1.  youths / jongelui / A couple of youths were standing at the corner.
2.  intrinsic / innerlijk, wezenlijk / A man's intrinsic worth (contrasted with extrinsic qualities)
3.  negotiations / onderhandelingen / After the negotiations had been concluded, they left.
4.  prosperous / welvarend, bloeiend / After the war he had a prosperous business.
5.  indispensable / onmisbaar / Air, food and water are indispensable to life.
6.  impair / schaden / Alcohol impairs your health.
7.  purify / zuiveren / An airpurifying plant.
8.  measure / maat / An inch is a measure of length.
9.  imply / suggereren, betekenen / Are you implying that I’m not telling the truth?
10.  prosperity / welvaart / At that time people lived in great prosperity.
11.  tendency / neiging / Business is showing a tendency to improve.
12.  noxious / schadelijk / Cars emit noxious fumes.
13.  signify / betekenen, duiden op / Do dark clouds signify rain?
14.  momentum / vaart, bewegingsenergie / Do falling objects gain momentum?
15.  interfere / zich bemoeien met / Do you ever allow pleasure to interfere with your duty?
16.  viable / levensvatbaar / Do you think a new Bosnian state will be viable?
17.  underlie / ten grondslag liggen aan / Do you understand the underlying principle?
18.  VAT / BTW / Does that price include VAT?
19.  include / omvatten, insluiten / Does this include the price of the radio we bought?
20.  involved / erbij betrokken / Don’t become involved!
21.  indigenous / aangeboren / Down’s Syndrome is indigenous.
22.  presume / veronderstellen / Dr Livingstone, I presume!
23.  sequel / gevolg, resultaat / Famine is often the sequel to war.
24.  opt for / kiezen / Fewer students are opting for science courses.
25.  revelation / openbaring / Have you ever read the Book of Revelation?.
26.  liability / aansprakelijkheid / He admitted liability for the accident.
27.  lack / missen, gebrek hebben aan / He didn’t become President, because he lacked personality
28.  reassure / gerust stellen / He felt reassured when she told him she loved him.
29.  unsound / ongezond / He had an unsound mind in a sound body.
30.  previous / vorig / He had seen her the previous day.
31.  undergo / ondergaan / He had to undergo special treatment for his sore tooth.
32.  term / noemen / He has no right to term himself a professor.
33.  incidentally / toevallig / He incidentally told me that he was going abroad.
34.  indicate / aangeven / He indicated that the interview was over.
35.  similarly / gelijk, net zo / He instructed us to dress similarly.
36.  prone / vatbaar / He is accidentprone.
37.  on the prowl / op jacht, rondsnuffelend / He is always on the prowl.
38.  ingenious / vindingrijk / He is ingenious at solving difficult crossword puzzles.
39.  skillful / vaardig / He is not very skillful with his chopsticks.
40.  unfit / ongeschikt / He is unfit for military service.
41.  sequel / vervolg / He is writing a sequel to his latest best seller.
42.  join / gaan bij, zich voegen bij / He joined the army.
43.  perpetual / eeuwige / He loved the perpetual snow of the Arctic.
44.  maintain / vol/aanhouden / He maintained friendly relations with them.
45.  own up / bekennen, opbiechten / He owned up to having stolen the money.
46.  plead / smeken, pleiten / He pleaded with them to let him go.
47.  quote / citeren / He quoted a few lines from my letter.
48.  lest / uit angst dat, zodat niet / He ran away lest he should be seen.
49.  quotation / citaat / He read a quotation from Shakespeare.
50.  reduce / terugbrengen, verminderen / He reduced the costs considerably.
51.  reflect / nadenken over / He reflected on how difficult it would be to escape.
52.  reconcile / verzoenen / He refused to reconcile himself with his father.
53.  retaliate / wraak nemen, vergelden / He retaliated by kicking the other player on the ankle.
54.  sacrifice / opofferen / He sacrificed everything for her.
55.  scold / uitvaren tegen / He scolded the child for being lazy.
56.  thrive / gedijen, welig tieren / He seems to thrive on hard work.
57.  liability / vatbaarheid / He shows a liability to colds.
58.  shudder / huiveren / He shuddered at the sight of the corps.
59.  state / vermelden, uiteenzetten / He stated his views.
60.  succumb / bezwijken / He succumbed to his wounds.
61.  summarise / samenvatten / He summarised the story in 14 lines.
62.  tend to / de neiging hebben om te / He tends to pitch the ball too high.
63.  utter / uiten / He uttered some threats against me.
64.  in favour of / ten gunste van, voor / He voted in favour of the plan.
65.  rate / snelheid / He walked at a rate of 3 miles an hour.
66.  proficient / vakkundig, bekwaam / He was a proficient driver.
67.  terse / kort, bondig / He was angry and spoke tersely.
68.  nimble / behendig, vlug, lenig / He was as nimble as a goat.
69.  plea / verweer, excuus / He was excused on the plea of ill health.
70.  stupor / verdoving, bedwelming / He was lying on the bed in a drunken stupor.
71.  scruffy / slonzig, sjofel / He was scruffily dressed.
72.  sentence / veroordelen / He was sentenced to death.
73.  snub / onheus bejegenen / He was snubbed by that arrogant civil servant.
74.  wield / uitoefenen, hanteren / He wielded absolute power
75.  inevitably / onvermijdelijk / He will, inevitably, find out about this.
76.  respite / zonder onderbreking / He worked for hours without respite.
77.  regard / beschouwen / He’s regarded as the best dentist in town.
78.  testy / prikkelbaar / He's a testy person. Don’t nag him.
79.  qualifications / diploma’s / His qualifications were inferior to hers.
80.  trait / trek, (karakter-) eigenschap / His temper is one of his less attractive character traits.
81.  policy / beleid / Honesty is the best policy.
82.  with respect to / wat betreft, met betrekking tot / I can’t tell you anything with respect to that subject.
83.  impart / meedelen / I have nothing of interest to impart to you today.
84.  lenient / soepel, niet streng / I hope the judge will be lenient.
85.  insist / eisen, erop staan / I insist on your taking immediate action to put this right.
86.  merely / slechts, alleen maar / I meant it merely as a joke.
87.  restrain / tegenhouden, bedwingen / I must learn to restrain myself and not say what I think.
88.  propose / voorstellen / I propose that we start early.
89.  scarcely / nauwelijks, amper / I scarcely knew what to do.
90.  impress / indruk maken / I was impressed by her voice.
91.  provided / op voorwaarde dat / I will go, provided my expenses are paid.
92.  inquire, enquire / vragen, informeren (naar) / I would like to inquire of you the reason for this behaviour.
93.  rather ... than / liever … dan / I’d rather read a book than do my homework.
94.  undertake / ondernemen / I’m bored. Let’s undertake something exciting.
95.  take into account / rekening houden met / If you take into account we hadn’t practised, it wasn’t so bad.
96.  inequity / onrechtvaardigheid, onredelijkheid / In history there are many instances of inequity.
97.  in spite of / ondanks / In spite of what she says, I don’t believe her.
98.  in what respect / in welk opzicht / In what respect do you think he is guilty?
99.  incidentally / tussen haakjes / Incidentally, do you remember that book I lent you?
100. infer / conclusies trekken / Is it possible to infer two completely different conclusions from these facts?
101. imperative / noodzakelijk / It is imperative that we make a quick decision.
102. venture / (gevaarlijke) onderneming / It sounded like a dangerous venture.
103. ludicrous / belachelijk / It was a ludicrous idea.
104. overstatement / overdrijving / It was a wild overstatement of the facts.
105. perverse / pervers, slecht, tegennatuurlijk / It was perverse to behave like that.
106. sleazy / goor, vies / It's a sleazy hotel.
107. indigenous / inheems / Kangaroos are indigenous to Australia.
108. skill / vaardigheid / Learning a foreign language is a question of learning new skills.
109. locomotion / voortbeweging / Locomotion was revolutionized by the steam engine.
110. reflect / weerspiegelen / Look at the trees, reflected in the water of the lake!
111. manifest / zichtbaar/ duidelijk / Marx thought he told a manifest truth.
112. misfortune / pech, ongeluk / Misfortune struck early in the voyage.
113. prejudice / vooroordeel / Most people have a prejudice towards modern jazz.
114. involvement / betrokkenheid / My involvement would put you in danger.
115. on behalf of / namens / On behalf of my family and myself, I’d like to thank you.
116. suffice / voldoen(de zijn) / One warning sufficed to stop her doing it.
117. reject / verwerpen / Our proposals were rejected at first.
118. represent / vertegenwoordigen / Phonetic symbols represent sounds.
119. pollution / vervuiling / Pollution will destroy the earth if nothing is done.
120. regarding / wat betreft / Regarding your request, no decision has been made
121. pun / een woordspeling / Shakespeare's comedies are full of puns.
122. participate / deelnemen / She actively participates in local politics.
123. suppress / onderdrukken / She couldn’t suppress a smile.
124. mention / vermelden, noemen / She forgot to mention her name.
125. indomitable / ontembaar / She has an indomitable will.
126. inherit / erven / She inherited the whole fortune.
127. prone / geneigd / She is prone to say the wrong things.
128. inhibited / geremd / She is too inhibited to laugh at jokes about sex.
129. isolate / afzonderen / She isolated herself from her fellow students.
130. pertinent / relevant / She made remarks not pertinent to the matter we discussed.
131. nag / zeuren, vitten / She nagged at him all day long.
132. refer to / verwijzen naar / She referred to her letter of last month.
133. refuse / weigeren / She refused to reply.
134. reproach / verwijten / She reproached him for his rude behaviour.
135. suffer / lijden aan / She suffered terrible pains.
136. suggest / voorstellen / She suggested we all write a poem.
137. turn out to be / blijken te zijn / She turned out to be a thief.
138. vivid / levendig / She was a very vivid girl.
139. witness / getuige / She was a witness for the prosecution.
140. slender / slank / She was a woman with a slender figure.
141. innate / aangeboren, van nature / She was innately kind.
142. merciful / genadig / She was merciful to the prisoners.
143. rigid / onbuigzaam, star / She was rather rigid in her ideas.
144. repel / afstoten / She was repelled by his looks.
145. unduly / onterecht / She was unduly pessimistic.
146. immaculate / vlekkeloos, onberispelijk / She was wearing an immaculate white dress.
147. immodest / onfatsoenlijk / She wore an immodest dress.
148. phoney / nep, namaak / She's a complete phoney.
149. to abolish / afschaffen / Slavery was abolished in the U. S. In the 19th century.
150. pronounce / uitspreken / Some Arabic consonants are extremely hard to pronounce.
151. vulnerable / kwetsbaar / Some people are quite vulnerable to criticism.
152. whereas / terwijl, daarentegen / Some people like fat meat, whereas others hate it.
153. store (up) / opslaan / Squirrels store up food for the winter.
154. mischief / kattenkwaad / Tell the children to keep out of mischief.
155. sensible / verstandig / That is the only sensible thing I’ve heard you say today.
156. indecent / onbeschaafd / That short skirt of hers is positively indecent.
157. masculine / mannelijke manier van doen / That was a typically masculine thing to do.
158. imply / inhouden, betekenen / That you forgot to bring your books doesn’t imply you’re allowed to sit and relax.
159. plead guilty / schuld bekennen / The accused pleaded guilty.
160. the Affluent Society / de welvaartstaat / The Affluent Society is one in which most people have a decent living
161. presumption / veronderstelling / The article makes too many false presumptions.
162. muscle / spier / The bodyguard did exercises to develop his muscles.
163. skid / slippen / The car skidded off the road.
164. litigation / juridisch proces, rechtszaak / The case was in litigation.
165. investigate / onderzoeken / The causes of this accident should be investigated.
166. issue / zaak, kwestie / The chairman raised a new issue.
167. nurture / (op)voeden / The children were nurtured by loving parents.
168. mill/plant/
factory / fabriek / The cotton-mill was very popular in the 19th century.
169. predict / voorspellen / The earthquake had been predicted several months before.
170. justify / rechtvaardigen / The end doesn’t always justify the means
171. means / middel / The end doesn’t always justify the means.
172. The Establishment / gevestigde orde / The Establishment does not tolerate certain forms of behaviour.
173. rate / koers / The exchange rate varied a lot last year.
174. increase / verhogen, vergroten / The factory has increased its production again.
175. menace / bedreiging / The film created an atmosphere of menace.
176. overestimate / overschatten / The firm overestimated their clients’ loyalty, once their crimes had been exposed by the media.
177. inedible / oneetbaar / The fish was quite inedible.