Thursday, October 26, 2017
Millennium Centre, Johnson City, TN
Thursday, October 26, 2017
7:00 AM – 7:55 AM / Breakfast, Registration and Exhibitors
7:55 AM – 8:00 AM / Welcome
Pre-Conference Announcements and Introductions / Learning Objectives:
As a result of participating in this activity, the attendee will be able to…
8:00 AM – 8:10 AM / Review Conference Purpose
Karl Goodkin, MD
8:10 AM – 9:20 AM / Keynote Address:
Measurement-Based Care for Depression and Beyond
A. John Rush, MD
Professor Emeritus
Duke National University of Singapore /
- Apply Measurement-Based Care methods to treatment of depressed patients
- Specify and use three tools to deliver Measurement-Based Care
- Revise treatments in a timely fashion when they fail in care of depressed patients
- Implement Measurement-Based Care in the three phases of treatment for depression
9:20 AM – 10:20 AM / Team-Based Care in Family Medicine: The New Frontier
Reid B. Blackwelder, MD /
- Understand impact of mental health issues in primary care
- Verbalize tools to assist teams in providing coordinated care
- Recognize new payment models challenge systems to change
- Identify personal steps to take to direct that change
10:20 AM – 10:45 AM / Break and Exhibitors
10:45 AM – 11:45 AM / Applications of Measurement- Based Care for Neurocognitive Disorders
Karl Goodkin, MD /
- Participants will understand the use of Measurement-Based Care for initial evaluation of a neurocognitive disorder diagnosis
- Participants will understand the use of Measurement-Based Care for follow-up of patients assigned with a neurocognitive disorder diagnosis
- Participants will understand the use of Measurement-Based Care for documenting the impact of treatment for patients assigned with a neurocognitive disorder diagnosis
- Participants will understand the need for documenting treatment of patients assigned with a neurocognitive disorder diagnosis vis a vis the upcoming changes regarding Measurement-Based Care for behavioral health issued by the Joint Commission
11:45 AM – 12:45 PM / Lunch and Exhibitors
12:45 PM – 1:45 PM / Measurement-Based Care: How Assessment Can Contribute to Beginning and Monitoring Treatment
F. Barton Evans, PhD /
- Demonstrate how Measurement-Based Care is applicable in clinical psychiatric settings
- Know a variety of Measurement-Based Care measures for direct psychiatric use or for requesting psychologist consultation
- Describe the value and advantages of Collaborative/Therapeutic Assessment in clinical practice
1:45 PM – 2:30 PM / Integrating Teamwork in Implementing Measurement-Based Care
Breakout Session 1 /
- Participants will be able to use common instruments to assess depression and function as part of the process of implementing Measurement-Based Care in the treatment of major depressive disorder and other depressive conditions
2:30 PM – 2:45 PM / Break and Exhibitors
2:45 PM – 3:30 PM / Integrating Teamwork in Implementing Measurement-Based Care
Breakout Session 2 / •Participants will be able to use common instruments to assess hypomanic and manic symptoms as well as function as part of the process of implementing Measurement-Based Care in the treatment of bipolar disorder.
3:30 PM – 4:15 PM / Integrating Teamwork in Implementing Measurement-Based Care
Breakout Session 3 /
- Participants will learn how to use measurement-based practice instruments such as the PCL5, BDI-II and DES-II in screening for psychological trauma in standard clinical practice.
- Participants will learn how to use measurement-based practice instruments such as the BDI-II, BAI, and ASRS in assessing ADHD or other disorder in standard clinical practice.
4:15PM – 5:00 PM / Conclusions from Breakout Sessions and Wrap-Up
A. John Rush, MD
Professor Emeritus
Duke National University of Singapore /
- Participants will identify and overcome the psychological service system obstacles to implementing Measurement-Based Care in psychiatric practice.
- Participants will recognize the value and incorporate Measurement-Based Care procedures in psychiatric training and education.