THM Sadaqa Group, Inc.

Your Standard Salafi Curriculum Guide to Online Salafi Homeschool

Uthmaan bin Affan

Lesson Two

Vocabulary 2

The vocabulary sheet is designed to increase your knowledge about the subject being discussed to aide you in this affair UmmRashad has added the following criteria for you to follow, please complete the assignment to the best of your ability and Allah knows best what your abilities are!

1) Alphabetical Order 2) Complete Definitions 3) Write a sentence for each word

4) Write a summary about the character of Uthmaan bin Affan.















Uthmaan bin Affan

Lesson Two

Discussion Questions

1. What is the modern name for Abyssinia and in what continent can it be found?

2. What were the characteristics of Uthmaan that made people respect and love him?

3. During the time of Uthmaan’s travels, before he became a Muslim, what did he hear from the Jewish and Christian scholars concerning Arabia?

4. Who was it that urged Uthmaan to accept Islam?

5. What events happened between Uthmaan and his uncle Al-Hakam bin Abi Al-‘Aas?

6. Who was Ruqayah?

7. Why did Uthmaan migrate to Abyssinia?

8. Who was Najashi?

9. Name some of the plots the Quraish made against the Muslims who migrated to Abyssinia?

10. What did Ja’far bin Abi Talib do, that made the emperor cry; and what did the emperor do afterwards?

*If you do not turn in your homework, you can not receive points/rewards for submissions. Admin

Class is set up so that you can review the points from the last reading, then introduce the new vocabulary with a brief discussion of the new vocabulary and then read the story followed by a discussion. For any questions you can email your instructor UmmRashad