Southeast Region
Adopted July 1, 2000
Amended January 25, 2005
Table of Contents
Article I Name
Article II Purposes and Objectives
Article III Membership
Article IV Local Chapter Membership
Article V Regional Officers
Article VI Membership Meetings
Article VII Parliamentary Authority
Article VIII Committees
Article IX Meetings
Article X Dues
Article XI Seal
Article XII Records and Reports
Article XIII Audit and Bonding
Article XIV Amendments
The organization shall be known as the UNITED STATES LIFESAVING ASSOCIATION-South East Region, referred to hereinafter as the USLA-SE.
The purposes and objectives of the USLA-SE are to:
A. Establish and maintain high standards of professional surf and open water lifesaving for the maximizing of public safety.
B. Educate the public regarding
1. water safety in a natural aquatic environment through program of preventive awareness.
2 how lifeguards serve the community.
3. how they can cooperate with lifesaving agencies.
C. Actively support the general improvement of lifesaving and humanitarian causes.
D. Coordinate fundraising activities to support USLA-SE Lifeguard Competitions, Junior Lifeguard programs, and other public awareness and education activties.
E. Support the effort to strive for effective and innovative public health and safety practices.
F. The purpose for which the USLA-SE is organized is exclusively charitable and educational within the meaning of section 501(C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue law.
G. Notwithstanding any other provisions of these articles, the USLA-SE shall not carry on any activities not permitted to be carried on by an organization exempt from Federal income tax under section 501(C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue law.
H. Upon the dissolution of the USLA-SE, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501 (C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, or corresponding section of any future Federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the Federal, state, or local government for a public purpose. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by a court of competent jurisdiction in the State of Florida exclusively for such purposes.
SECTION 1 - Qualifications for Individual Membership
To qualify for USLA-SE membership in the association each individual must:
A. Be a direct, active employee of an ocean, bay, lake, river, or open water lifesaving or rescue service or a retired employee thereof, in the Southeastern United States. All Chiefs, Directors, or equivalent of are qualified for membership.
B. Have worked a minimum of eight hours annually for the respective service to qualify for current active membership, unless the individual is retired from the service or has worked for the service for fifteen years or more and maintained membership in good standing in USLA-SE during that period.
C. Pay annual dues to the region as prescribed by the Board of Directors of each.
SECTION 2 - Types of Members
A. Professional - Each individual who is presently employed by a South East Regional Lifesaving agency.
B. Associate (Professional, i.e. Pools) - Individuals who do not qualify for professional memberships may become Associate Members.
1. Associate (Professional e.g. Pools) - Individuals who do not lifeguard an ocean, bay, lake, river or open water.
2. Associate (Junior Lifeguard) - Individuals who are not professional lifeguards but are enrolled and active in USLA-SE recognized Junior Lifeguard Program associated with an active USLA-SE Chapter.
3. Associate (General Public) - Individuals who do not qualify for professional membership.
C. Supporting Membership - Individuals, corporations, and places of business may join the USLA-SE as supporting members. Supporting members shall be placed in the following categories depending upon the degree of support:
1. Contributing
2. Business & Professional
3. Corporate
D. The degree of participation in the association’s activities and business shall be determined by the Board of Directors on a case-by-case basis.
SECTION 3 - Good Standing
Those individuals who have paid the required dues, fees, and assessments in accordance with these bylaws and as established by the Board of Directors and who conform to the membership standards set by the USLA-SE and who are not suspended, shall be members in good standing.
SECTION 4 - Membership Voting
Each individual member of the USLA-SE in good standing shall be entitled to one vote in all matters requiring the participation of the general membership and in all proceedings submitted for decision before the general membership.
SECTION 5 - Assignability of Membership
Membership is not transferable or assignable.
Professional Lifesavers and other qualified persons whom by reason of common hiring agency, job similarity, or for reason of geographic unity may associate themselves for purposes of forming a Chapter of the Association.
SECTION 1 - Qualifications for Chapter Membership
To qualify for membership in the association, each chapter must:
A. contain two (2) or more members who meet the individual professional requirements for membership as outlined in Article III, Section I; and,
B. file an application for Chapter Membership and submit it to the Regional Council of jurisdiction; and,
C. must meet and maintain minimum guidelines of the USLA-SE; and,
D. pay a $200 Chapter Membership initiation fee to the Regional Council; and,
E. be approved by 2/3rds vote of the Regional Council after an inspection and review has been made by representatives of the Regional Council of jurisdiction; and,
F. agrees to elect officers and create bylaws. All Chapters are encouraged to incorporate within their state of jurisdiction.
G. All existing chapters of this association as of May 4, 1979 shall be deemed to have qualified for the purposes of members serving on the Regional Council or Board of Directors.
SECTION 2 - Good Standing
A chapter remains in good standing as long as it performs all the duties and obligations deemed by the Regional Council and Board of Directors to be incumbent upon every chapter. As a minimum obligation each chapter shall pay annual membership dues for each individual member in the amount established by the Board of Directors and Regional Council. Such dues to be paid to the USLA-SE in a manner prescribed by the Board of Directors.
Regional Officers
SECTION 1- Officers of the United States Lifesaving Association South East Region
A. Officers
The Executive Board of the USLA-SE shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The Executive Board of the USLA-SE shall have the authority to act in behalf of the USLA-SE between general meetings of the United States Lifesaving Association South East Region.
B. Election of Officers: The President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer shall be elected by a ballot of the members every second year. Election shall be by ballot and a majority vote shall elect.
C. Terms of Office: The term of office for the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, shall be for two years with no limit on the number of terms.
E. Quorum: A majority of officers shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
C. Duties of the Officers:
1. President
The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation and shall:
a. Preside at all meetings of the members, Board of Directors and Executive Board. The President shall have general charge of the business of the corporation and shall execute with the Secretary, in the name of the corporation, all deeds, bonds, contracts, and other obligations and instruments authorized by the Board of Directors to be executed.
b. Subject to approval of the Board of Directors, annually appoint such standing or special committees and sub committees, except Nominating and Recurrent, as outlined in Article VIII, Section 1.
c. Annually prepare a report on the activities and affairs of the corporation.
d. Be the First Delegate to the United States Lifesaving Association National Meetings.
e. Have such other powers and shall perform such other duties as may prescribed by a majority membership vote.
2. Vice President
a . The Vice President shall be vested with all the powers and shall perform all the duties of the President, in the absence or disability of the President.
b. The Vice President shall also have such other powers and shall perform such other duties as may be directed by a majority membership vote.
3. Secretary
a. The Secretary shall keep a full and complete record of the proceedings of the Officers and of meetings of the members; shall keep the seal of the corporation and affix same to such papers and instruments as may be required in the regular course of business; shall make service notices as may be necessary or proper; shall distribute the minutes of the Officers meetings and meetings of members within 30 days; shall prepare an annual updated copy of the bylaws; shall determine quorum and number of votes needed to pass on any item and shall verify members in good standing.
b. In case of absence or disability of the Secretary, or refusal or neglect to act, notices may be given and served by the President, or by the Vice President, or by any person authorized by the President, Vice President or majority vote of members.
c. The Secretary shall also have such powers and shall perform such duties as may be prescribed by a majority vote of members
4. Treasurer
The Treasurer shall receive and safely keep all funds of the corporation and deposit same in such bank or banks as may be designated by the Officers or majority vote of members. Such funds shall be paid out only on the check of the corporation, signed as directed by the Officers. The Treasurer shall control the keeping of the books and accounts of the corporation and shall be responsible for the preparation of complete financial statements of this corporation. The financial statements shall consist of a balance sheet, income statement and other financial statements as may be required of this corporation and shall be prepared annually or as otherwise directed by the Officers. A record and accurate account of all receipts and disbursements shall be compiled by the Treasurer. All finance records shall be maintained on a fiscal year.
SECTION 2 – Compensation
The Board of Directors and Executive Board shall receive no compensation beyond the extent of actual expenses incurred on behalf of the USLA-SE,
SECTION 1 - Frequency
The USLA-SE shall meet at least once a month on the dates established by the President. The location of these meetings shall be designated by the President or assigned officer.
SECTION 2 - Notice of Meetings
Notice of meetings shall be given in writing to each Chapter. Such notice to be given by the Secretary at least 30 days prior to the date of the meeting. Such notice to state the date, times and place of the meeting.
SECTION 3 - Quorum and Voting Requirements
At any membership meeting a simple majority of members shall constitute a quorum to transact business and a majority of those votes shall be sufficient to pass on any item of business. The Secretary will announce prior to the meeting the number of members that constitute a quorum. Each member must be duly registered for the current meeting to be eligible to vote on matters.
SECTION 4 - Presiding Officer
The President or, in his absence, the Vice President, or in the absence of both, a representative appointed by the President shall call the meeting of the members to order and shall act as presiding officer thereof.
SECTION 5 – Secretary
The Secretary of the USLA-SE shall act as secretary of all meetings. In the absence of the Secretary the presiding officer shall appoint a person to act as secretary.
SECTION 6 - Proxies
All proxies must be in writing executed by the members themselves or by their duly authorized representatives, and must be filed with the Secretary of the corporation before commencement of the meeting on each day of business. Proxies may only be exercised by persons who are members of the USLA-SE. No member may exercise more than one personal vote and one proxy.
SECTION 7 - Meetings
Meetings shall rotate on a geographic basis as determined by the Officers.
Robert’s Rules of Order, revised edition, shall govern all meetings of the Regional Councils and Board of Directors.
SECTION 1 - Appointment
The President, subject to the approval of a majority of members, shall annually appoint such standing or special committees, except Nominating and Recurrent, as may be necessary pursuant of the goals and objectives of USLA-SE. Committees shall include members from all geographic regions, where applicable.
SECTION 2 - Standing Committees
The following shall be considered standing committees:
A. Beach Safety, Bylaws/Policies and Procedures, Certification/Textbook, Competition, Development, Competition Director, Equipment Research and Assessment, Heroic Acts, International Liaison, Junior Lifeguard, Magazine Publication, Membership, Public Information/Publicity, Public Education, Recurrent, and Ways and Means/Finance.
B. Additional committees and professional advisory boards may be created by the President with approval from the Board of Directors.
SECTION 1 - Special Meetings
Special meetings of the members may be called at any time for any purpose by the President or a majority of members. Notice of such meetings shall be given to all members at least 30 days prior to the date of such meeting. A notice of the meeting shall state each item of business to be discussed.
SECTION 2 - Presiding Officer
The President, or in his absence, the Vice President of USLA-SE, or in the absence of both, a chairman elected by the members shall call the meeting to order and shall act as presiding officer thereof.
SECTION 3 - Secretary
The Secretary of the corporation shall act as secretary of the meeting of members and in the absence of the Secretary the presiding officer shall appoint a person to act as secretary.