USPA Staff Affairs Committee Meeting

Jan. 26, 2016 – 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Staff Affairs Committee Members in attendance:

Erin Campbell Glenda Kelsey

Dee Crawford Casey Knowles

Kayleigh Harrison Gayle Stillson

USPA Officers in attendance:

Ted Hornoi-Centerwall Sunshine Isbell

Debby Fliger

HR Representative: Greg Catron

Members unable to attend: Jennifer Bass, Barbara Dupuis, Renee Phillips, Greg Swisher

Minutes from Nov. 12, 2015 meeting approved. Meeting to discuss committee vacancies, Spring Assembly, and Gabor awards.

We currently have two member vacancies to fill: Robin Allerding & Annette Ramirez are no longer employed at UNF. Greg Swisher will not be returning, but we do not need to fill his spot (total is 11 members). We are also needing someone to sit on the Parking Advisory Committee (fill vacancy). Casey mentioned that there are some new USPS employees in the Accts. Payable area that might be interested in serving as members of the committee. Please e-mail Ted with any suggestions of possible members.

Gayle shared details and handouts on the Gabor Award process. In addition to Gayle, the Gabor sub-committee will be Glenda, Casey, Kayleigh, Pam DeLoach, Tracey Britton, Rosalyn Gilbert, Marianne Roberts, and Liz Hardy.

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Gayle is making necessary updates to links and testing so that all will be ready to begin by Feb. 1. She will provide paper copies of the nomination forms to various locations (HR, Bldg. 5, etc.), as needed.

No changes will be made to the form (still content with weight of the categories as they stand). Discussed continuing to use three (3) as the base for the PD/Achievement category. If a supervisor will not support a nomination, we will pull that form from the process (trust that there’s a good reason not known to others).

Gayle will e-mail the sub-committee any questions or issues as they arise, to keep the actual face-to-face meetings to a minimum. A suggestion was made to scale the employee characteristics rather than have a check box. (I think Sunshine was going to look into this? Not sure a decision was made.)

Debby has confirmed the award amounts with Rachelle Gottlieb and Gabor; they will be $1500 after taxes for the winner & $500 after taxes for the runner-up.

Discussed elections of USPA officers; voting to be done at the spring meeting. Ted and Debby will not be running again, but Sunshine will. Need to get the word out by the end of March regarding nominations. If multiple people running for the same position, discussed possibility of having them share a few words (bio.) at the spring meeting and collecting ballots at the end.

Discussed themes for the spring assembly/meeting and looking at Midway (fair/carnival) theme with booths and fair food a possibility. Jennifer is willing to help with the food order, contacting Chartwells and seeing what we can get within our budget ($2156.86). Possibilities – popcorn or cotton candy machine, waffles, dunk booth, balloon maker, ask other departments (A & P) to man booths so all USPS employees can participate.

Discussed moving to one grand meeting per year (in the spring) instead of two large assemblies, with smaller events throughout the year. We will need to present this to all USPS employees for their input. Ted will work up an e-mail and survey to distribute, first to officers and then to SA committee for feedback before sending out to everyone.

Discussed using the photo booth software again and having Ozzie Osprey join us for the last hour of the event. Hope to run a slide show of the pictures taken in the fall. May have different colored tickets available if we decide to go with more opportunities to win door prizes (wearing Osprey gear, picture with Ozzie, food donation, etc.). Plan to have Lend-A-Wing box available – encourage everyone to bring a food item to donate.

Casey suggested each person contact any vendors they know regarding door prizes in order to have more and more variety; officers will continue to contact those on their list. Ted will work up vendor letters.

Casey shared updates from the Parking Advisory Committee meeting: there are new Night Blue passes for adjunct faculty and changes will be made to the garage ramps; there will not be less parking, just reallocated. Students have requested the lowering of ticket fees. E-mail Casey if you have any issues you would like her to present to the committee.

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Action Items

E-mail Ted possible names for committee openings

Gayle to provide paper Gabor nomination forms to various locations (HR, Bldg. 5, etc.)

Regarding officer elections, Ted to send e-mail to USPS employees with form and instructions attached; Sunshine to add to Facebook page, and Erin will take care of Osprey Update. To be sent out week of March 21 with deadline of midnight, May 2, for nominations. Also announce (save the date) the Spring Meeting (Assembly?) to be held May 19, 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. (11 a.m. – 2 p.m. is our reserved time).

Ted to work up an e-mail regarding change to the bylaws about one assembly instead of two.

Casey to check with Leshell in CE regarding using Photo Booth and find pictures taken at the Fall Assembly.

Kayleigh will provide Lend-A-Wing donation box and get donations back to Lend-A-Wing.

Ted will write up a vendor/donor request letter for members to take around for door prizes. Everyone to begin contacting vendors for donations.

Our next meeting will probably be in late February, as Ted will be away Feb. 8 – 21.

Respectfully submitted,

Debby Fliger

USPA Secretary/Treasurer

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