RFO Number:insert identifierIssue Date:insert date.

Commonwealth of Australia

Standard Form Request for Offer (RFO)

Drafting Note:
This template is to be used for routine procurement of general Goods and/orServices with an estimated value of less than $80,000 and which the agency has assessed as being a low risk procurement. It should not be used for Procurementsabove the procurement threshold or for software.

Instructions to assist you to complete this RFO are in white text on a purple background. Where you need to insert details, the text is highlighted in yellow. Standard model clauses are in normal black text and not highlighted. Don’t forget to delete any options you do not use.

Delete this box, all drafting notes and all yellow highlighting, before offering this RFO.


AThe Commonwealth as represented by Insert Name of Agencyis seeking offers for the provision of the Goods and/or Services described in RFO Schedule 1 – Statement of Requirement.

BEach Tenderer to this RFO is expected to

(i)fully inform itself on all aspects of the work required to be performed;

(ii)submit its offer on the template provided atRFO Schedule 2 –Offer; and

(iii)submitits offer in accordance with RFO Schedule 1 – Statement of Requirement.

CEach Tenderer, by submitting its offer, agrees that the offer is subject to the Commonwealth General Conditions of Offer (available at and any special conditions included as RFO Schedule 3 – Special Conditions of Offer and agrees to comply with those conditions.

DAcceptance of an offer will occur only when a purchase order isissued or a contract is executed. Any such purchase order will incorporate the Commonwealth General Conditions Purchase Order Conditions (available at Any such Contract will incorporatethe CommonwealthGeneral Conditions of Contract(available at including any Special Conditions of Contract.

EThe Commonwealth, at its discretion, may discontinue this RFO, decline to accept any offer,decline to issue any contract or satisfy its requirement separately from this RFO process.

RFO Schedule 1 – Statement of Requirement

Key Dates and Details

Event / Dates
Closing Time / Drafting Note:
ensure the time allowed for preparing offers is appropriate for the requirement). (Note there is no minimum timeframe applicable.)
Insertdate and timeCanberra local time.
Expected execution of Contract or issue of purchase order / Insertdate
When Goods and/or Services are required / Drafting Note:
If there is only one delivery date insert the date by which provision must be completed in this section If more detailed information is required (such as milestones or multiple delivery dates), delete this section and include full details about when the Goods and/or Services are required in “The Goods and/or Services” section below.
The Goods and/or Services are required on or before [insert date]
RFO Distribution / Drafting Note:
Select Option 1 if your agency is distributing RFOs directly, and delete Option2. If your agency is distributing RFOs through AusTender, insert text provided by your agency’s procurement advice area under Option 2 and delete Option1.
Option 1
RFO documentation including any updates is available from:
Insert “the Contact Officer”or insertname and/or position title of person distributing RFOs and contact details.
Option 2 (only to be used if document distribution via AusTender is required for specific reasons and must be managed by your agency’s procurement advice area, who will provide you with the appropriate text to insert here.)
Option 2
Lodgement Method / Drafting Note:
Select Option 1 if your agency is receiving offers directly, and delete Option2.
Note that if your agency is receiving offers directly you must set up a transparent process for recording the offers that are received on time and any that are late – late offers cannot be considered.
If your agency is receiving offers through AusTender insert text provided by your agency’s procurement advice area under Option 2, and delete Option1.
Option 1
Offers should be lodged with insert name and/or position title of person receiving offers and/or reference number at Insert address for lodgement or email address or fax number by the closing time specified above.
Option 2 (only to be used if document lodgement via AusTender is required for specific reasons and must be managed by your agency’s Procurement Advice Team, who will provide you with theappropriate text to insert here)
Option 2
Contact Officer / Drafting Note:
Select Option 1 if you want to nominate a position as Contact Officer and delete Option 2. Select Option 2 if you want to name a person as Contact Officer and delete option 1.
Option 1
For all matters relating to this RFO, the Commonwealth’s Contact Officer will be the person occupying the position of insert position title.
Telephone: Insert telephone area code and telephone number
Email:Insert email address
Option 2
For all matters relating to this RFO, the Commonwealth’s Contact Officer will be:
Name: insert name.
Telephone: Insert telephone area code and telephone number
Email:Insert email address

The Goods and/or Services

The Commonwealth is seeking offers for insert full description of Goods and/or Services.

Drafting Note:
Insert afull description of goods and/or services required, including quantities and technical specifications or industry standards where relevant. Also complete the table below, deleting items in the table to suit your requirements. As appropriate, make sure that you include timeframes and any critical dates (eg milestones).

Facilities and assistance offered by the Commonwealth / Drafting Note:
Insert facilities or assistance you will provide, if any (e.g. printing and distribution of final report). If not applicable, insert ‘not applicable’ here
Commonwealth Material / Drafting Note:
NOTE: Commonwealth Material refers to any background material provided to the Supplier by the Commonwealth for the purposes of providing the Goods and/or Services or which is copied or derived from Commonwealth Material. Alternatively, it may be Commonwealth property to be used in the production of the Goods and/or Services.
Insert details of any Commonwealth Material. If not applicable, delete this section.
Delivery Address and Instructions for Goods and/or Services / Drafting Note:
For goods, insert full delivery details including person (and/or position) to whomGoods and/or Services should be delivered, address for delivery and, if a pre-delivery inspection is required, details of the process for approval should be included here. For services, insert full details of where the services are to be undertaken or insert “not applicable” in this box.
Security Requirements / Drafting Note:
If you require particular security arrangements, eg, if Supplier personnel will be handling classified material, have access to agency IT systems or be located in agency premises, detail your agencies’ security requirements here.

Standards and Best Practice

Drafting Note:
Insert any applicable standards e.g. chairs may be required to comply with certain OH&S standards; reports may need to be provided in a particular software package.

For ICT Goods and/or Services, Agencies must have regard to the accessibility of ICT goods and services, primarily web based, to ensure adherence to and alignment with AGIMO Circular 2010/005 at:

RFO Schedule 2 –Offer

Drafting Note:
To assist Tenderers to frame their offer, prior to issuing this RFO, please delete ANY items that are not applicable for your Requirement. For example, if you are seeking goods only, delete the ‘specified personnel’ and ‘prices for services’ sections. If you are seeking services only, delete the‘prices for goods’ section. Do NOTask for any information you do not require.

Instructions to assist Tenderers to complete their offerhave been included as white text on a black background.

Tenderer’s Details

Insert Agency NamePage 1 of 11

RFO Number:insert identifierIssue Date:insert date.

Full legal name and postal address:

ACN/ARBN (if applicable):

ABN (if applicable):

Contact Officer

For all matters relating to this RFO, the Tenderer’s Contact Officer will be:

Name/position title:




Contract Manager

Instruction to Tenderers:

Tenderers should provide the requested details of the person who is the Tenderer’s proposed Contract Manager, responsible for general liaison and accepting and issuing any written notices under the contract, if a contract is awarded.

Name/position title:



Address for Notices:

Name/position title:

Postal Address:

Email Address:

Tenderer’s Offer

Instruction to Tenderers:

Tenderers should describe how they will meet the Commonwealth’s requirements set out in Schedule 1.

Proven Capacity

Statement of Skills and Experience

Instruction to Tenderers:

Tenderers should provide evidence of their skills and experience in providing the Goods and/or Services.

Specified Personnel

Drafting Note:
If you have not specified any security clearance requirements in this RFO, please DELETE the final columnof the table below entitled Current level of Security Clearance..

Instruction to Tenderers:

If the quality of the Tenderer’s offer is based on the experience of its personnel, or a particular security requirement is stated in RFO Schedule 1, the Tenderer should provide full details here. Attach CVs where appropriate. If no Specified Personnel or security requirements, insert “Not applicable”. Note that any fees shown in this table form part of the pricing table below – they are not additional.

Name / Position/Role / Rate
($A, duty paid, GST exclusive) / Rate
($A, duty paid, GST inclusive) / Anticipated Time / Total for Person / Current level of Security Clearance
Total GST exclusive / $A
Total GST / $A
Total GST inclusive / $A


Instruction to Tenderers:

Tenderers must provide (in the form of the table below) details of subcontractors that the Tenderer proposes to engage to deliver the Goods and/or Services. If no subcontractors will be used insert “Not applicable”.

Proposed subcontractor
(full legal name & ABN/ACN) / Scope of works to be subcontracted and technical significance / Fees and associated expenses (GST exclusive) / Fees and associated expenses (GST inclusive)


Drafting Note:
If you do not propose to contact referees in relation to this RFO, please insert “Not applicable or DELETE this section.

Instruction to Tenderers:

Tenderers are to provide details of at least two referees relevant to this Offer. Referees selected are to have direct working knowledge of the Tenderer’s capabilities and capacities in relation to similarGoods and/or Services. Daytime contact details for each referee must also be provided to ensure that the Commonwealth will have appropriate access to the referees listed.

Referee Name / Position/Company / Phone No: / Email Address


Prices for Goods

Instruction to Tenderers:

If no Goods, delete table and insert “Not applicable”.

Item No. / Item Description / Quantity required / Unit price
($A, duty paid, GST exclusive) / Unit price
($A, GST component) / Unit Price
($A, duty paid, GST inclusive) / Total Price
($A, duty paid, GST inclusive)
Total GST inclusive / $A

Prices for Services

Instruction to Tenderers:

If no Services, delete table and insert “Not applicable”.

Task / Milestone Deliverable (if applicable) / Milestone Delivery Date (if applicable) / Payment Schedule
($A, duty paid, GST exclusive) / Payment Schedule
($A GST component) / Payment Schedule
($A, duty paid, GST inclusive)
Total GST exclusive / $A
Total GST / $A
Total GST inclusive / $A

Facilities and Assistance

Instruction to Tenderers:

If the Tenderer’sproposal and pricing is based on the Commonwealth providing any facilities and assistance, these should be stated here. You may refer to the facilities and assistance (if any) offered by the Commonwealth in RFO Schedule 1 – Statement of Requirement, by inserting ‘we require only the facilities and assistance offered by the Commonwealth in RFO Schedule 1 – Statement of Requirement.’ If no facilities or assistance is required, insert “Not applicable”. Note that any costs incurred by the Commonwealth in providing the proposed facilities and assistance will be considered in evaluating the comparative value for moneyof the proposal.


Drafting Note:
If you do not require some of the insurances in relation to this RFO, please edit the insurance table to take out the insurances you do not require. If you do not require any insurances please DELETE this section.

Instruction to Tenderers:

Tenderers must provide details of the insurance they hold in the table below. If no policy is held for a particular type of insurance write ‘nil’ in the relevant space. If requested, the successful Tenderer must provide the Agency with evidence of the listed insurances before a contract will be executed.

Insurance details
Type / Insurer / Total amount of insurance cover (including details of any limits on a per claim or aggregate basis) / Expiry Dateof Policy
Professional Indemnity
Public Liability
Property Insurance
Workers Compensation

Additional Information

Instruction to Tenderers:

Tenderers should provide additional details, if any, that the Tenderer wants the Commonwealth to consider here. This should be as brief as possible and may not exceed two A4 pages. If a real or perceived conflict of interest would exist if the Supplier entered into a contract with the Commonwealth for the Goods and/or Services in this offer, full details should be included here.

Administrative Information

Confidentiality of Tenderer Information

Instruction to Tenderers:

Tenderers must identify, in the table below, any aspects of their offer that they consider should be kept confidential, with reasons. If none, the Tenderers should complete the table with ‘Nil’ and “Not applicable” in the relevant columns.

Tenderers should note that the Commonwealth will only agree to treat information as confidential in cases that it considers appropriate. In the absence of such agreement, the Commonwealth has the right to disclose any information contained in the offer.

Further information to assist you to assess whether particular information would be able to be treated as confidential is available at

Provisions considered necessary to be confidentialconfidential / Reasons for requesting confidentiality

Declaration by Tenderer

The Tenderer offers to provide the Goods and/or Services described in Schedule 1 to the RFO (Statement of Requirement) on the following terms:

  • The terms of the RFOincluding Schedule 1 to the RFO (Statement of Requirement)
  • the Commonwealth General Conditions of Offer (available at the form it appears at 9:00am (local Canberra time) on the date of this offer;
  • this Schedule 2 to the RFO (Offer); and
  • the special conditions (if any) in Schedule3 to the RFO.

These documents collectively comprise the Tenderer’s “Offer”.

The Offer

The Tenderer agrees to enter into a contract to provide the Goods and/or Services in accordance with its Offer in the form of the Standard Form Contract attached to, or provided with, this RFO which incorporates by reference the Commonwealth General Conditions of Contract (available at even if those conditions are not attached to the contract.

The Tenderer agrees that the Commonwealth may accept or decline to accept the Tenderer’s Offer in its discretion. No commitment or contract exists until a contract in the form of the Standard Form Contract (which includes Commonwealth General Conditions of Contract including any Special Conditions of Contract required by the Commonwealth)is executed by both parties. The Tenderer agrees that the Commonwealth is not required to enter into any contract in connection with the RFO.

The Tenderer agrees that participation in any stage of the RFO process is at the Tenderer’s sole risk and cost.

Unpaid Employee Entitlements

The Tenderer warrants that neither it nor its proposed subcontractors (if any) has a judicial decision against it (excluding decisions under appeal) relating to unpaid employee entitlements where the entitlements remain unpaid.

Conflict of Interest

The Tenderer agrees to notify the Commonwealth immediately if an actual or potential conflict of interest arises.

Criminal Code Acknowledgement

The Tenderer acknowledges that the giving of false or misleading information to the Commonwealth is a serious offence under section 137(1) of the schedule to the Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth).

Compliance with Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Act

The Tenderer warrants that neither it nor any of its proposed subcontractors (if any) is currently named as not complying with the Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Act 1999 (Cth).

Improper Assistance with Preparing Offer

The Tenderer warrants that its Offer has not been prepared with the improper assistance of employees or contractors or former (within the previous twelve months) employees or contractors of the Commonwealth or with improperly obtained information.

...... / ......
Signatory’s printed name: / Signatory’s signature:
...... / ......
Signatory’s Position / Date
...... / ......
Signatory’s Phone Number / Signatory’s Email Address
...... / ......
Witness’s printed name / Witness’s signature

Insert Agency NamePage 1 of 11

RFO Number:insert identifierIssue Date:insert date.

Insert Agency NamePage 1 of 11

RFO Number:insert identifierIssue Date:insert date.

RFO Schedule 3–SpecialConditions of Offer

Drafting Note:
For many Requirements it will not be necessary to specify any special conditions. However, some agencies havedeveloped a range of special conditions. Before completing this section, you should consider whether any of these agency specific clauses apply.

If your Requirement necessitates particular special conditions, please consult your agency procurement advice areabefore using this provision.

If no special conditions apply, DELETE this Schedule 3.

Insert Agency NamePage 1 of 11