Minutes of the January Monthly VAB Meeting
Thursday, January 22, 2015
2:00 PM, Council Chambers
1st Floor, City Hall (St. James)
Council Member John Crescimbeni, Chairman Cheryl Brown, Excused
Council Member Lori Boyer – Arrived 2:15 pm Heather Pelegrin
School Board Member Scott Shine, Alternate Nichole Oswald
Council Appointed Citizen Member Kristanna Barnes VAB Team
School Board Appointed Citizen Member Denise Wallace
In Attendance:
William H. Jeter, Jr., VAB Attorney
Loree French, Counsel to the Property Appraiser
Keith Hicks, Chief Appraiser
Harry Guetherman, Commercial Division Chief, PAO
Keith Hall, Residential Division Chief, PAO
Dana Clark, Homestead Division Chief, PAO
Chairman Crescimbeni called the meeting to order at 2:10 PM
1. Introductions of Board and staff.
2. William Jeter, VAB Attorney, explained the Public Comments procedures.
3. Public Comments section:
· VAB #’s 1228 thru 1234 – Marlayne Perret re: 1231
· VAB # 15059 – Keith Parette with Sugar Sand Holding, LLC
· VAB # 1543 – Vipul Mody
· VAB # 115086 & 15086 – Robert Ellis for Susan B. Leon
· VAB # 101603 – Richard Farrens (1603 – DUAL petition)
4. Discussion was held by the Board Members regarding VAB petition # 65. A letter from the petitioner, John Mitchell was sent in to the VAB related to the Special Magistrate’s recommendation that is up for ratification at the January 22, 2015 Board meeting. The petitioner’s letter stated that he disagreed with the recommendation and asked the Board be given the letter with his objections. The Board decided to revisit the letter later on in the meeting.
5. Discussion was held regarding VAB # 15059. School Board Member Shine made a motion to accept the late file petition. 2nd by Citizen Member Wallace. Discussion was held in more depth regarding the late file petition. Board denied 0–5.
6. Discussion was held regarding VAB # 1231, Marylayne Perret (1228 thru 1234). No action was taken in regard to the Special Magistrate recommendation; and this petition remained on the list for later consideration with the other Recommended Decisions on VAB’s agenda.
7. Discussion was held regarding VAB # 1543, Vipul Mody. No action was taken in regard to the Special Magistrate recommendation and this petition remained on the list for later consideration with the other Recommended Decisions on VAB’s agenda.
8. Discussion was held regarding VAB #’s 115086 & 15086, Robert Ellis, Attorney on behalf of Susan B. Leon. No action was taken regarding the late file petitions.
9. Discussion was held regarding VAB #’s 101603 & 1603, Richard Farrens on behalf of Irma Farrens. Council Member Boyer made a motion to defer VAB #’s 101603 & 1603 to the March 18, 2015 Board meeting. 2nd by Citizen Member Wallace. Board approved 5–0.
10. Board Attorney, William Jeter read into the record the letter re: VAB # 65, from John Mitchell that was discussed earlier in the meeting.
11. Discussion was held regarding VAB # 2419 pertaining to the standing of petitioner/seller rights to appeal. Board Attorney, William Jeter explained the circumstances around this petition and the upcoming hearing. Citizen Member Barnes made a motion to cancel the upcoming hearing scheduled for January 29, 2015 for VAB # 2419 and asked Board Attorney, William, Jeter to contact the current property owner as well as the agent on the petition that was filed and ask that they attend the next Board meeting scheduled for February 19, 2015. 2nd by Citizen Member Wallace. Board approved 5–0.
12. Discussion was held regarding VAB # 1598. Board Attorney, William Jeter explained that the petitioner for this petition was out of town and could not attend the Board meeting. The petition is seeking deferral of the Special Magistrate recommendation for VAB #1598 until the March 18, 2015 scheduled Board meeting, when he may attend in person and address the Board. Council Member Boyer made a motion to defer VAB # 1598 until the March 18, 2015 Board meeting. 2nd by Citizen Member Wallace. Board approved 5–0 .
13. The Property Appraiser’s Office requested deferral of the following petitions:
· 113
· 140
· 959, 960, 961, 962 & 963
· 1254
School Board Member Shine made a motion to defer the recommendations for petitions 113, 140, 959, 960, 961, 962 & 963. The motion included Bill Jeter, VAB Attorney to contact the DOR regarding the CAP issues involved in those recommendations. 2nd by Citizen Member Barnes. Board approved 5–0. Council Member Boyer made a motion to defer the recommendation for petition 1254 due to a mathematical error. 2nd by Citizen Member Wallace. Board approved 5–0.
14. Consider recommended decisions listed on the 13 page excel spreadsheet for the 2014 January 22, 2015 VAB Meeting. Council Member Boyer made a motion to approve all of the recommended decisions on the excel spreadsheet except for VAB petition #’s 1598, 113, 140, 959, 960, 961, 962, 963, 1254, 101603 & 1603. 2nd by Citizen Member Wallace. Board approved 5–0.
15. Bill Jeter, VAB Attorney discussed Special Magistrate recommendations being turned in late. Special Magistrates have two weeks to turn in recommendations after the hearing is held. Council Member Boyer made a motion to send a letter to all Special Magistrates providing them ten days’ notice that Employment Agreement terms concerning deadlines for turning in Special Magistrate recommended decisions (and, if applicable) revisions, and provisions for delay damages, will be enforced. 2nd by Citizen Member Wallace. Board approved 5–0.
Announce date and location of next 2014 VAB meeting: Thursday, February 19, 2015 at 2:00 pm
1st Floor, City Hall, Council Chambers
Meeting was adjourned at 4:45 pm.