2005 Walton Academic Challenge Prelims Round 6

TU: 1.Competitions devoted to it include the Van Cliburn Competition and the International Tchaikovsky[ chai kov skee] Competition, which Cliburn himself famously won in 1957 with a Tchaikovsky concerto. Famous makers of them include Bosendorfer[boe sen dor fer], Petrof [peh trof], and Steinway & Sons. FTP, what is this instrument that comes in upright, grand, and baby grand?


B: Name these other musical instruments given clues.

1. It has been called the “shagbolt” and the “sackbut,” but its current name comes from the Italian word for “large trumpet.”


  1. Benny Goodman and Artie Shaw were famous players of this little woodwind.



TU: 2.It begins when a lawyer questions how one may attain eternal life and is the explanation of a certain phrase from the book of Matthew. Secondary characters include a priest and a Levite, both of whom fear loss of purity if they help the injured man on the side of the road. FTP, what is this New Testament parable told by Jesus about a passerby who nurses an injured man back to health?

“Parable of the Good Samaritan”

B: Answer these questions about stories from the book of “Genesis.”

  1. Abraham almost sacrifices Isaac, but this animal ultimately takes his place.


  1. This son of Isaac was tricked into selling his birthright for a mess of pottage.



TU: 3.Born in Cockermouth, England, he famously defined poetry as “the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings from emotions recollected in tranquility.” Critics recognize two poetic masterpieces: the posthumously published The Prelude, sometimes called “To Coleridge,” and a 1798 collaboration with Coleridge himself, which jumpstarted Romanticism in Europe. FTP, who is this poet, co-author of Lyrical Ballads?

William Wordsworth

B: Answer these questions about the poetry of William Wordsworth.

  1. “I wandered lonely as a cloud” is a celebration of the beauty of this golden flower.


  1. Wordsworth invokes Milton’s name in a sonnet about how crumby this city is in 1802.


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TU: 4.Named after a German physicist, these forces are caused by the uneven distribution of electrons around a molecule. They become stronger with increasing molecular size. FTP, name these intermolecular forces that are the only intermolecular forces present in a nonpolar molecule.

Londondispersion forces

B: Answer these related questions:

  1. Van der Waals forces, of which London forces are a variety, are observed in this group of elements, which is why it is difficult to condense them into liquids

Noble gases

  1. Van der Waals forces are said to account for the climbing ability of this often-colorful reptile famous for pushing car insurance



TU: 5. An integral part of psychoanalytic theory, they include somatization [so matt y zation] , projection, and the ever-annoying regression. As they can lead to neuroses, they are often considered to be negative, but can also be positive agents of conflict resolution. FTP, identify these unconscious psychological responses to anxiety or stress.

Defense Mechanisms

B: Identify these defense mechanisms from a definition

1. Dealing with emotional stressors by excessive use of abstract thinking or complex explanations to control or minimize disturbing feelings.

Intellectualization or Rationalization

2. Dealing with emotional stressors by converting an uncomfortable feeling into its opposite.

Reaction Formation


TU: 6.“Tawantinsuyu,”[ta wan tin su yu] or “Land of the Four Corners,” is what these people called their homeland in their native tongue, called Aymara [eye mar ah] or, more commonly, Quechua [ket choo wa]. This language, though the language of an ancient empire, is still spoken by almost 10 million people from Ecuador to Argentina. FTP, identify this empire conquered by Pizarro.

Inca Empire

B: Identify these ancient Latin American civilizations:

  1. With their capital at Tenochtitlan[ten osh teet lan] on the shores of LakeTexcoco, these people were conquered by Hernan Cortes.


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  1. Famous for their giant, almost cubical, carved stone heads, these people inhabited what are now the Mexican states of Tabasco and Veracruz on the Isthmus of Tehuantepec[teh hwan teh peck]


TU: 7. This type of field is a vector field with a curl of zero. Because they can be described by a potential function, calculations involving the field are path-independent and only the start and end points must be known. FTP, name this type of field, of which example include gravitational and electric.

Conservative fielddo not accept “force” instead of “field”)

B: Given a unit, identify its rotational analog:

1. Force


2. Mass

Moment of Inertia


TU: 8. Cecil Day-Lewis, from 1967 to 1972. Henry James Pye, from 1790 to 1813. William Whitehead, from 1757 to 1785, but only on the refusal of Thomas Gray. Robert Southey, on the refusal of Sir Walter Scott, followed by William Wordsworth, followed by Alfred Lord Tennyson, who held the post longer than anyone else. FTP, what is this literary position currently held by Andrew Motion?

Poet Laureate of Great Britain (accept “of England,” or “of The United Kingdom”)

B: Name these American poet laureates.

  1. The first man to be designated poet laureate was best known for writing the novel All the King’s Men.

Robert Penn Warren

  1. From 1966-1968, this author of Deliverance served as Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress.

James Dickey


TU: 9. Rising 6,959 meters above the Valley of the Cows to the north and east, it was first climbed by Edward Fitzgerald in 1897. On its southern slope its namesake river rises and flows west into the Pacific near Valparaiso in Chile. FTP, identify this tallest mountain outside of Asia, located in the Andes of South America.


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B: Identify these geographical features of the Americas.

  1. The longest river on the two continents, it releases an enormous quantity of fresh water into the Atlantic Ocean, more than the other three of the four longest rivers in the world combined.

Amazon River

  1. After the United States, Brazil, and Mexico, this country of 42 million inhabitants is the Americas’ 4th most populous.



TU: 10.First developed in Italy and not reaching Northern Europe until much later, Van Eyck’s [ike’s] ignorance of this is plainly evident in his otherwise excellent Arnolfini [ar nol fee ni] Wedding. Varieties include “curvilinear,” “infinite,” and “atmospheric,” though “one point,” and two different types of “vanishing point” are most common. FTP, identify this method of representing three dimensions on a two-dimensional surface.

Linear Perspective

B: Identify these artistic movements from members:

  1. Jean-Honore Fragonard [fra go nard], Jean-Antoine Watteau[wat to]


  1. Parmigianino[par mee jee ah nee no], El Greco

Mannerism (prompt on “Renaissance”)


TU: 11.They are electrolytes and react aggressively with metals. They are either proton donors or electron acceptors, and when dissolved in water, turn litmus paper red and produce a solution with a pH less than 7. FTP, name these substances, of which types include acetic[ah see tic], formic, nitric, and sulfuric.


B: Identify these terms related to acids and bases from a definition:

1. A chemical that can act as either an acid or a base


2. A molecule, such as phenolphthalein, that changes color in the presence of an acid or base



TU: 12.During his travels this man meets Lord Pococurante[ po co cure ant ay] and the German Jesuits of Paraguay, and he kills a Jew, an Inquisitor, and his future brother-in-law, the Baron Thunder-Ten-Tronckh[thunder ten tronck], who does not approve of his proposed marriage to Cunegonde[coo neh gond]. FTP, who is this man, the best man in the best of all possible worlds, title character in a satire by Voltaire?


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B: Answer these questions about Candide.

  1. What is the name of Candide’s philosophical tutor, who assures him that they are living in “the best of all possible worlds”?

Dr. Pangloss

  1. What is the alternate title of the novel, which sums up Pangloss’ worldview? Optimism


TU: 13.Sometimes codenamed “Argonaut” but usually simply named for where it occurred, it was a continuation of a similar conference held 25 months previously in Casablanca. The declaration of a liberated Europe, the idea of the United Nations, and German reparations were discussed. FTP, identify this February 1945 Conference that preceded Potsdam.


B: Given a description of the World War II military action, identify its codename:

1. Nazi Germany’s invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941 received this codename, after a former Holy Roman Emperor.

Operation Barbarossa

2. Succeeding Operation Torch, this was the name of the Allied invasion of Sicily in July 1943.

Operation Husky


TU: 14.Publicly released on November 9, 2004, it was originally named Phoenix. It was intended to be free, open-source software usable on all major end-user operating systems. The browser saw 25 million downloads in its first 99 days, and has taken a significant bite out of Microsoft Internet Explorer’s market share. FTP, name this alternative browser marketed by the Mozilla Foundation.


B: Identify these programming languages:

  1. Developed by three Dartmouth Professors in 1963, its name is an acronym for Beginner’s All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code


  1. Developed in the 1950’s this early programming language is still heavily used for scientific computing and numerical computation, though recent versions have been updated to support object-oriented programming.


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TU: 15.When Hel told the gods that the only way to bring Baldur back to life was for all living creatures to weep for him, all did except for one cave-dwelling giantess. This giantess was no female, however; it was in fact the son of Farbauti[far bout ee] in disguise, the same god who tricked Hod into killing Baldur in the first place. FTP, who is this shape-shifting Norse god of mischief?


B: Answer these questions about Ragnarok.

  1. Loki will lead the fire giants into battle. Which chief god will lead the Aesir[ay seer] against him ?


  1. This god will blow the horn that will wake all of the gods and begin the battle. Heimdall


TU: 16. Paper and pencil ready. The power draw of a DC circuit is given by P = V2/R [p equals v squared over r], where P is power, V is voltage, and R is resistance. In a simple DC circuit, by what factor will the power draw change if voltage is halved and resistance is tripled?

1/12or12 times less

B: Identify the physical concept described:

  1. The derivate with respect to time of acceleration


  1. The derivative with respect to time of work



  1. For ten points and the win, identify the

Henri Rousseau

  1. In AD 886, Alfred the Great took what city from the Danes which now serves as the United Kingdom’s capital?
