***** NIH Salary Cap *****


v  Increase by 1% from $179,700 to $181,500

v  Effective January 12, 2014, and will be applied as follows:

ü  Projects with an award date before January 12, 2014 will continue to apply the $179,700 cap

ü  Projects with an award date on or after January12, 2014 are subject to the new $181,500 cap

v  If funds are available in existing active awards, you may rebudget to allow for the higher cap.

ü  NIH will not provide additional funds to cover the higher salary

ü  Local approval: Process a Request for Reallocation, signed by the PI, Department Chair and Dean.

ü  NIH approval: Submit a letter, addressed to your sponsoring agency, to SPA for review and Tony signature.


v  The cap is applicable to all federal and federal flow-thru projects

v  Salary in excess of the cap is unallowable, and must be covered with non-federal resources

v  Accounts should be reviewed/reconciled monthly to ensure that we are in compliance

v  Pay funding changes must the processed to clear the unallowable salary expense

v  Cost Transfer Explanation Forms are required

v  The Effort Certification System must be monitored


Contact > Brenda Murrell (8-4889), Mary Nease (8-4872), Gerri Bussell (8-5571)