Introduction to Business - #63026

Course Syllabus

Instructor:Diane G. Wolf

Office Phone:(715) 389-7022

Office Hours:Tuesday, Thursday, 8:00 – 9:50a.m.; or by appointment.

Class Hours:Monday - 11:00 a.m. to 12:50 p.m.; Wednesday - 12:00p.m. – 12:50 p.m.

E-Mail Address:


This course provides an introduction to what a business is, how it operates, and how it is managed. Students will identify forms of ownership and the processes used in production and marketing, finance, personnel and management in business operations.

INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS is a 3-credit course that is a required course in the Business programs as well as theSupervisory Management Associate Degree Program at Mid-State Technical College.

No prerequisite courses exist for INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS.

PERFORMANCE BASED LEARNING: While at MSTC, you will hear a great deal about performance based learning, competencies, and core abilities. This is a performance-based course which means that you must be able to demonstrate that you have met the course competencies. A competency is a major skill, knowledge, or attitude that you will learn as a result of a given learning experience. A core ability is a broad capability that you will develop throughout a course, a program, or a major, rather than a specific lesson. Core abilities include skills that everyone needs to succeed such as problem-solving and communication.


Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to:

► Analyze the environment in which business operates.

► Analyze the affect of economic conditions on business performance.

► Analyze the affect of global conditions on business performance.

► Acknowledge the role of ethics in the business environment.

► Identify the main forms of business operations.

► Explain the marketing process and how it drives business activities.

► Determine how distribution strategies influence the firm’s value.

►Explain the internal structures of organizations.

► Depict the role of operations in the business environment.

► Explain how firms use accounting.

► Analyze sources of financing for businesses.


  • Act with integrity.
  • Communicate effectively
  • Demonstrate effective critical and creative thinking
  • Demonstrate global and social awareness


Pride, William; Hughes, Robert; Kapoor, Jack, Foundations of Business 3nd ed. Cengage Learning, 2013.

One 3 ½” disk or jump drive.

Students may purchase the textbook in the MSTC bookstore at any location. For more information, go to . Textbooks may also be purchased online at textbook sites such as Amazon. Make sure that you use the correct ISBN number. You will need the text by the beginning of course (August 23, 2011).

NEED FOR ASSISTANCE: If you know you have a recognized disability, or suspect that you might have one, it is your responsibility to identify yourself as soon as possible to the Disability Services staff in Student Services. Course standards will not be lowered, but various kinds of accommodations are available to you. Adequate and reasonable time will be required to develop and provide appropriate accommodations. It is MSTC’s goal to assist you in your educational plan.

POLICY ON ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: The Mid-State Technical College Board, administration, faculty, and staff believe that academic honesty and integrity are fundamental to the mission of higher education. All students are expected to maintain and promote the highest standards of personal honesty and professional integrity. These standards apply to all examination, assigned work, and projects. Therefore, a student who is found to have been dishonest, fraudulent, or deceptive in the completion of work or is willing to help others to be so, or who plagiarizes; presents the work of others as his or her own, is subject to disciplinary action up to and including suspension.

GUIDELINES FOR REFERENCE MATERIAL: The Mid-State Technical College Academic Integrity Policy, noted in this syllabus, states “…a student who is found to have been dishonest, fraudulent, or deceptive in the completion of work or is willing to help others to be so, or who plagiarizes; presents the work of others as his or her own, is subject to disciplinary action up to and including suspension. “Student assignments in this online course that are plagiarized will receive 0 points. On the next page are several useful links that define plagiarism and provide ways to avoid plagiarism.

Student Expectations:

Non compliance with student expectations may result in a progressive course of action such as an oral warning, written warning and/or dropping from the class.

  • E-mail: Students are required to use his/her MSTC e-mail account.
  • Class attendance: Students are expected to attend all scheduled classes. If you must miss class, please contact the instructor. Students absent for more than one week without contacting the instructor may be dropped. Students missing 10% of the scheduled classes may be dropped in accordance with the Business Division Attendance Policy. Additionally, see the related grading criteria below.
  • Arrival for and departure from class: Students are expected to arrive for class on time and to remain in class. Arriving late is a disruption and a distraction to other students and to the instructor. In the same way, early departures are also a disruption to the class. Students habitually arriving late may be subject to a penalty.
  • Cell Phones and other electronic devices: Students are expected to ensure that cell phones or other electronic devices are turned off and stored away during class. Not meeting this expectation may be subject to a penalty.
  • Prepared for class: Students are expected to come to class prepared and ready to participate in an active manner.
  • Positive participation and respect: Students are expected to participate in a positive manner. Students will act in a professional and respectful manner at all times. Students not acting in an appropriate manner or not participating in a positive manner may face disciplinary action, including being dropped from the course.
  • Completion of work: Students are expected to complete all assignments and submit assignments on time. Assignments are due at the beginning of class. If a student is absent, it is his/her responsibility to find out what was missed. Assignments will not be accepted after seven days of the due date. Late assignments will be subjected the penalties outlined below.
  • Originality of work product: Students are expected to submit his/her own original work on all assignments. Dishonesty, cheating, work copied or plagiarized (this includes cutting and pasting from web sites) will automatically receive a zero. A second offense will result in the student failing the class. Students may be subject to sanctions for all forms of dishonesty in accordance with the Student Standards of Conduct and the Business Division Policy on Academic Integrity.
  • Core Abilities: Students are expected to uphold and practice the College’s core abilities. Students will be graded at the end of the semester on his/her demonstration of the core abilities.
  • Tests: Students are expected to be present on the day of exams unless prior arrangements are made due to documented reasons. Once exams have been reviewed in class, make up exams are not allowed.


Course competencies will be assessed on the following criteria:

Career Assessment Project………………...... 100 points

Five Exams (value of 80 points each)...... 400 points

Mini Assignments & Discussion ……………………...... 50 points

Grades will be earned as follows:

523-550 points = A495-522 points = A-479-494 points = B+

457-478 points = B440-456 points = B-424-439 points = C+

402-423 points = C385-401 points = C369-384 points = D+

347-368 points = D330-346 points = D-Below 330 points = F

The following is a tentative schedule.

Tentative Schedule

Week of / Learning Activities / Assessment Activities / Notes
One / Overview and Course Orientation / Participation
Two / (Comp 1) – Chapter 1 / Analyze the environment in which business operates.
Two / (Comp 2) - Chapter 1 / Analyze the affect of economic conditions on business performance. / Career Proposal Due
Two / (Comp 3) - Chapter 3 / Analyze the affect of global conditions on business performance.
Three / Exam 1 (Chapters 1 & 3)
Four, Five / (Comp 4) –Chapter 2 / Acknowledge the role of ethics in the business environment.
Six / (Comp 5) – - Chapters 4, 5, & 6 / Identify the main forms of business operations.
Seven / Exam 2 (Chapters 2, 4, 5, & 6)
Eight / (Comp 6 & 7 ) - Chapters11, 12, & 13 / Explain the marketing process and how it drives business activities.
Determine how distribution strategies influence the firm’s value.
Nine / Exam 3 (Chapters 11, 12, & 13)
Eleven / (Comp 8) - Chapters 7 & 8 Function / Analyze the internal structure of organizations.
Twelve / (Comp 9) – Chapter 9 / Depict the role of operations in the business environment
Thirteen / Exam 4 (Chapters 7,8, & 9)
Fourteen / (Comp 10) –Chapter 15 / Explain how firms use accounting.
Fifteen / (Comp 11) – Chapters 16 & Parts of Appendix A / Analyze sources of financing for businesses.
Seventeen / Catch up and
Exam 5 (Chapters 15, 16, , and parts of Appendix A