Vacant Property Working Group Minutes DRAFT
August 10th, 2009
Pittsburgh Community Reinvestment Group
A Brose, BGC; K Pelling, ELDI; P Johnson, CNNC; J Moore, CNNC; J Huck, NSLC; B Damewood, RHLS; K McGlynn, CDCP; D Stewart, OPDC; B Gradeck, PNCIS; R Canning, PHCC; M Pasula, EACC; C Tanner, WPP; K Luckett, CNNC; D. Reed, CKNC; C. Hall, NPBCDC
June Minutes were held until the September meeting. There are no July Minutes.
Treasurer’s Sale Review-
The groups reviewed parcels moving through the May, July and November 2009 sales. Updates:
- Hand Money due for May
- July Revenue properties due August 28th
- Nov Sale has begun
Forfeiture notices have been sent out and one more round will go out. Be prepared to close, communicate, file for extension, etc.
Update on GLS –
Need to update the GLS to look backwards from December 2008 sales till today to update list pre-quiet title action.
Can verify at Department of Court Records
Staff will prioritize based on timeline and re-use plan
Places to look for information: AC homepage – Dept of Court Records – Civil Docket – Registered User. Free.
Land Recycling Task Force Update-
CommunityLand Reform Initiative – 4 delegates from Pgh went to Boston for a 3-day education/training. K. Pelling represented VPWG.
Take-Aways –
- Genesee
- has statutory mandate to ‘take everything’ (occupied and un-occupied)
- County-wide
- Financial model-County fronts 100% face value of delinquent taxes to munis, and finance it by floating an ‘anticipated tax collection’ bond – v. good rate. Only take immediate delinquencies – not the dogs. Recent taxes. 90% of people pay in full ;(plus fees and interest. Collection over 18 months. (pay off bond w/ $2-$5m ‘extra to use for land recycling. THEN take property.
- Treasurer’s office and land bank authority staff (plus some outside vendors) do the tax collection.
- Use extra funds to recycle and maintain properties.
- Take high-value and low-value properties.
- Home? Separate Land Bank Authority – the board of LBA are local elected officials.
- Do ‘have compassion’ for elderly, payment plans, etc. where appropriate. ‘TripleNetLand Lease’ – Life estate – LBA takes the property until the ‘tenant’ moves out or passes on..
- One Step Judicial process – one piece action to court (lien holders and former owner) which can divest all interest and pass title to the land bank free and clear.
- Lien holders can maintain their interest if they pay the taxes. If they can’t/don’t pay their taxes, it goes away.
- Gives 1st priority to NEWEST tax lien.
- Bad Service?
- In Pgh – we don’t have a statute to that requires us to take 2-yr tax delinquent property. Other swpa counties tax claim bureaus do.
- Use for community groups?
- Timeline?
- What happens to the really bad parcels?
- PA – state enabling legislation of land banks
Questions/Issues – to make this model work, must understand how good your tax-delinquent portfolio is – w/ high value and low value properties. Is JUST the City of Pgh a good mix? Do we need the County munis, too? What’s our collection rate?
Tax Collections
JORDAN meeting coming up. Tax collection vs land/site control is a fundamental concern.
Local Blight Legislation
VP Registry –There has been no movement –we are waiting on the public hearing coming up. Date TBA
State Budget – stop-gap measure passed and legislators must come back to the table. We need to continue to advocate for programs.
How do we get the word out?
- Phone Calls
- Conversations
- Website
New Business:
New Group Use of Land Reserve
VPWG should vet new groups to use Land Reserve, especially non-traditional groups.
No definition (federal, state, or local, of CDC
Do we need a basic criteria- 1) meet with VPWG staff 2) legitimate track record of community engagement 3) documentation of governing board, 501c3 letters 4)
Issue: Green areas – Clean&Green licensing w/ city?
PNCIS-B. Gradeck provided an update as to the new interface of Pgh Neighborhood Community Information System. Please contact B. Davidson to register.
Blueprint Legal Forms- VPWG is considering hiring a sub-contractor to create templates of legal documents.Tentative forms are:
- Selling subdivision of properties
- Re-zoning
- Sales agreement
- Land reserve
- 3rd party
- (farm/redevelopment/resale)
- Option agreement
Motion to adjourn passed unanimously at 11:15am.
The next VPWG meeting will be held Friday, September 11th from 9-11am at the PCRG Offices.
Respectfully Submitted,
Staff, VPWG