Executive Board Meeting Minutes Chieftain Hotel & Restaurant 60 4th Ave South, Carrington December 5, 2015 -Saturday
12:00 – 3:00pm
President Sharon Kupper called the meeting to order
Members present; Sharon Kupper-President, Amanda Olauson, Vice President, Tamara Link-Secretary, Kerri Ring- Treasurer , Tracy Lindsey - Member-at-Large , Diane Halvorson/Ex-Officio-ND Board of Pharmacy Representative
Members absent; Donna Kisse– Chairperson, Danika Braaten – Parliamentarian, Autumn Guilbert – Member –at-Large, Barb Lacher/Ex-Officio-NDSCS Representative, Mike Schwab/Ex-Officio-NDPhA
Quorum was established to do official business
Sharon appointed Diane as Parliamentarian for the meeting in Danika’s absence.
1.Secretaries Report from October 23, 2015. After the correction of accept to except is made in 4a. Kerri made a motion to approve the minutes as is and a second was made by Amanda. The motion wascarried.
2.Treasurer’s Report – Discussionheld.
a.We have a balance of $13,233.26 after adding the $25 back in from the uncashed student check and after a $500 donation from the Visitors Bureau of GrandForks.
b.We would like some sort of verification that the office is receiving ourreports.
c.Suggestion was made to purchase a laptop, printer/scanner for theTreasurer.
Diane made a motion to accept the totals presented to us today. When Diane and Kerri have visited with Lorri, the updated totals will be emailed to officers for approval at a later date. Tammy seconded the motion. Motion carried.
3.Old Business–
a.Fall Conference wrapup:
i.We have a $1000 bill for the CE processing fromNDSU.
ii.Altru donated four jackets which were used for door prizes. It was discussed to continue this and distribute the door prizes at the end of conference for attendancepurposes.
iii.Jerry Finken has not paid for the t-shirts yet, Diane will check onthis
iv.Total expenses were $7,964.97 for conference. We took in about $4k. This is what we are about. Putting on a great educational experience for our technicians. We want to make it bigger and better eachyear.
v.Tim Carlson donated honorarium to scholarship committee of$300.
vi.From the surveys, there are 7 new individuals interested in serving on the Board.
vii.The conference will be held in Valley City next year, Amanda is thechairperson.
viii.Discussion was held to keep a key notespeaker.
b.Blue BinderUpdates:
ii.Inserts given and binders were changed out with newinsides.
i.Sharon and Donna changed roles as of Fall Conference 2015. Sharon and Donna have asked the board to consider changing their position order. Thus, Donna would be President and Sharon would be Chairperson. This request comes as a result of the restructure of the NAPT Executive Board. Diane makes a motion to approve. Diane makes a motion to approve the recommendation to move Sharon from President to Chairperson and Donna from Chairperson to President. Effective immediately. Amanda seconds the motion. Motioncarried.
i.Discussion held. Tracy made a motion to continue the $25 Convention bucks. Kerri secondsthis.
1.There was a friendly amendment to this motion. To evaluate the use of them at the end of convention and build it in to ourbudget.
The motion was carried with a name roll call.
e.Student Sponsorship; has been $25 for attendingconvention.
f.$300.00 allotted for this. Tammy made the motion to have a trial of sending one check to the NDPhA office for this. Have something on the registration form to slash student price (encourage NAPT to send registration forms to colleges to promote the convention) and let them know they are welcome to attend. Amanda seconds the motion. Motioncarried.
a.NAPT – Tim Carlson – No thank you has been sent yet. Diane will check with Mike to see if he has the donation, then Sharon will send a thank youout.
b.Pharmacy Technician Recruitment – fall 2016 BSC Telepresence Technology. Plans are still being discussed and in the works. More tocome.
c.Winter Flyer: Donna is working on this and has asked for Amanda’s help. Amanda agreed tohelp.
d.ACPE Conference: Diane went to Chicago forthis.
i.What is the validity of ACPE approval for our CE’s? Diane will be asking theBOP in January 2016 if it isnecessary.
e.Treasurer’s Laptop/Scanner: Tammy makes a motion that Kerri can spend upto
$500.00 to take care of business for the Treasurer position. This is for the purchase of a laptop, printer/scanner and case for the laptop. Tracy seconds the motion. Roll call motion carried.
f.Fall Conference 2016: Will be held in Valley City. Discussion held to keep a key speaker. Amanda is looking into speakers at this time to try and have them lined up by Convention in theSpring.
g.Marketing tool: A mini commercial. Who is a good resource? We will discuss this more in detail at our next meeting.EXCITING!!
Next Board Meeting will be March 19, 2016 Meeting Adjourned
Minutes by Tamara Link SecretaryMinutes approved at the March 19, 2016 Executive Board Meeting