UUCA Long Range Plan 2011-2016

Year Five Implementation Plan:

Monthly Executive Report

July 2016

# / Goal / Specific Implementation / Progress Report
EE1 / Visitors and members are finding their place within the congregational community. / Follow-up Team led by MarycallieLaxton
Expanded membership development experiences through Faith Forward programs held during middle hour starting Jan 1, 2017, with Inquirers series starting in November 2016.
Recruit Welcome Coordinator to supervise and revamp the Usher/Greeter program.
Launch and support of 6 new covenant group in summer 2016, with more people recruited to groups throughout the year. Increased training & support for Covenant Group facilitators.
Wonderful Wednesday overhauled to be more family friendly and engaging, with other offerings including games, social opportunities, multi-gen RE, and childcare being provided.
Family-friendly events continue to be offered via Fun and Fellowship Coordinator.
EE2 / Many cultures and communities are reflected in our worship services and programming.
*AVOM: Through inreach and outreach, we grow into our congregational commitment to ARAOMC / Worship Team membership is diversified to better reflect congregational diversity
Prophetic Encounters Group, which will help to spread ARAOMC awareness in the congregation
Development of ARAOMC Steering Team, responsible for planning/implementing a diverse menu of training options
Continuing and deepening our use of the Beloved Conversations curriculum, including new lay leader point person for program at UUCA
Diversification of worship spaces to accommodate different preferences around how to worship
Programming around sexism and violence again women
Revising the Congregational Covenant in light of our ARAOMC commitment
Part-time person of color musician?
Special programming
  • Mark Morrison Reed service
  • Purim celebration in March, in conjunction with the March 10-12 UUJA conference

EE3 / Educational programs for congregants and the larger community are offered. / Faith Forward CORE courses are implemented
Lay Ministers are trained and organized to offer ADHC (Advanced Directive for Healthcare) support
EE4 / Congregants are feeling connected to each other and supported by the larger UUCA community. / “50+ and Fine: Living Fully in the Autumn of Life” program
Covenant Group revitalization
Wonderful Wednesday revitalization
EE5 / Congregants are experiencing spiritual nurture and growth.
*AVOM: We experience the continued revitalization of our Lifespan RE programs. / Marketing materials developed and distributed for our Lifespan RE program
Engaging an RE consultant
Implementing SuperCharged Sunday
Pilgrimage to Transylvania
LW1 / An infrastructure is in place to empower congregants to perform, coordinate, & participate in peace & justice work. / Social Justice Coordinator Team is in place
Strategic analysis of all social justice groups and restructuring as needed
Regular meetings of social justice groups with coordinators
LW2 / Congregants are educated about peace and justice needs. / Offering a Refugee Advocate Training and an event on Family Detention (through RAICES)
LW3 / UUCA supports groups outside of UUCA to do peace and justice work in the Atlanta community. / UUCA provides space and volunteers to support RAICES in its work to provide legal expertise to immigrant families
UUCA offers space and support to BLM and black organizing groups free of charge
LW4 / The congregation is collectively committed to/engaged in a shared social justice mission that makes a difference in the lives of Atlantans. / Our all-congregational commitment to ARAOMC
MI1 / A communications plan is developed on an annual basis / Work on long-range communications plan including strategy, budget and appropriate staffing
Develop an annual content calendar for all communications
MI2 / The website serves both members and newcomers effectively. / New website(completed before Ingathering)
The City - continuing to utilize this platform to engage members and friends
MI3 / Congregants are sharing their UU stories and inviting others to participate in the UUCA community. / New mission and ends statements for UUCA are developed
Congregational Life Committee facilitates a congregational survey
MI4 / Inspirational messages and resources are made available in various venues. / Messages on our new UUCA roadside sign
Shifting the paradigm in our monthly newsletter, from information to inspiration
UUCA a Poke-stop
MI5 / UUCA brand promotion and consistency is insured. / DONE
R1 / UUCA has a stronger culture of generosity and stewardship.
*AVOM: UUCA sees improvement in our finance and revenue-generating processes, including progress towards multi-year budgeting and fundraising planning. / Improved stewardship messaging to support new members in their decisions around pledging
More systematic generosity messaging
  • “Proud to be UUCA” testimonials
  • Quarterly good news reports in OOS
Recognition of major donors from 2000 capital campaign
Multi-year budget plan developed
Multi-year fundraising plan developed
Improved congregational understanding of “fair share” giving and the fair share giving guide
R2 / Current deficiencies in our facility that can be fixed are identified and prioritized. / A “Capital Improvement Team” is developed to lead this
R3 / A facilities maintenance plan is developed, one that addresses space utilization. / A “Capital Improvement Team” is developed to lead this
R4 / A holistic volunteer development/support program is in place. / Skills and Talents Inventory
Five SUULE participants for 2016; SUULE re-entry
Volunteer Development Day
Board Committee participation as a pipeline to Board leadership
R5 / Fair Compensation for all staff is achieved. / IN PROCESS
R6 / Sustainable staffing levels that meet UUCA needs are attained. / IN PROCESS
R7 / Long-term needs in mission and membership are addressed through a facilities feasibility study. / DONE
R8 / Long Range Planning on an ongoing basis has been established. / Dan Hotchkiss is hired as a consultant working with us for 2016-2018

*AVOM: “Annual Vision of Ministry.” The growth vision of the 2016-2017 Board of Trustees

Additional Notable Goals


  • Managing Don’s re-entry
  • Installing Jonathan
  • Nurturing the relationship between Anthony and Jonathan
  • Celebrating Anthony’s 10 years of ministry
