v6-approved-18.1.11 with alterations made 23.2.11
New Mayor outlines priorities
On 6 December 2010, Moreland City Council elected Councillor Oscar Yildiz as its new Mayor.
Cr Yildiz was born in Melbourne and grew up in Coburg. "This place is a very big part of my life and I'm very honoured and proud to serve it as Mayor," he said.
"Given my background and upbringing, I believe I've got a good sense of the local place and its people."
Some of Cr Yildiz's priorities during 2011 include:
* a balanced budget;
* continued investment in the construction and maintenance of the gardens, streets, footpaths and local strip shops;
* implementing the first stages of construction of The Coburg Initiative;
* attracting investment and development within the key activity centres in Brunswick, Coburg and Glenroy;
* stimulating local employment opportunities through the support and development of the local business community.
"Whilst the next 12 months will be busy and challenging, as Councillors we must also be open to further new ideas and opportunities. Many of these ideas will come from the men and women who make up Moreland's business community.
"I invite you to get involved and share your views and thoughts with me. I welcome the opportunity to serve you as Mayor over the coming year."
[caption for photo: Cr Oscar Yildiz - 057-hi res.jpg]
Cr Yildiz
Profile: Brunswick Business Incubator
Just a short walk from Brunswick Railway Station in Victoria Street are two buildings that are full of business success stories.
Housed inside the Brunswick Business Incubator (BBI) are 45 small businesses that occupy 66 office spaces and support 144 full time employees.
Anthony O'Brien, Manager of the BBI, has the responsibility of helping these tenant businesses become commercially viable so they can ultimately graduate and relocate to commercial accommodation.
"Most tenants move into the incubator after running their business from home," Anthony said.
"Common reasons for moving are that a home office can be isolating, it can provide work/life conflicts or often these businesses just run out of space.
"We give tenants affordable office space, an excellent central Brunswick location, professional reception services, access to meeting rooms and use of basic office equipment such as photocopiers, which can be difficult to set up in a home-based environment. It's very much serviced based and aimed at supporting the small businesses to help them develop and grow.
"We also provide tenants with a mentoring program, access to seminars and workshops, networking opportunities and even two free business magazines each month," he said.
There are also cashflow and financial benefits as tenants don't need to sign a commercial lease and only have to give one month's notice to exit.
"Another advantage is that the BBI is its own small business community. There's a real opportunity for tenants to refer work to each other, to problem solve together or just chat about issues relating to small business. That's a big plus."
Seminars and workshops run at the BBI are open to any Moreland business. To find out more visit www.brunswickincubator.com.au/events. If you are interested in tenancy, please contact the BBI on 9940 1444.
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Receptionist Lara McGeary, Manager Anthony O’Brien and Administration Manager Leeanne Jameson help small businesses get bigger at the Brunswick Business Incubator.
Mad Fabrics a BBI success
Joint owners of Mad Fabrics, Maria Lopes and Adriana Leitner, graduated from the Brunswick Business Incubator (BBI) four years ago.
With an office and warehouse in Albert Street, Brunswick, they didn't move far but with their business now in its ninth year, they have carved a healthy niche into the wholesale fabric industry.
"The Incubator really helped us to understand key areas such as insurance, accounting, superannuation and marketing," Maria said.
Known in their industry as jobbers, Mad Fabrics buys excess fabric from local mills and large clothing manufacturers and sells it to small fabric shops and smaller designers all over Australia.
"We still have customers — now friends — in the Incubator and regularly pop in to show them new fabric samples. The BBI is a very supportive environment and helped us grow the business."
Mad Fabrics now has two full time employees and a casual worker who was hired through Disability Works, a BBI tenant.
[caption for photo: Mad Fabrics.JPG]
BBI graduates, Maria Lopes and Adriana Leitner of Mad Fabrics, stayed in Brunswick because of its central location.
Family project leads to imaging hit
Like most people in the Brunswick Business Incubator, David Pearce and Jason Hungerford started their business from home.
From these humble beginnings two years ago, Remba Imaging now has seven employees and last month took a second office at the Incubator.
Remba Imaging is a sophisticated and high tech company that has streamlined the photo, slide and negative digital imaging business by developing
custom-built scanning software and an enhanced website, which have both helped Remba double its size four times in 2010.
An additional service is photo restoration where old and deteriorated photos are retouched to fix scratches, fading, missing areas, stains, mould, creases and yellowing.
So what was the instigator for the business?
Just over two years ago, cousins David and Jason took on a project to scan their family's photos. With more than 5,000 photos in the collection they started by purchasing a flatbed scanner and set about scanning.
"After the project was completed, we believed there would be other people who would like a similar service," David said. "So we started brainstorming and did some market research in Australia and overseas. We realised there was a definite market for the service locally so we invested in some commercial equipment. Before long we found that half the lounge room was full of computers and scanners.
"Within a few months, we had a website and a steady flow of customers. We then knew it was a viable business. It didn't take long to outgrow that environment, which is when we looked for new premises.
"Friends told us about the Brunswick Business Incubator and after a chat with the Manager, Anthony O'Brien, we were offered an office."
David and Jason continue to benefit from being in the Incubator. In addition to free mentoring, they have access to training opportunities, business information and business coaching.
"While Remba is still in the building phase, everything we make goes back into the business to grow it. The Incubator is really good for us, particularly networking with other tenants and using them in our business. And having access to mentors who are experts in their industry can help you avoid some of the obvious mistakes."
If you are looking to start a new business or feel cramped in your home office, call the Brunswick Business Incubator Manager, Anthony O'Brien, on 9940 1444.
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Remba Imaging co-founders, David Pearce (left) and Jason Hungerford, have created a winning business.
How to win council business
Many small to medium businesses see local councils as a potential source of revenue but just don't know where to start.
Whilst all councils are different, certain things are always the same:
* The Procurement Policy is on their website.
* They must publicly tender goods and services where the value is greater than $150,000 or works where the value is greater than $200,000.
Tenders for Moreland and several other councils are listed at: www.evalua.com.au/etb/ExternalIndex.htm
The state government lists tenders at www.tenders.vic.gov.au and provides some sound tools and advice. The federal government tenders are listed at www.tenders.gov.au
Additionally, the Department of Planning and Community Development provides a site that assists in understanding local government procurement methods and provides a core reference for people seeking to engage local government in the future. It can be found at www.lgprocurementehub.com
Paid sites such as www.tenders.com.au, www.tenderlink.com.au and www.tendersearch.com.au also provide valuable leads. If desired, a fee can be paid to be notified of suitable tenders.
When responding to a tender it's vital to address all the requirements. If not, tenders are listed as non-compliant and usually don't progress, regardless of how good or bad the offer is.
Some councils maintain preferred supplier lists. If making contact with a council for the first time it is a sensible question to ask, "Do you have a preferred supplier list, and if so, what do I need to do to get on it?".
Many council purchases only require a quote, which do not need to be publicly advertised. In these cases make yourself known to officers so you can be invited to quote.
This can involve a considerable investment in time and effort and relies upon a need arising whilst you are still 'front of mind'. Ensure you prepare a relevant brief for them on the capabilities of your company and email or mail this to the relevant officer/s. Follow up periodically as you want to be on hand when the need arises, but not so often that you become a nuisance.
It is not advisable to approach councillors directly as they need to be mindful about conflicts of interest.
If you are interested in doing business with Moreland City Council, please contact its Economic Development Unit on 9240 1111.
[caption for photos: pages from websites]
Visiting selected websites will provide useful information on forthcoming tenders.
Moreland business calendar of events
Council is committed to supporting local businesses and a valuable initiative is the establishment of a number of events specifically designed to assist business men and women in connecting with like-minded organisations and provide introductory information on a range of business topics.
Women's networking events
Council hosts the Moreland Business Women's Network Express Nights (MBWN), which are a great opportunity to socialise, meet local businesswomen and exchange ideas. Put these dates in your diary now and get on board the MBWN!
Moreland Business Women’s Network Express
Free Event
15 March, 6 pm – 7 pm On-Line Marketing & Sales
19 April, 6 pm – 7 pm The Art of Networking
17 May, 6 pm – 7 pm Improving Your Cash Flow
21 June, 6 pm – 7 pm Greening Your Business
General events
Council also hosts the Moreland Business Network Express, which is a networking event for everyone who works in the municipality. A diverse cross section of people from a broad range of industries attends giving you the opportunity to develop business to business partnerships, local contacts, supply chains and even friendships. So take advantage of these opportunities and come along to the next event.
Moreland Business Network Express
Free Event
7 March, 6 pm – 7 pm On-Line Marketing & Sales
4 April, 6 pm – 7 pm The Art of Networking
2 May, 6 pm – 7 pm Improving Your Cash Flow
6 June, 6 pm – 7 pm Greening Your Business
Business development training programs/seminars
Knowledge is power, which is why Council is facilitating a varied seminar program for business people in Moreland. Consider these educational events not just for yourself but members of your team to help increase skill levels and make your business better.
Greening Your Business - Learning Lunch
Free Event
9 March, 12 pm – 1.30 pm
ATO Seminar – Record Keeping for Small Business
Free Event
23 March, 5 pm – 8.30 pm
Selling Online Made Easy Seminar
23 March, 10 am – 12.30 pm
Managing Risk in Your Business – Learning Lunch
Free Event
6 April, 12.30 pm – 1.30 pm
ATO Seminar – Business Deductions
Free Event
27 April, 10 am -12 pm
ATO Seminar – Business Activity Statements
Free Event
27 April, 1.30 pm – 3.30 pm
Networking Seminar
4 May, 10.30 am – 12.30 pm
ATO Seminar – Rental Properties
Free Event
9 May, 6 pm – 8 pm
Introduction to E-Business Seminar
27 May, 10 am – 12.30 pm
Improving Cash flow and Profitability Seminar
9 June, 10.30 am – 12.30 pm
ATO Seminar – Self Managed Super Funds
Free Event
15 June, 6 pm - 8 pm
Selling Online Made Easy Seminar
25 June, 10 am – 12.30 pm
All events listed are either held at Moreland City Council municipal offices at 90 Bell Street, Coburg (COBURG) or at the Brunswick Business Incubator, which is located at 420 Victoria Street, Brunswick (BBI).
Please refer to the websites below for more information and registration details. Bookings are required for all events. To book BBI events call 9940 1444 and to book COBURG events please contact the Economic Development Unit on 9240 1111.
Green your business transport
Business meetings, whether local, interstate or international, play an important part in overall business strategy; connecting with people face-to-face strengthens business relationships, allows for real-time negotiations and sets the platform for increased connections and trust.
However, the consequence of business travel is that it can increase your impact on the environment. But with the right information and tools, there are measures you can take to make your trips more eco-friendly. Below are a few tips to help incorporate sustainable travel into your business practices.
Hybrid vehicles
Consider a hybrid vehicle (half electric and half fuel-powered) as your next company car. Volkswagen's new L1 car is a hybrid that uses a third of the fuel of a Toyota Prius as well as half the carbon emissions.
When you need to rent a car, choose a hybrid. The demand for hybrid cars is slowly increasing in Australia and as it does, the option to rent these more environmentally friendly vehicles will become easier and more accessible. Visit www.drivenow.com.au/green-cars.jspc. If it is not possible to hire a hybrid car, you can view the Green Vehicle Guide for advice and comparisons on which vehicle offers the least carbon emissions for your journey.
Pedal power
For shorter trips — to and from meetings or to the local café or restaurant, combine sustainable transport with fitness by using a bicycle. Side benefits include avoiding being stuck in traffic jams and having trouble finding a park. By simply purchasing an office bike or two, you are also giving your employees the option of choosing a greener way to commute during their work day.