Middle Years Programme
Grades 6-8
Shared Supplies List
The following items are needed in all classes and students should have them at all times in a zipper pouch(no boxes):
o#2 pencils with erasers
oGlue sticks
oA ruler with metric and US units
oRed pens
oColored pencils (good quality, portable set, maximum 12 colors)
oPencil sharpener with receptacle
o1 mini stapler
oPost-it notes
o1 good quality Hi-Polymer eraser
o1 USB drive/memory stick
oSupplies to have at home:
- 1 ream of computer paper*
- construction paper- variety of colors*
- printer with ink cartridges
Individual subjects lists: Mathematics, Language Arts, Social Studies, Spanish, Portuguese, Science, Arts, Music, PE, Technology, and Gifted Resource Class.
oone very thick spiral bound composition book
oone compass and protractor
ograph paper
oNO mechanical pencils
oindex cards
oFor seventh and eighth grade only: a basic calculator
(graphing calculators may be used but will not be required)
o5 Subject notebooks w/ pocket dividers
o2 Duo Tangs w/ pockets
o1 Box of tabs
o1 #2 mechanical pencil w/ extra lead
o1 Roll of paper towel*
o1 Canister of Clorox Wipes*
*Bring items to science class at beginning of school year.
A Science Fee of $4 will be requested of all students for purchasing lab materials.
- 1 composition notebook
- 1 Duo Tang w/ pockets
o1 black hardcover sketchbook, at least 100 pages, 80 pound quality drawing paper, approx size, 9X12; paper should be heavy enough for both wet and dry mediums. It should be portable so that student can carry it from and to school(Suggested locations to purchase sketchbook: Utrecht, Pearl (both onUS1, near Sunset Place, SW Miami) and Michaels
o1 large box of baby wipes (not travel-size)*
o2 black, ultra fine point Sharpie
o1 drawing pencil set (includes 2B, 4B, 6B, 2 graphite pencils, 2 charcoal pencils, 1 white pencil) (Prismacolor, Prang, Design, Derwent and Faver-Castell are all good brands)
o1 kneaded eraser
o1 white eraser (Magic Rub)
o1 color set of student's favorite combination of ultra fine colored sharpies.
o1 roll of paper towel or 100 paper plates*
o2 black, “ultrafine” point permanent markers (Sharpies)
o2 black, “fine” point permanent markers (Sharpies)
o1 coloor set of “fine” point colored permanent markers (stduent’s choice of color combinations) (Sharpies)
o1 tracing paper pad 50 sheets, 9”x12” (Canson, and Strathmore are good brands)
*An Art Fee of $4 will be requested of all students for purchasing additional art materials
*Bring items to Art class at beginning of school year.
1 Composition notebook
1 duotang folder with pockets
1 hand sanitizer
*Please have all items on first day of class
TECHNOLOGY (6th grade only)
- one 2” clear view white 3 ring binder
- one pack of 5 dividers
o1 ½” 3-ring binder with paper and divider tabs labeled:
- Reading Log/Reading Response
- Projects
- Literature
- Vocabulary
- Grammar
- college ruled paper
- 1 composition notebook
- 1 Duo Tang w/ pockets
- World Atlas Notebook- Rand McNally-
- One subject notebook/10½ x 8 inch/ 3 hole punch
- One 3 ring binder 1½ inch (175 sheets)
- One pack of plastic protector sheets (25)
- One pack of multi-color construction paper
- Synonymous and Antonymous Spanish Dictionary (Larousse)
- Two subject notebooks/10½ x 8 inch/ 3 hole punch
- One composition notebook for journal writing
- One 3 ring binder 1½ inch (175 sheets with dividers)
- 3x5 index cards
- Required novels
Gifted Resource
- one 2” clear view white 3 ring binder*
- one pack of 5 dividers*
- One composition notebook for journal writing