Summary /
Academic Year: / 2017-18 / Total PP Budget: / £183,160.00
Number of children on roll / 410 / Date of most recent review: / N/A
Number of pupils eligible for PP / 142 (FSM: 104, E6: 135) / Date for next internal review of this strategy: / March 2017
Attainment for 2016/17 Cohort /
Key Stage 2 (arrows refer to 2015/2016 comparison)
2016/17 UCPS PP
(Provisional National) / 2016/17 UCPS Other (Provisional National)
% working at the expected standard or above in Reading, Writing and Maths / 25% (Nat: 47%) ↓ / 73% (Nat: 67%) ↑
% working at the expected standard or above in Reading / 42% (Nat: 59%) ↓ / 77% (Nat: 77%) ↑
% working at the expected standard or above in Writing / 54% (Nat: 66%) ↓ / 87% (Nat: 81%) ↑
% working at the expected standard or above in Maths / 79% (Nat: 63%) ↑ / 90% (Nat: 80%) ↑
% working at the expected standard or above in SPAG / 71% (Nat: 66%) ↑ / 87% (Nat: 81%) ↑
Average scaled score Maths / 103.5 (Nat: 101.3) ↑ / 106.4 (Nat: 105.3) ↑
Average scaled score Reading / 98.1 (Nat: 101.6) ↓ / 105.3 (Nat: 105.2) ↑
NOTES: There were 23 PP pupils in Year 6. 18 of these pupils did not achieve expected in all subjects combined. There were particular cohort issues:
·  10 of these pupils were having or have had recently support from outside agencies, including social care (5 with significant support).
·  2 children had medical issues throughout the year which affected performance.
·  1 child was part of the school’s ASD Resource Provision and 1 child was an admit in Year 6.
·  8 of the 18 pupils missed the combined score by not achieving expected in one subject (5 in reading and 3 in writing). 1 children was 1 mark below the pass rate in reading.
Key Stage 1 (arrows refer to 2015/2016 comparison)
2016/17 UCPS PP
(Provisional National) / 2016/17 UCPS Other
(Provisional National)
Phonics Screener – Year 1 / 76% (68%) ↑ / 79% (Nat: 84%) ↓
Phonics Screener – by the end of Year 2 / 88% (Not yet recorded) ↑ / 90% (Not yet recorded) ↓
% working at the expected standard or above in Reading / 61% (Nat: 61%) ↑ / 74% (Nat: 78%) ↓
% working at the expected standard or above in Writing / 44% (Nat: 52%) = / 71% (Nat: 71%) ↓
% working at the expected standard or above in Maths / 55% (Nat: 60%) ↓ / 79% (Nat: 78%) =
NOTES: There were 18 PP pupils in Year 2. 10 of these pupils did not achieve expected in at least one subject. There were particular cohort issues:
·  7 of these pupils were having or have had recently support from outside agencies (4 with significant support).
·  1 child accessed KS1 behaviour team nurture group in afternoons.
·  1 child was part of the school’s ASD Resource Provision.
2016/17 UCPS PP
(Provisional National) / 2016/17 UCPS Other
(Provisional National)
Achieving GLD / 47% (NYR) ↓ / 76% (NYR) ↑
Barriers to Learning /
Internal Barriers
A / Social Deprivation: Raise Analysis ranks our school with a Social Deprivation Indicator of 0.32, which is in the highest percentile band, compared to the national average of 0.21.
According to IDACI, 35% of our children live in the bottom 10% of the most deprived areas nationally, 74% in the bottom 20% and 78% in the bottom 30%. The majority of our pupils (90%)live in households where no-one has higher education and many parents have low levels of literacy and numeracy.
B / Attainment on Entry: Around 50% of our children enter Reception with knowledge and skills that are below those expected for their age. 12.5% of the cohort are significantly below expectations (from Early Excellence Baseline). Each cohort has differing aspects of low on-entry data within the prime areas. 29 children entering Reception had been referred to Speech and Language services since entering Nursery (47.5%) and 9 children have ongoing input from these services (17.7%).
C / SEND: 53 (13%) pupils have been identified as requiring SEN support in school this compares to a national average of 12.1%. Of these pupils, there are 16 (3.9%) that have a statement or EHCP compared to a national average of 1.3%.This is in part linked to the pupils who access the ASD Base in school but other needs vary across year groups. There are a particularly high number of children who require Speech and Language intervention in EYFS.
D / Progress for pupils: KS2 higher and lower attaining pupils in Reading and Writing compared with KS1 exit data was lower than national comparisons.
External Barriers
E / Attendance: The attendance of our PP children is currently 95.03% compared to a national average of 96.4%. It is 1.03% lower than children who are not entitled to PP funding within school.
F / Social Care Needs: Our school has a large number of children (19%+) who have been supported historically or currently by outside agencies including social care and family support workers. Many of our families require some support from school to help them to address their needs and to support their children’s learning. Some of our families struggle to support their children with reading, homework and school activities.
Desired Outcomes /
Desired outcomes and how they will be measured / Success Criteria
A / To narrow the gap in attainment in reading, writing and mathematics between our PP and non-PP pupils in all year groups and also narrow the gap between PP and PP nationally. / The vast majority of PP pupils to make at least expected progress and the percentage of PP pupils who meet age related expectations by the end of KS2 will increase by 5%
C / To identify gaps in learning and provide targeted intervention sessions to support PP children in narrowing the gap in attainment in Reading and Writing throughout school. / All PP pupils receiving intervention make at least expected progress and 20% make better than expected progress.
D / To support parents to increase attendance and punctuality by increasing engagement with children’s learning. / Persistent absenteeism will fall to national levels. Number of minutes late recorded will decrease by 40% and attendance of PP children will rise to 96+%.
E / To support curriculum enrichment programmes for PP pupils including breakfast club, after-school provision, outdoor learning, educational visits and music tuition. / PP pupils access at least two programmes throughout the year.
Actions & Evaluation /
Quality Teaching for All
Desired Outcome / Chosen action/approach / What is the evidence and rationale for this choice? / How will you ensure it is implemented well? / Staff Lead / When will you review implementation?
To narrow the gap in attainment in reading, writing and mathematics between our PP and non-PP pupils in all year groups and also narrow the gap between PP and PP nationally. / Provide a third teacher for Y2-6 to reduce class size.
Replace ability-streamed groups for Years 1-4 with mixed ability teaching for English and Maths. Continue to support the least able pupils who are working below the year group expectation in small teaching groups of not more than 12.
TLR with responsibility for monitoring and tracking the progress and attainment of PP children.
Refine and develop immediate and planned intervention sessions to target specific gaps in learning and accelerate the rate of progress for PP children. / Over the past 3 years since implementing this system, the gap in attainment has narrowed in Maths and remained stable in Reading and Writing. After trialing mixed ability streams for Maths for Y1-3 last year, this will also be adopted in English groups.
EEF Toolkit recommends that this strategy can provide gains in attainment of 3 months. / Half termly data tracking
Termly Pupil Progress Meetings.
Teacher observations and Learning Walks
Book Scrutiny
Moderation of work both internally and externally at LA/local school clusters. / SLT (Staffing and observations)
Maths/English Subject Leaders (Scrutiny of work and planning). / Half Termly data input.
Half termly Pupil Progress Meeting.
Budgeted Cost: £97,000
Continue to ensure that teaching, learning and assessment across the school is at least good with a large proportion outstanding and that this is impacting on PP progress in all classes, including more able disadvantaged pupils. / Maintain focused leadership and management time to continue to drive standards across the school through the use of robust monitoring procedures.
Ensure that groups of pupils are planned for effectively to ensure consistent progress for all achievement groups.
CPD training of staff to impact on teaching and learning, for example: self and peer observations to share outstanding practice through use of IRIS Connect system, TAs to update training in core subjects where required and access for all staff to training in English and Maths through external providers from NT and Sunderland LA. / Internal monitoring of teaching and learning has found teaching to be consistently good over time.
Ofsted suggests that teaching across year groups is not consistent and that progress of PP children is not yet consistent. / CPD to be provided from external support through Sunderland and North Tyneside LAs.
Change monitoring system to half termly observation weeks with specific focus on the progress of key vulnerable groups including PP children.
Continue to moderate books with LAs and within school as well as at local cluster schools. / SLT and SMT Monitoring of lessons
Monitoring of books for Maths and English each half term.
Pupil Progress meetings with focus on PP children. / Half Termly data input.
Performance Management Reviews
Half termly Pupil Progress Meeting.
Budgeted Cost: £8,000
Increase the percentage of pupils achieving age related expectations and those exceeding age-related expectations in Reading throughout school. / Adopt a mastery approach to the teaching of English development programmes and specific staff CPD, particularly targeting higher and lower attaining children from the previous Key Stage.
Strong teacher to deliver ‘Inference Training’ intervention to children who are not achieving ARE in Year 6 and to higher attaining children who are not on track to achieve the Greater Depth standard.
Year 2 Teaching Team to identify children who are not currently on track to achieve ARE and invite them to after school Reading clubs to increase the frequency and comprehension of Reading.
Science Leader to attend Teaching Leaders’ Course and lead improvement initiative on developing Reading comprehension through Foundation Subjects.
Build and develop the use of an outdoor Reading Shed on KS2 yard to promote reading for enjoyment.
Ensure that children attending Breakfast Club are read with in designated Reading Stations throughout school at least once per week. / EEF Toolkit recommends a gain of +5 months through mastery approach.
Planned intervention will target specific individuals’ gaps in learning to support individualized learning. / Half termly data capture and analysis.
Termly Pupil Progress Meetings.
Learning walks
Lesson observations
Work and Planning scrutiny. / (Maths and English Subject Leadership Teams)
SMT / Half Termly data input.
Half termly Pupil Progress Meeting.
Budgeted Cost: £10,000
Increase the percentage of pupils achieving age related expectations and those exceeding age-related expectations in Reading throughout school. / Widen investment in Reading Plus system for all KS2 children to develop speed and comprehension skills. / Middle and Lower attaining children did not sufficiently complete the SAT Reading paper. This system supports pupils of all ability, including higher attainers, to make progress as it is individualized.
The use of the Reading Plus app has shown an increase in the progress of PP children in Y4, 5 and 6 so that their reading progress is above NPP children. This programme is for middle and higher ability pupils. In Year 3, the impact has been less clear because children did not begin using the app until Spring 2. In the year 2017-18, Year 3 will be using Reading Plus from September. Data shows that 72% of all PP pupils accessing the programme have improved their reading rate, fluency and and general understanding with a further 14% making slower but steady progress. / Monitor usage and progress reports generated by package.
Learning Walks (English Subject Leadership Team). / English Subject Leader
SLT / Half Termly data input.
Half termly Pupil Progress Meeting.
Budgeted Cost: £3,160
Increase the percentage of pupils achieving age related expectations and those exceeding age related expectations in Writing throughout school. / TLR with responsibility or Basic Skills in English to co-ordinate staff development and external CPD.
Develop marking work with children by giving verbal feedback in lessons and through use of SeeSaw and by delivering immediate intervention programmes. / Research studies consistently find that marking carried out away from children is the least beneficial. / Half termly data capture and analysis.
Termly Pupil Progress Meetings.
Learning walks
Lesson observations
Work and Planning scrutiny. / English Subject Leader
SLT / Half Termly data input.
Half termly Pupil Progress Meeting.
Budgeted Cost: £4,000
Targeted Support