V.V.Naidenko, L.N.Gubanov, A.N.Kosarikov, I.M.Afanasyevsa., A.V.Ivanov
Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
(Nizhny Novgorod)
Professor Valentin Vasilyevich Naidenko, Doctor Sciences (Engng), Member of the Russian Academy of Architectural and Construction Sciences, Rector of Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Professor Aleksandr Nikolayevich Kosarikov, Doctor Sciences (Econ.), UNESCO Chair “Environmentally Safe Development of a Large Region – Volga River Basin”, Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Professor Leonid Nikolayevich Gubanov, Doctor Sciences (Engng), Head of the Chair of Ecology and Nature Management” Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering.
Irina Mikhailovna Afanasyeva, Candidate of Sciences (Biol.), Associate Professor of the Chair of Ecology and Nature Management Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Aleksandr Vladimirovich Ivanov, Associate Professor of the Chair of Ecology and Nature Management Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, expert on integrated municipal planning of the foundation “Institute of Urban Economics” Nizhny Novgorod branch
The course of ecological/economic monitoring is intended for the students pursuing their studies of Economics. The purpose of the course is studying the methods for the ecological assessment of modern socio-ecologo-economic systems. The course is also aiming to introduce modern vision of ecological/economic models and their parameters in the educational process, the stusdy of which will allow timely detection and evaluation of ecological and economic impacts of anthropogenic and nature protection activities, and development and introduction of remedial actions and programs. The course introduces the indicators reflecting the present condition of the socio-ecologo-economic systems used in ecological regulation of such systems and in predicting ecological consequences of economic activities.
The relevance of the new course “Ecological and economic monitoring of environment” is explained by the fact that, Russia and other industrialized nations have different experience in the theoretical justification and introduction of the monitoring systems. Russia’s strength in the field of monitoring is the systems approach to the assessment of environmental conditions reflected in the development of documentation developed for creation of an integrated state system for ecological monitoring. This approach allows monitoring both biotic and abiotic parameters of natural environment including the atmosphere hydrosphere and lithosphere. These are the observation, diagnosis and early warning parameters. However, the existing control system in Russia, is not oriented to monitoring ecological and economic efficiency of nature protection projects and programs. Therefore, the introduction of international experience, which is highly valuable in the field of monitoring economic and ecologo/economic parameters, is very relevant today in Russia. All this has been reflected in the development and introduction of sustainable development parameters.
The purpose of the course is achieved due to combining the knowledge and skills in the field of modeling ecologo/economic systems, modern vision of contact and remote control systems for observation of natural environment including aerospace monitoring, methods of processing and analysis of the information, GIS, and modern methods of assessing effectiveness of investments. The course provides students’ familiarization with modern experience in organization of the ecologo/economic monitoring systems at the level of the oblasts and republics, subjects of the Russian Federation, and at the municipal level. It incorporates the presentation of a theoretical basis and practical aspects of the problems intensively developed by international scientific community and introduced into practice by international organizations, and investors.
The methodological novelty of the course “Ecological and economic monitoring of environment” consists in incorporation in the course of the latest developments in the field of modern computer technologies. A large scale use of mathematical tools allowed application of intensive methods of training in educational process.
The theoretical portion of the course is supported by practical work on computers, where students have an opportunity to deal with problems by means of modern information systems, including the ecological software complex “Zone” (Lenkosoft, St.-Petersburg), “UPRSA “ECOLOG”, MS Excel, Ms Access, GIS MapInfo and other. The course suggests application of a package of specialized programs for the analysis and processing of the economic information.
Educational objectives of the discipline
The educational objectives of the discipline are:
• basic concepts and principles of monitoring environment;
• modeling of ecologo/economic systems;
• facilities for the reception of basic information required for the systems of monitoring; organization of the systems of observation; recording and reporting;
• processing and analysis of the ecological and economic information in the monitoring systems;
• ecologo/economic monitoring of the environment of natural objects and ecosystems;
• regional and municipal systems of ecologo/economic monitoring;
• monitoring the effectiveness of industrial environmental protection management;
• monitoring projects and programs involving market mechanisms of trading pollution quotas.
Course trial
The trial of the new educational course and course book “Ecological and economic monitoring of environment” was conducted on an academic group “БД-03” of Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering pursuing a program of undergraduate studies in specialty 330100 – “Occupational and public safety in technosphere” from October, 2002 to May, 2003.
The reviewers:
Professor Manfred Kiy, Faculty of Economics, Fachhochschule, Cologne, Germany.
Professor D.B.Gelashvili, Doctor of Sciences (Biol.), Head of the Chair of Ecology, Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Найденко В.В., Косариков А.Н., Губанов Л.Н., Афанасьева И.М., Иванов А.В.
Учебное пособие
Нижний Новгород
Найденко В.В., Губанов Л.Н., Косариков А.Н., Афанасьева И.М., Иванов А.В.
«Эколого-экономический мониторинг окружающей среды» Учебное пособие. Нижний Новгород, 2003. –244 с.
Учебное пособие посвящено рассмотрению экологических и экономических аспектов мониторинга окружающей среды, а также природоохранных программ и проектов.
Учебное пособие предназначено для студентов бакалаврского уровня высшего профессионального образования по специальности.
М. Кий
Д.Б. Гелашвили
Подготовлено при содействии НФПК – Национального фонда подготовки кадров в рамках Программы "Совершенствование преподавания социально-экономических дисциплин в вузах"
© Найденко В.В., Губанов Л.Н., Косариков А.Н., Афанасьева И.М., Иванов А.В., 2003