Algebra 2

Mr. Showalter (Room H111A)

**E-mail: **

School Telephone: 214-3300, ext. 38739

Website @ à staff directoryà find me!

Twitter: @Mr_Showalter

Dear Algebra 2 Students,

I hope you thoroughly enjoyed your summer break and are excited for the school year.

Let me preface this syllabus with what I consider to be one of my core beliefs about education and learning.

I believe in a growth mindset over a fixed mindset. A fixed mindset is the belief that people’s traits and intelligence are static. People with a fixed mindset think they are born with a fixed amount of brains and talent and nothing can change that. These people tend to avoid challenges and give up easily when faced with obstacles because they are concerned with preserving their self-image. People with a growth mindset, on the other hand, see their abilities and intelligence as things that can be developed through their dedication and effort. They believe that the brain can be grown and strengthened, like a muscle that can be trained. People with a growth mindset tend to embrace challenges and persist in the face of setbacks. They understand that no one has ever accomplished great things—not Mozart, Steve Jobs, or Michael Jordan—without years of passionate practice and learning.

People with a growth mindset don’t let the fear of failure prevent them from taking risks. They learn from their mistakes and grow because of them. They understand that messing up is simply part of the process. I want you to know that mistakes are not only OK in my classroom, but they are encouraged. Even as the teacher, I am going to commit plenty of blunders myself. If we never make mistakes, then we probably aren’t trying hard enough or taking enough risks.

With that in mind, let’s start making mistakes and getting better together.


Mr. Showalter

Course Description: The content of Algebra 2 consists of Quadratic, Polynomial, Exponential, Logarithmic, Rational, and Trigonometric Functions. For each function we will solve, graph, and model problems, and we will also explore where these functions occur in the real world. After completing this course, students will earn 1 unit of Algebra 2 credit.

Expectations: Algebra 2 is a rigorous, relevant course with high expectations for all. Students are expected to participate in class daily and be prepared with completed assignments, and necessary materials (notes, pencil, calculator, etc.). You will be asked to work cooperatively with other classmates and communicate your thinking verbally and in writing. Students must show evidence of growth and eventual mastery of essential learning objectives.

Grading System: The following letter grades will be assigned:

A 95-100

A- 90-94

B+ 87-89

B 83-86

B- 80-82

C+ 77-79

C 73-76

C- 70-72

D+ 67-69

D 63-66

D- 60-62

F < 60

Grades will be determined from the following areas:

a)  Homework: This includes homework and class activities. Assignments will be given to reinforce class information and will be graded on effort and completion. Homework is used to develop essential mathematical understanding and to promote growth in this course. (20%)

b)  Quizzes/Tests: Quizzes will be given throughout a unit over specific learning objectives and a test will be given at the end of each unit. These may consist of both multiple choice and free response. (65%)

c)  Final Exam: A mandatory comprehensive exam will be give at the end of each semester. This may be a combination of district as well as school-wide assessments. (15%)

*Grades will be kept current and may be viewed on Home Access.

Mr. Showalter’s Bloopers: In order to show that even I am not impervious to mistakes (and to create incentive for attentiveness), I have created a Tally Board to keep track of my “bloopers” throughout the year. If you catch me making an honest mathematical error, call me out and I will add a tally to your block’s total. Once any block’s total tallies reach a certain number, that block will receive a prize. The prize is up to you.

Tutoring: Please be proactive seeking help if needed! The Math Lab is open during the school day from 8:55 am – 4:05 pm in room F207. Stop by during any off-periods or during available Advisory time to take advantage of this resource! If you need help before or after school, please come see me and I will be more than happy to arrange a time.


Class Binder (highly recommended!): Students should expect to take notes daily. I understand that we have the luxury of iPads, which we will certainly use. But sometimes it can be difficult to beat old-fashioned pencil and paper. I recommend students maintain a 3-RING MATH BINDER with paper where all math-related papers, daily notes, projects, and assignments will be kept.

If you need help getting organized or if you have trouble staying organized throughout the school year, please come talk to me! I would be more than happy to assist you in any way I can. I don’t want the reason for not succeeding in this course to be a simple lack of organization.

Attendance: Attendance is crucial to your success and understanding in any course, and this one is no exception.

With block scheduling, it can be very difficult to catch up if you fall behind in class. Work missed due to absences

can be made up as described in the student handbook.

*If you are absent…

It is your responsibility to copy or print the notes and handouts you missed from my Schoology website, which can be accessed from This requires you to be proactive BEFORE you come back to class. Extra handouts may be available in my room for you to pick up.

**If you are absent the day of the exam or quiz, you will have to arrange a 60-90 minute period to make-up the exam in the Math Lab in room F207. Please see me to discuss these situations.

***Planned absences such as sporting events and field trips: It is the expectation as outlined in the student handbook that quizzes/test scheduled for the day of these events will be handled prior to your planned absence.

Tardy Policy: Class can only get started smoothly if you are ready when the bell rings. You will be given something to work on when the bell rings and you are expected to start at that time. Students arriving to class more than 15 minutes after the bell rings will be reported to the appropriate Assistant Principal.

Cell Phone Policy: Cell phone use is not allowed in the classroom unless otherwise stated. The school issued iPads will serve any technology need that we may have, and as a result there is no need for cell phones. I will give Brain Breaks periodically throughout class periods to offset the time without technology and to provide some time to decompress. I reserve the right to confiscate any electronic devices I see being used inappropriately.

Classroom Rules: I don’t see the benefit in creating a long a list of Do’s and Don’ts. You are in high school and don’t need me to tell you not to throw your trash on your floor (hopefully). However, I do have three specific policies I expect every student to follow:

1.  Respect Others

2.  Respect Your Teacher

3.  Respect Yourself

Instead of banning every misbehavior, these three simple rules promote and encourage positive and productive behaviors. Respect is key not just in this course, but in life. I strive for mutual respect in the classroom, and I expect you to do the same.

“Success is never owned; it is only rented. And the rent is due every day.”

“Winners are not people who never fail; They are people who never quit.”