House Journal  Index1


First Session, 49th Legislature



smad------subject matter added (where code follows)

smde------subject matter deleted (where code follows)

hc------House committee

hf------House floor

sc------Senate committee

sf------Senate floor

cc------conference committee

House Amendments Attempted (see HOUSE AMENDMENTS ATTEMPTED)

Senate Amendments Attempted (see SENATE AMENDMENTS ATTEMPTED)

(Boldface = Measure Enacted)



Confidentiality and anonymity. HB1366 (smadhf, smdesc), JonesH, LittlefieldS; HB1736, CalveyH; SB492 (smadhf), PruittS, WinchesterH

Consent, requiring; voluntary; conditions. HB1366 (smadhf, smdesc), JonesH, LittlefieldS; HB1736, CalveyH; SB492 (smadhf), PruittS, WinchesterH; SB710 (smadcc), LasterS, CareyH

Death warrant:

Guardian ad litem appointment; jury trial; conclusions; time periods; appeals; fees prohibition; penalties. HB1470, NewportH

Physicians, obtain prior to performing; violation, felony; license revocation. HB1470, NewportH

Health Department, duties. HB1366 (smadhf, smdesc), JonesH, LittlefieldS; HB1736, CalveyH; SB492 (smadhf), PruittS, WinchesterH

Information, requiring. HB1366 (smadhf, smdesc), JonesH, LittlefieldS; HB1736, CalveyH; SB492 (smadhf), PruittS, WinchesterH; SB710 (smadcc), LasterS, CareyH

Life threatening, allowing. HB1366 (smadhf, smdesc), JonesH, LittlefieldS; HB1736, CalveyH; SB492 (smadhf), PruittS, WinchesterH


Parental Notification of Abortion Procedures on Minors Act:

Creating; child support payment; prohibitions; court proceedings; confidentiality.HB1363, BlackwellH; HB1391, ReynoldsH

Information and counseling; judicial bypass; Health Department, duties; liabilities; written notice; violations.HB1363, BlackwellH; HB1391, ReynoldsH

Physician’s liability, exceptions. HB1021, TrebilcockH

Pain to unborn child, information. HB1366 (smadhf, smdesc), JonesH, LittlefieldS; HB1736, CalveyH; SB492 (smadhf), PruittS, WinchesterH; SB710 (smadcc), LasterS, CareyH


Reports to Health Department; late fee. HB1366 (smadhf, smdesc), JonesH, LittlefieldS; HB1736, CalveyH; SB492 (smadhf), PruittS, WinchesterH

Requirements. HB1366 (smadhf, smdesc), JonesH, LittlefieldS; HB1736, CalveyH; SB492 (smadhf), PruittS, WinchesterH; SB710 (smadcc), LasterS, CareyH

Written certification, obtain copy; retain three years. HB1366 (smadhf, smdesc), JonesH, LittlefieldS; HB1736, CalveyH; SB492 (smadhf), PruittS, WinchesterH; SB710 (smadcc), LasterS, CareyH

Printed materials, Health Department publish; web site availability. HB1366 (smadhf, smdesc), JonesH, LittlefieldS; HB1736, CalveyH; SB492 (smadhf), PruittS, WinchesterH

Reports; liabilities; intervention; remedies; severability. HB1366 (smadhf, smdesc), JonesH, LittlefieldS; HB1736, CalveyH

Unintended Pregnancy and Abortion Reduction Act, creating; insurance coverage. SB693 (Elective abortion, additional premium, right to view ultrasound, smadsf), MonsonS, ToureH

Violations; penalties. HB1366 (smadhf, smdesc), JonesH, LittlefieldS; HB1736, CalveyH; SB492 (smadhf), PruittS, WinchesterH

Waiting period, 24 hours, criteria. HB1366 (smadhf, smdesc), JonesH, LittlefieldS; HB1736, CalveyH; SB492 (smadhf), PruittS, WinchesterH

Woman's Right to Know/Fetal Pain Prevention Act, creating. HB1366 (smadhf, smdesc), JonesH, LittlefieldS; HB1736, CalveyH; SB492 (smadhf), PruittS, WinchesterH



Assault and battery medical damages exceed $2,500 within 72 hours of crime, felony; restitution for expenses. HB1333, WrightH

Custody, guardianship or visitation, removing rebuttable presumption for ongoing. HB1064, GilbertH, CornS; HB1734, WellsH, RobinsonS

Enabling and neglect, increasing fine. HB1064 (smadcc), GilbertH, CornS


Defining for Child Abuse Reporting and Prevention Act. HB1064, GilbertH, CornS

Felony conviction, increasing fine. HB1064 (smadhc), GilbertH, CornS

Noncustodial parent when custodial parent deceased, convicted, custody denial, rebuttable presumption. HB1064 (smdesf), GilbertH, CornS

Ending, supporting community and statewide initiatives to raise awareness. HCR1015, GilbertH, CainS

Grandparent conviction, prohibiting visitation. HB1259 (smdecc), WellsH, WilliamsonS

Investigation or assessment:

Reasonable exercise of parental discipline (or false accusation, smadhc), new expunction procedure. HB1621, GravesH, SnyderS

Services not needed records after entry to Central Registry, DHS not to maintain, time limitations. HB1621 (Subject incarcerated exception, smadhf), GravesH, SnyderS

Lewd or indecent acts (see CHILDREN, Lewd)

Methamphetamine lab, present in. SB441, RileyS

Multidisciplinary team, determining status as functioning team. SB564 (Reaccreditation along with child advocacy center, smadsc), GummS, RoggowH


Comprehensive state plan, Children and Family Services Division of DHS, duties. HB1461, ColemanH, WilcoxsonS

Faith-based organizations proposals submitted, equal funding consideration. HB1461 (Contracts with state agency, prohibiting discrimination, smadhf), ColemanH, WilcoxsonS

Families at risk, funding for service referral component; research-based pilot programs, development; independent evaluation component. HB1461 (smdehf), ColemanH, WilcoxsonS

Fund, transferring monies to. HB1044, LeistH, ShurdenS; HB1189, MitchellH, MorganS; HB1461 (Priorities distribution, smadhf), ColemanH, WilcoxsonS

Health Families Program, home visitation family resource and support program for participants in SoonerCare Plus and Choice Programs funding and rules, establishing. HB1346 (smdehc), PetersH, ReynoldsS

List of not less than five approved programs, task force compile and publish; time limits. HB1461 (David Old's nurse home-visitation program model, one based on, smadhc; smdehf), ColemanH, WilcoxsonS

Medicaid funding for Child Abuse Prevention Office, rule to provide. HB1346 (smadhc; funding, from existing annual appropriations, smadhf), PetersH, ReynoldsS

Month, April 2003. HCR1015, GilbertH, CainS

Office of Child Abuse and Prevention, removing various duties. HB1461, ColemanH, WilcoxsonS

Parent education programs, repealing. HB1461 (smdehf), ColemanH, WilcoxsonS

Performance-based evaluation of programs with university-related, Health Department contract. HB1189, MitchellH, MorganS

Related social services, proposals submitted for grants or contracts. HB1461, ColemanH, WilcoxsonS

Secondary programs, 10% of Prevention Fund. HB1044, LeistH, ShurdenS

Task force, interagency child abuse:

Attorney General Office representative, adding. HB1100, EasleyH; HB1801, AskinsH, CornS

Duties and responsibilities; (cooperative agreements, smdehc). HB1461, ColemanH, WilcoxsonS

HealthSciencesCenter, University of Oklahoma, adding representative; qualifications. HB1044, LeistH, ShurdenS

Increasing; qualifications; terms. HB1461, ColemanH, WilcoxsonS

Office of Child Abuse and Prevention, representative. HB1461, ColemanH, WilcoxsonS

Prosecutions, increasing statute of limitations to 15 years. HB1473, CargillH

Reporting and Prevention Act:

Advocacy center, defining. HB1064, GilbertH, CornS


Assessment, harm or threatened harm to child's health or safety; confirmed report-court intervention and services recommended. HB1064, GilbertH, CornS

Endangerment; protective services worker; multidisciplinary team. HB1064, GilbertH, CornS

Neglect term. HB1064, GilbertH, CornS; HB1609, WiltH, PruittS

Prevention and intervention-related services; sexual abuse and exploitation. HB1064, GilbertH, CornS


Committing and enabling, and sexual exploitation and enabling, increasing fine. HB1064 (smadcc), GilbertH, CornS

Conviction for over two years, split sentence; two years minimum intensive supervision; jury notification. HB1484 (smadhc, smdehf), WalkerH, WilkersonS

Custody denial rebuttable presumption. HB1064, GilbertH, CornS

Statutes of limitation, removing when certain biological evidence collected; prosecution, time limit. SB555, NicholsS

Under three, resulting in permanent and disabling injury, felony, life imprisonment. SB582, NicholsS

Work of numerous dedicated individuals and professionals, applauding. HCR1015, GilbertH, CainS


Assault and battery:

Against foster parent, deeming. HB1345, PetersH

Medical damages exceed $2,500 within 72 hours of crime, felony; restitution. HB1333, WrightH

Presence of child, redefining. HB1064 (smadhf), GilbertH, CornS

Treatment or counseling:

Court ordered; anger management, not qualifying; review hearing process. HB1064 (smadhf), GilbertH, CornS; HB1345, PetersH

District court and judge immunity for issuing order requiring. HB1064 (smadhf), GilbertH, CornS


Committed in presence of, felony for second or subsequent act. HB1345, PetersH

Custody, guardianship or visitation, removing rebuttable presumption for ongoing. HB1734, WellsH, RobinsonS

Counseling or treatment program for person convicted:

Anger management program, not qualifying. HB1064, GilbertH, CornS; HB1345 (smadhf), PetersH

Court-approved. HB1344, PetersH; HB1667, VaughnH, CoffeeS

Probation, suspended or deferred sentence, condition; review hearings. HB1345, PetersH

Counseling services, court-approved. HB1064 (smadhf), GilbertH, CornS

Court-appointed special (CASA), complete education and training to identify. HB1734, WellsH, RobinsonS

Defining. HB1064 (smdecc), GilbertH, CornS; HB1734, WellsH, RobinsonS

Emergency custody hearing for minor mother or any children. HB1801, AskinsH, CornS

Ex parte order (see PROTECTIVE ORDERS, Emergency)

Fees or costs charge to victim, prohibiting. HB1064 (smadhf), GilbertH, CornS; HB1345, PetersH

Felony crime, intent to cause great bodily harm by or attempted strangulation; penalties; terms, treatment program. HB1345, PetersH

Fines for violations, increasing. HB1345, PetersH

Grandparent conviction, prohibiting visitation. HB1259 (smdecc), WellsH, WilliamsonS

Ongoing, evidence, expanding consideration of court. HB1064, GilbertH, CornS

Prosecuting, court history of past convictions within last 10 years. HB1064 (smadhf), GilbertH, CornS

Protection from Domestic Abuse Act:

Definitions, modifying. HB1667, VaughnH, CoffeeS

Harassment, family or household member or individual involved in dating relationship with person. HB1667 (smadcc), VaughnH, CoffeeS

Victim support person, defining. HB1667 (smadhc), VaughnH, CoffeeS

Protective order (see PROTECTIVE ORDERS)

Strangulation (see Felony, above)

Support person (see Protection, Victim, above)

Telephone communication service, 24-hour statewide for victims, transferring to Attorney General Office. HB1801, AskinsH, CornS

Unemployment compensation for leaving job to escape, Victims Protection Order to have been filed and in effect at termination date. SB741 (smadhf), PriceS, HamiltonH


Court proceedings, accompanied by support person. HB1344, PetersH

Fees or costs in connection with prosecution of offense, exempting. HB1345, PetersH

Violence Fatality Review Board membership. HB1100, EasleyH; HB1801 (smdehc), AskinsH, CornS

Violence and Sexual Assault:

Advisory Committee, Domestic, termination date. HB1548, SweedenH, GummS

Unit, Domestic, creating within Attorney General Office; advisory council, creating. HB1100, EasleyH; HB1801, AskinsH, CornS

Incapacitated adult:

Caretaker convicted more than two years, split sentence; two years minimum intensive supervision; jury notification. HB1484 (smadhc, smdehf), WalkerH, WilkersonS

Nursing home neglect and exploitation, report to Health Department. HB1442 (smadcc), StanleyH, ShurdenS; SB591 (smadhc, smde hf), Lawler-S, Askins-H

Penalty. SB631, SmithS, PetersH

Protective Services for Vulnerable Adults Act:

Abuse, neglect or exploitation report:

District Attorney, removing. HB1323 (smadcc), TibbsH, CainS

Examinations results, physicians, surgeons and hospitals provide copies to law enforcement officers and DHS. HB1323, TibbsH, CainS

Health care professionals (and financial institutions, smde2cc), adding to list of persons requiring. HB1323 (smadcc), TibbsH, CainS

Human Services Department investigation and duties, expanding. HB1323 (smadcc), TibbsH, CainS

Reduced to writing and contents; exclusion of information; disclosure, conditions. HB1323 (smadcc), TibbsH, CainS

Assets freezing; protective services payment, fund contingency; legal representation; temporary guardian; daily living expenses, new accounts. HB1681 (Revoke an irrevocable trust, smadsf), BlackburnH, CainS


Court finding, fine for each violation deposited into (Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, smdesc) Revolving Fund. SB601 (Human Services, smadsc), SmithS, PetersH

Misuse of Social Security or Supplemental Security Income benefits, including. HB1681, BlackburnH, CainS

Power of attorney or guardianship authority. SB601, SmithS, PetersH

Report to Heath Department. HB1442 (smadcc), StanleyH, ShurdenS

Financial institution to report suspected. SB601 (smdehc), SmithS, PetersH

Findings, report, send to any state agency with concurrent jurisdiction over persons or issues identified in investigation. HB1681, BlackburnH, CainS

Investigation Bureau to keep records and publish list. SB601, SmithS, PetersH

Investigation by Human Services Department:

Findings, (exhaustion of stages, smdehc); forwarding; notification, prevention; standards of proof. HB1681, BlackburnH, CainS

Forcible entry by representative to be accompanied by peace officer, removing. HB1681, BlackburnH, CainS

Petition court to enter premises or private access to victim for order. HB1681 (Finding of probable cause prior to issuing, smadsc), BlackburnH, CainS

Written notice to all interested parties, persons or institutions. HB1681, BlackburnH, CainS

Involuntary, petition procedures; forcible entries, peace officers. HB1681, BlackburnH, CainS

Neglect and self-neglect, redefining. HB1681 (Verbal abuse, including, smadsc), BlackburnH, CainS

Protective services program, establish; (redefining for services to aid an individual, smadcc). HB1681 (smadsc), BlackburnH, CainS

Purpose, funding and services contingency. HB1681, BlackburnH, CainS


Firm and principle place of business, defining. SB815, RozellS

Language, updating. HB1815 (Shell), HilliardH

Practice of public accounting, defining; nonregistrant disclaimer. SB815, RozellS


Language, updating. HB1494 (Shell), BonnyH

License examination fee, establish. SB815, RozellS


Income tax preparers filing more than 50 returns prior year, returns for current year be filed electronically. HB1356 (smadcc), PopeH, RabonS

License, examination; fee. SB815, RozellS


Examinations; fees; continuing education; disciplinary actions; treatment evaluations; penalties; civil action and injunctive relief. HB1102, EasleyH

Licensing Act, creating; Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Board, creating; revolving fund; schools, entrance and course standards. HB1102, EasleyH


Assessment Practices, Task Force on Ad Valorem Tax, repealing. HB1495, SweedenH, GummS

Business (see Property, Real, below)

Code, clarifying language. HB1732 (Shell), BorenH

Delinquent, sheriff of county where property located to collect. SB534, CrutchfieldS, TaylorH


International trade processing authority. SB439 (smadcc, smde2cc), NicholsS, MitchellH

Manufacturing facilities, five-year:

Computer and data processing, additional conditions. SB 300 (smadcc), Gumm-S, Carey-H

Distribution centers, construction commencement, extending period of time. HB1708 (smadhc), TurnerH, WilkersonS

Electricity generating, excluding from term. SB390, LawlerS

Exceptions, deleting; ownership change. SB300 (smadcc), GummS, CareyH

General Motors Plant, property damaged by tornado May 8, 2003, waiving average employment requirement for year 2003. HB1251 (smadcc), GreenwoodH, MorganS

Initial application. SB502, RobinsonS, StaggsH

Payroll increase, county population less than 50,000. SB300 (smadcc), GummS, CareyH

Unoccupied for 12 months prior to acquisition, qualification to receive. SB300 (smadcc), GummS, CareyH

Wages to equal or exceed 175% of federally mandated minimum. SB300 (smadhc), GummS, CareyH

Nonprofit charitable institution, deleting use of tax exempt bond proceeds. HB1474 (smadhc), RiceH, FisherS

Oilfield equipment. SB347, EasleyS

Property, making described. HB1474 (smdehc), RiceH, FisherS

General Motors Plant (see Exemptions, Manufacturing facilities, above)

Language, clarifying. SB664 (Shell), WilliamsS

Manufacturers(see Exemptions, Manufacturing, above)


Oil refinery:


Desulphurization of fuel use, not be included in capitalization used in determination of fair market value. HB1712 (smadcc), PopeH, MonsonS; SB 440 (smadhf, smde cc), Rabon-S, Pope-H

Value. SB330, HeltonS; SB440 (smadhf, smdecc), RabonS, PopeH

Small, deleting term. HB1712 (smadcc), PopeH, MonsonS; SB 429 (smadhf), Laughlin-S, Covey-H; SB440 (smadhf, smdecc), RabonS, PopeH


Disabled veterans with 50% greater disability, prohibiting increase; constitutional amendment; ballot; special election. HJR1020, SmithsonH

Physical inspection, comprehensive program:

Budget for fiscal year 2004, fixing at certain level; annual increase, criteria. HB1593 (smadhc, smdecc), PopeH, RabonS; HB1672, RoggowH

Cost payment, warrants from persons receiving revenues of mill rates levied. HB1593 (smadhc, smdecc), PopeH, RabonS



Leased from municipality, subject to annual fee in lieu of. SB378, HeltonS

Transfer within family, limitation. SB9, LeftwichS

County budget (see Visual inspection, Comprehensive program, below)

Disabled veterans (see Personal, above)

Leased to private entity for business, subject to annual fee in lieu of ad valorem taxes. SB378, HeltonS

Market value:

Exemption, disabled veterans or surviving spouses based upon disability determinations, conditions; constitutional amendment; ballot. HJR1021, DeutschendorfH, MaddoxS


Five percent, prohibiting more; limit, changing to 3% each year if measure passes; transferred property, tax liabilities; constitutional amendment; ballot. HJR1017, PopeH

Limit, 3% if homestead exemption filed; revert to 5%, vote of people. SJR3, ReynoldsS

Sixty-five/older homesteads,income limit, removing; prohibiting; constitutional amendment; ballot. HJR1014, DankH

Percentage limit, commercial, any improvement in capitalized income stream, Section 8B of Article X of Oklahoma Constitution, modifying definition. HB1134, EddinsH, FordS

Residential sales transactions:

Computer-assisted mass appraisal, requirements. HB1047, ClaunchH

County assessor using similar properties if sold within three years prior to assessment date to establish, prohibiting. HB1047, ClaunchH


Freezing until property sold; ballot. SJR4, LeftwichS

Increase, prohibiting; amount be indexed; change, allowing each year based on Consumer Price Index; adjustment; constitutional amendment; ballot. HJR1017, PopeH

Sixty-five/older or disabled, claim for relief, gross household income under $20,000 for year 2003/subsequent. SB672 (smadsf), WilliamsS, RobertsH

Tax lien release, Tax Commission to file electronically. HB1356 (smadcc), PopeH, RabonS

Visual inspection:

Comprehensive program:

Budget for fiscal year 2004, fixing at certain level; annual increase, criteria. HB1593 (smadhc, smdecc), PopeH, RabonS; HB1672, RoggowH


Limiting; years applicable. SB667 (smdesf), WilliamsS, RobertsH

Payment, warrants from persons receiving revenues of mill rates levied. HB1593 (smadhc, smdecc), PopeH, RabonS

County budget for fiscal year ending 7/1/05 and each fiscal year thereafter, increase criteria. HB1672, RoggowH

Increase in fair cash value use as basis for every other year unless sold or improvement over $2,500. HB1069, WrightH

Schools (see Schools, below)

Reimbursement Fund:

Apportionment. SB302, RileyS

Claims, payment. SB300 (smadcc, smde2cc), GummS, CareyH

Common Education Technology Revolving, Higher Education Capital Revolving, and Tuition Scholarship Revolving, transferring to. SB201 (smadcc), MorganS, MitchellH

Funds insufficient to make payments. SB300 (smadcc, smde2cc), GummS, CareyH

Loss of revenue, various entities. SB300 (smadcc, smde2cc), GummS, CareyH

Management Act of 2003, creating. HB1471 (Shell), NewportH

Used for double homestead exemptions insufficient, setting priorities. SB242 (Available monies distributed proportionally among counties, smadsf), HeltonS, McCarterH


Additional 5 mills levy; voter approval; constitutional amendment; ballot:

Conditioning of state aid or benefits, prohibiting. HJR1002, PetersH; SB667, WilliamsS, RobertsH; SJR10, WilliamsonS

Local building fund monies to reduce state funding, prohibiting. HJR1004, LerblanceH

Capping at 20 mills; constitutional amendment; ballot. SJR11, JohnsonS, McCarterH

Elementary district, sharing overlap area with independent district, authority. SB831, JohnsonS

Foundation Program Income calculation, modifying. HB1080, PiattH

Independent district, overlap area, retirement of debt. SB831, JohnsonS

Local support levy exceeding 10 mills, not factor used to reduce state funding. SJR11, JohnsonS, McCarterH

State aid:

Loss of revenue. SB666, FisherS

Reimbursement amount reduced, modification of net assessed valuation; Tax Commission report. HB1673, RoggowH

Technology center school district visual inspections for real property, apportioned cost of comprehensive program, and cost of physical inspections of personal property, funding. HB1035, WorthenH