USM Payroll Forms Instructions & Completion Checklist
We all play a roll in getting this process completed. If there is a break down in this process the responsibility falls solely on the mentor to come to USM to return the HR paperwork and complete the I-9 identification verification form.
Go on line to the URL provided below. Print all 5 (five) forms. Fill them out according to the checklist provided. Be prepared on the day your intern’s mentor arrives for the first observation with the I-9 identification verification from Lists A or Lists B and C.
HUMAN RESOURCES INDIVIDUAL DATA SHEET: Provides information necessary to be set up in USM’s payroll system.
Complete Section 1: Personal Data
Complete Section 2: Mailing Information
Complete Section 3: Emergency Contact
Sign & date form
It is not necessary to complete Education and Professional License sections.
FORM I-9: Employment Eligibility Verification
Complete Section 1
Sign & date form at the end of Section 1
Section 2to becompleted and signed by Intern’s Supervisorverifying identification by examining evidence of identity. (Mentor may present any List A document OR a combination of a List B and a List C document.)
AUTHORIZATION AGREEMENT FOR PAYROLL DIRECT DEPOSIT: USM requires all payroll be direct deposited to the employee’s financial institution of their choice.
Fill in name & phone number. Do not check payment type. Leave Employee # blank.
Must complete #1, including account # and routing #
Sign & date form
A voided check or bank’s form letter is not needed, as long as bankrouting # and
account # is provided.
Complete #1 - #7
Sign & dateform
Complete #1- #6
Sign & date form (Signature line is located half way down form)
When your first observation is set up, inform your mentor. He or she will need this date so they can bring their forms and identification to school. Provide your mentor with an opportunity to meet with your supervisoreithe before the observation or after the post observation conference, based on what you and your supervisor have determined.
On the first scheduled observation, the intern will have alerted the mentor that you will be there. At a time convenient to you as set up with the intern (before the observation or after the post observation conference) the mentor will bring the completed paperwork along with one form of identification from List A, or two forms of identification- one from List B and one from List C. (screen shot of Lists A, B and C are copied below for your convenience)for the I-9 form.
FORM I-9: Employment Eligibility Verification
Complete Section 2
Document title
Issuing agency
Document #
Expiration date (if any)
Document # (List A only)
Expiration date (if any) (List A only)
Sign & date form at the end of Section 2
Bring completed paperwork to Supervisor’s meeting the end of October
I-9 Lists A, B ad C below. For a better view go directly to the document at