Vale Collaborative Notes/Plan
We’ll be team building, collaborating by exploring singing games and different genres of song, know how to relieve tension from our bodies, develop songs by adding body percussion, changing tempo, dynamics, adding an ostinato (transfering to instrument or Body percussion),change key, add our own ideas, work with pupils from other schools, know how to improve quality of our sound.
Warm Ups/Games
- Shake it out(up, down forward, shake off negativity)Stretch to sides etc, release tension in neck (figure of 8) Feet planted! Chewing, clean teeth with tongue. ‘Ng’ sirens. Connect with breath- breath in whilst raising arms, exhale to ‘sh’, ‘s’, ‘f’ etc. Body percussion , Tuning in /warming up!
- *Plynie Statek –ALL (Call & Response) Polish singing game/tempo change)Audience could learn the response and join in too!(Tap own knees, then person to your ‘Right’, then to your ‘left’, clap on the word ‘Hey!’)
- Somewhere only we know- Part 1 sing upper melody.Guitarist to accompany? Track starts on ‘B’
- Calypso Mash Up – (Not singing ‘Mango Walk) All learn both parts ie Little Bird & Yellow Bird, + ‘Come and sing calypso rhythm’ ostinato.When sung in parts, Pt 1= Little Bird, Pt2 =Yellow Bird
- Nanuma (Ghana)African greeting song about the ‘Land of spiders’. ‘As we journey through life, have we all done enough?’ Djembe accomp?
All sing, then repeat in turn.Last group repeat the last line to finish.
- Maleezweh (African)Djembe accomp? Part 2 sing upper melody to end.
- Famba Naye Traditional farewell song from Zimbabwe – in Shona language.’Good luck on your journey, we really appreciate you!/wave hands? Start on’E’ 4th below ‘A’ on pitch fork! All learn both parts, then Pt2 sing lower harmony when sung in parts.
- Gospel Medley(Swing low/Oh when the saints/I’m gonna sing) All learn
- Tingalayo (West Indies) Sung in 2 parts
- Clapping activity( In 2 parts)exploring ‘Off beat’-leads into ‘Don’t worry’ (*hands out on off beat)
- Don’t worry -Sung in 2 parts