Palermo, Italy

March 28th – April 1st, 2016


List of participants

Name and Surname / Institution
Jane Latham / UCAN Productions, Wales
Bernard Latham / UCAN Productions, Wales
Zornitsa Staneva / FDCBPCS, Bulgaria
Claudio Ingoglia / FDCBPCS, Bulgaria
Lyubomir Velkov / SOUDNZ, ‘Luis Brail’, Bulgaria
Ivelina Sokolova / SOUDNZ, ‘Luis Brail’, Bulgaria
Stefania Vitale / Music’Arte, Italy
Casimiro Alaimo / Music’Arte, Italy
Sarah Malherbe / INFOREF, Belgium
Benoît Wagelmans / INFOREF, Belgium
Daniela Maniscalco / Comitato Estero Societa Dante Alighieri in Lussemburgo, Luxembourg
Rositsa Todorova / Association “Hope for all”, Veliko Tarnovo, BG
Veselin Vasilev / Association “Hope for all”, Veliko Tarnovo, BG

28th of March, 2016

The day started with a welcoming by the Sicilian hosts, a quite review and adoption of the very complex agenda, including also the C2 event activities and continued with a visual awareness training delivered by Nicola Crews to the artists, involved in the project. The materials for the training have been included in the training programme.

After this training the artists started the C2 activities with the children and Nicola Crews gathered the other present experts, parents, accompanying persons for a one hour briefing on how to support and empower a visually impaired person.

The rest of the day was dedicated to C2.

30th of March, 2016

During the scheduled cultural visit of the children to the center of Palermo (teatro Massimo, Teatro di Puppi, etc.) – 14:00 – 17:00 - the project team continued the discussion on remaining outputs to be created or remaining activities to be undertaken:

–videos (national workshops – one video from each area – Sofia, Veliko Tarnovo, Wales, England, Palermo; and international week, including the “smiles” video – a film on the international week, to be ready by the end of May 2016)

–flashmobs – to be included in the final conferences, can take the shape of demonstrational workshops for a wider audience

–continued dissemination – schedule further dissemination events and share them online on the project web-site – suggested dissemination was sending an article to the UICI, an associated partner under the project, based on the already published article by the EBU; organizing radio events and broadcasts; final selection of photos to use for the 2017 VISION calendar and publishing in order for the product to be ready for dissemination during the multiplier events

–multiplier events scheduling:

–UCAN productions proposed to schedule their event for May and then further support it with dissemination of project results during their annual festival in Cardiff in July 2016;

–Societa Dante Alighieri confirmed their intention to make multiplier events for interested parties in Luxembourg, together with demonstrational workshops, inviting to this end representatives of UCAN Productions – the two young visually impaired ladies Megan and Mared. The two ladies will be supported in this task by Claudio Ingoglia from FDCBPCS;

–FDCBPCS and “Louis Braille” school proposed to organize a multiplier event – a conference – plus a demonstrational workshop with the Sofia children in June 2016;

–Music’Arte is about to organize their event in the period – June-July 2016 with the participation of their children in order to also present a demonstrational workshop to those who come to the event;

–“Hope for all” association is about to schedule their multiplier event and demonstrational workshop for the beginning of August 2016, in order to have also the partners coming to the last project meeting involved in the event.

1st of April, 2016

From 9:00 till 10:00 - Discussion concerning the deadline for finalized training theatrical exercises (last amendments on the basis of the implemented national and transnational testing - and further final notes concerning the training programme will be completed in English by the end of April and then passed on for translation in EN Braille as well as in Bulgarian and Italian.

The exercises proposed in the training programme shall be supported by audio recordings, in order to be used with slightly more detailed information by visually impaired facilitators.

From 17:00 till 18:00 the partners went through the set deadlines in order to confirm them once again. Then they also planned the final project meeting, which is about to take place in Veliko Tarnovo within the period 1-5 August 2016. The participants shared some last comments and signed the participants’ list.

Minutes were kept by Claudio Ingoglia & Zornitsa Staneva, FDCBPCS
