 2000; Tomkins and Simmons 2002
Malacostraca / Decapoda / Palaemonidae / Macrobrachium rosenbergii / < / GSI / (6.0) / Sagi & Ra’anan 1988; Sagi et al. 1988
Cephalopoda / Tethida / Loliginidae / Loligo bleekeri / < / GSI / (1.7) b / Wada 2005
Osteichthyes / Batrachoidiformes / Batrachoididae / Porichthys notatus / GSI / (8.8) / Bass and Marchaterre 1989
Cyprinodontiformes / Poecilidae / Xiphophorus nigrensis / = / TA / (1.4) b / Smith and Ryan 2010
Poecilia latipinna / GSI / N/A / Schlupp et al. 2006
Poecilia mexicana / GSI / N/A / Schlupp et al. 2006
Poecilia parae / GSI & TA / (1.3) b / Hurtago-Gonzales and Uy 2009
Perciformes / Bleniedae / Axoclinus carminalis / = / GSI / (1.4) b / Neat 2001
Axoclinus nigricaudus / GSI / (1.6) b / Neat 2001
Parablennius parvicornis / GSI / (2.4) / Miranda et al. 2003
Salaria pavo / GSI / (1.4) b / Ruchon et al., 1995
Scartella cristata / c / GSI / (5.5) / Neat et al. 2003
Tripterygion delaisi / = / GSI / (1.3) b / Jonge and Videler 1989; Jonge et al. 1989
Tripterygion malenurus / d / GSI / Geertjes & Videler 2002
Tripterygion tripteronotus / GSI / (1.3) b / Jonge and Videler 1989; Jonge et al. 1989
Centrarchidae / Lepomis gibbosus / GSI / N/A / Gross 1982; Rios-Cardenas and Webster 2008
Lepomis macrochirus / GSI / (15.8) / Gross 1982
Lepomis megalotis / GSI / (2.0) b / Jennings and Philipp 1992
Lepomis punctatus / GSI / (1.9) b / DeWoody et al. 2000
Cichlidae / Julidochromis ornatus / TA / (1.3) b / Awata et al. 2006
Lamprologus calliptreus / GSI / (40.1) / Schütz et al. 2006
Lamprologus lemairii / TA / (8.6) / Ota, Awata, Morita and Kohda in preparation
Neolamprologus brevis / TA / (4.6) / Ota, Aibara, Awata, Morita and Kohda unpubl. data
Neolamprologus pulcher / > ** / GSI / (1.9) b / Balshine et al. 2001; Fitzpatrick et al. 2006
Telmatochromis temporalis / GSI / (15.1) / Kato et al. 2005; Kato unpubl
Telmatochromis vittatus / *** / GSI, TA / (8.3) / Ota and Kohda 2006; Ota et al. 2010; Ota unpubl
Gobidae / Apollonia melanostoma / GSI / (3.6) / Marentette et al. 2009
Gobius niger / GSI / (5.5) b / Rasotto & Mazzoldi 2002; Scaggiante et al. 2006
Lythrypnus dalli / = * / GSI / (1.3) b / Drilling and Grober 2005
Pomatoschistus minutus / GSI, TA / (2.1) / Kvarnemo et al. 2010
Zosterisessor ophiocephalus / GSI / (8.9) b / Scaggiante et al. 1999, 2006; Mazzoldi et al. 2000
Labridae / Halichoeres bivittatus / GSI / (1.5-2.0) b / Warner and Robertson 1978
Halichoeres maculipinna / GSI / (1.5) b / Warner and Robertson 1978
Halichoeres pictus / GSI / (1.5) b / Warner and Robertson 1978
Halichoeres poeyi / GSI / (1.5-2.0) b / Warner and Robertson 1978
Halichoeres trimaculatus / GSI / (1.7) / Kim et al. 2002
Symphodus melops / GSI / (2.0) / Uglem et al. 2000, 2001
Symphodus ocellatus / GSI / (1.5) b / Warner and Lejeune 1985
Symphodus roissali / GSI / (1.3) b / Warner and Lejeune 1985
Thalassoma bifasciatum / GSI / (1.3-1.5) b / Warner and Robertson 1978
Thalassoma duperrey / GSI / (1.3) b / Warner 1982; Hourigan et al. 1991
Salmonidae / Oncorhynchus kisutch / GSI / (1.5) b / Gross 1985; Leach 1997
Oncorhynchus masou / GSI / (57) / Koseki and Maekawa 2000, 2002
Oncorhynchus mykiss / = / GSI / (3.2) / Liley et al. 2002
Oncorhynchus nerka / GSI / N/A / Foote et al. 1997
Salmo salar / GSI, TA / (153) / Vladic and Jarvi 2001; Tomkins & Simmons 2002
Scaridae / Chlorurus sordidus / GSI / (1.3) b / Gust 2004
Scarus croicensis / GSI / (1.4) b / Robertson and Warner 1978
Scarus ferrugineus / GSI / (1.8) b / Abdel-Aziz et al. 2006
Scarus vetula / GSI / (1.4) b / Robertson and Warner 1978
Amphibia / Anura / Myobatrachidae / Crinia georgiana / = * / TA / (2.0) / Byrne 2004
Aves / Charadriiformes / Scolopacidae / Philomachus pugnax / GSI / (1.1) b / Jukema and Piesma 2006

† Testes investment was compared using gonadosomatic index (GSI) or testes allometry analysis (TA, Tomkins and Simmons 2002).

†† Numbers in parenthesis represent mean difference in body mass between tactics (see caption b).

* Bourgeois males face high sperm competition because parasitic males are abundance.

** Helper males are reproductively suppressed by bourgeois males.

*** A part of bourgeois malesface high sperm competition risk.

a See also Simmons et al. (2007) for other examples in this family.

b The size difference was calculated by body length because body mass data were not available.

c Parasitic males have,not only relatively, but also absolutely larger testes than bourgeois males.

d Larger parasitic males have GSI similar to bourgeois males, and parasitic spawning is rare.


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