Contact person for inquiries: Stefan Horst +49 6027 509-106
UTA to offer new toll solution with the greatest possible coverage in Europe
- Companies simply require one on-board unit (OBU) for the European Electronic Toll Service (EETS)
- UTA plans to integrate eight toll systems in time for the launch
Kleinostheim – 17 November 2017. From next February, UNION TANK Eckstein GmbH & Co. KG (UTA) will be providing an OBU solution for the European Electronic Toll Service. The transport services provider from Kleinostheim is thereby expanding its range of services in the area of interoperable toll solutions. “Our aim is to shape our customers’ mobility in a way that makes it as efficient as possible,” explains Volker Huber, CEO of UTA. “Our toll solutions represent a key element of this. We will significantly expand our range of services here in order to provide every customer with the solution that is most suited to them – from the pan-European toll solution to the toll on German federal roads, which is due to enter force in 2018,” continued Volker Huber.
The new pan-European toll solution allows companies to use just one on-board unit within the EETS area. UTA, as the service provider, assumes responsibility for the administration, billing and evaluation. “The customers thereby only require one agreement, which is valid for all European toll systems,” explains Huber. The new EETS service initially comprises the following eight toll services: Austria, Belgium toll and Liefkenshoektunnel, Poland (A4), Spain, France, Italy and Portugal. Further European countries, including Germany, shall be integrated automatically in the second half of 2018 via over-the-air update. Those interested in the new solution can pre-register at from the end of 2017.
UTA is procuring the on-board units for this EETS service from Telepass, the leading European provider of electronic toll payment services. “In the course of the expansion of our European toll services, we are delighted to have found, in Telepass, a professional supplier with whom we can drive forward the project together as part of a premium partnership,” emphasises Huber.
UTA has more than ten years of experience with interoperable toll systems. Today, UTA already provides its customers with comprehensive toll solutions for 24 countries and 36 different toll systems. “This EETS solution thereby represents a systematic expansion of our existing toll services,” concludes Huber.
About UNION TANK Eckstein
UNION TANK Eckstein GmbH & Co. KG (UTA) is one of the leading providers of fuel and service cards in Europe. Commercial customers can use the UTA card system to refuel, independent of brand and without cash, at more than 54,000 service stations in 40 European countries and use other en-route services. These include toll invoicing, repair shop services, breakdown and towing services as well as the refund of VAT and fuel tax. The company, which was founded in 1963 by Heinrich Eckstein, is majority owned by Edenred SA (51 percent). Edenred is the world leader in transactional solutions for companies, employees and merchants. It brings together a unique network of 43 million employees, 750,000 companies and public institutions, and 1.4 million affiliated merchants.The Eckstein and van Dedem families hold 34 percent in UTA, and Daimler AG is another shareholder (15 percent). The company is headquartered in Kleinostheim/Main. Some 400 employees of the UTA group generate annual sales of almost 2.6 billion euros. UTA recently won the prestigious image award of the VerkehrsRundschau trade magazine in the category "fuel cards"; the award is presented every two years based on an independent market study by the market research institute Kleffmann.
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UNION TANK Eckstein GmbH & Co. KG, Stefan Horst, Head of Marketing
Heinrich-Eckstein-Straße 1, D-63801 Kleinostheim/Main, telephone: +49 6027 509-106