VA Nebraska-Western Iowa Health Care System

COMMITTEE: Hospice Veterans Partnership Meeting

DATE: 02/04/2013

TIME: 10:00 am – 11:30am

LOCATION: Omaha, Lincoln, Grand Island

Agenda Item / Situation/Background Review / Discussion/Alternatives (Summary) / Recommendations/ Decisions
(Action Items) / Responsible Person / Due Date / Status (DONE / WIP / TABLED) / Consensus / Vote (Optional) /
1. / Minutes Review / Approved by / Rick Missell / Done
2. / Updates / ·  Lapel Pins
·  Donations / ·  $2 requested per pin orders-
Going to order additional pins
·  Looking for more Veteran to Veteran Volunteers
·  Donation of $1560 will be deposited for a possible special project / Jennifer Eurek / - / Done / ·  All in favor to continue selling the lapel pins
3. / Workgroups / ·  Pending / ·  Pending / - / - / -
4. / Educational Presentation / ·  Veteran Benefits
David Conrad, Chief of Enrollment, NWIHCS / David Conrad / - / Done
5. / Informational / ·  Next meeting – May 6, 2014 / All / - / Done
Next Meeting / 2-5-2013

Signed: ______Date: 02/04/2014 .

Taken by: Rose Rossell

(O, L, GI) / STATUS (excused, absent, etc) / NAME/CREDENTIALS / DEPT / LOC
(O, L, GI) / STATUS (excused, absent, etc)
Jennifer Eurek / NHPCA / L / Present / Joni Vallier / Hospice of Southwest Iowa / O
Rick Missell / NWIHCS / O / Present / Jodie Boswell / Alegent/Creighton Hospice / O
Mary O’Riley / Alegent/Creighton Hospice / O / Kathy Gast / Methodist Hospice / O / Present
Marcia Blum / Pathways to Compassion / O / Present / Colleen Nielsen / NWIHCS / L / Present
Amanda Alloway / Hillcrest / P / Ed Malk / Pathways to Compassion Hospice / L / Present
Cynthia Longstreet / NWIHCS / O / Kadi Hoberg / Hospice of Tabitha / L / Present
Rose Rossell / NWIHCS / O / Present / Shari Berry / Sidney Regional Home Health / P
Mark Bentley / Compassionate Care / O / Present / Adrienne Redwine / NWIHCS / P / Present
Danette Kluthe / Pathways to Compassion / O / Cindy Hansen / NWIHCS / P
Michele Clair / Hospice of S.W. Iowa / O / Present / Charliss Marshall / Sunrise Country Manor / P
Cindy Schreiber / Pathways to Compassion / O / Joyce Palmer / Asera Care Hospice / L
Pierre Lavedan MD / NWIHCS / O / Present / Lori Johnson / Asera Care Hospice / L
Marie Hilton / AseraCare / O / Pat Moeller / Norfolk Veterans Home / P
Diane Randolph / Methodist Hospice / O / Present / Curtis Klein / Horisun Hospice / L / Present
Marabeth Kracher / NWIHCS / O / Present / Gina Binder / VNA / O / Present
Kate Holstein / Methodist Hospice / O / Present
Joel Walker / VNA Chaplain / O / Present
Stacy Schultz / Hospice of S.W. Iowa / O / Present