sing Web Enabled Based Technology at Exploits Valley High
In Supporting Teaching, Extending the Classroom, Management of Information and Communications
8:45 – 9:00Pre-Session Wake Up Call with Coffee and a bit of frivolity! (Debbie)
9:00 – 9:05Introduction and SGD Background (Dave)
9:05 – 9:45Plenary Session: (Craig)
- Individual Teacher Technology Development Plans / Support Materials
- Outlining / Quick Demo of Requested vs. Recommended Activities
- Teacher Web Presence Minimum – Suggested Structure
- Security / Copyright Cautions & Suggestions
- Computer Use Policy for Students / Teachers / Cautions about Tracking
- Email Server Issues – Spam, Management with Folders, Maintenance
Various Configuration Options for Home, School & NCSD Mail - Staff Calendaring – PurposePotential –Recommended Activities
- Taking Advantage of the Power of PowerSchool Teacher: (Dave)
Suggested Discovery Activities, Special Education Concerns (Craig) - New Online Resource Scheduler – Demo and Recommended Activities
- Outline of the Challenge and Prizes to be Won! (Debbie)
9:45 – 11:00Individual and Small Group Work Session 1
(Individuals work from classroom or with their department; those who want more immediate tutoring can work from Physic/Tech Lab with Craig)
11:00 –11:15Recess
11:15-12:15Individual and Small Group Work Session 2
Optional Sessions:
(11:15) Special Education – Text to Speech Software (Howard, Elizabeth)
(11:40) Using Digital Cameras for Stills and Movies, Preparing Digital Graphics for Web Pages, Resizing, Integrating Graphics, Movies, Animations into Your Teacher Web Site (Craig)
12:15 – 12:50Lunch (Eagles Nest Café – Taiwan on Wheels)
12:50 – 1:05TeamBuilding Fun Activity (Debbie) (In Cafeteria or Library)
1:05 – 2:40Individual and Small Group Work Session 3
Optional Sessions:
(1:30)Using the Web for Testing, Remediation, Drill and Practice
(Discussion and Demonstrations – Sam, Howard, Craig)
(2:00) Monitoring / Controlling Use of Your Web Site by Students and Others (Craig)
(2:20) Using Flash MX to Create Animations of Course Concepts (Craig)
2:40 – 2:50Plenary Session: Feedback & Sharing, and an Actual Awards Ceremony with Prizes!
Note:I have 4 copies of a FrontPage 2003 Book – one for each wing/department.
Individual Technology Development Assessment / Plan for ______Date:______
Assess your strengths and weaknesses in the following areas that are a part of the skill set that might be considered valuable for a knowledge worker and teacher in the ExploitsValleyHigh school context. Rate your comfort level from 0 to 5 (0 = lost, 1-4 levels of skill, 5= mastery) Select or add action plan possibilities from the right column.
Areas of Assessment
___able to manage the physical aspects of ensuring a laptop, computer, projector, or other electronic device is physically connected in a way that allows me or my students to use
___able to navigate file locations, drive and directory structures, create and save data in familiar and secure locations
___able to use an office productivity suite such as MS Office to produce text, numerical, presentation, or web page documents – to a level that supports my frequent needs in the present, and ability to fast track my own learning of new skills just in time for use
___able to use web browsers and search engines to find relevant materials for use in my courses
___able to save assets from the web in places and formats that are useable later, or in other formats
___able to create and publish basic web pages to my school web site
___able to link various external web-based resources to web pages that you create
___able to convert documents from one format to another for web based use
___able to design and produce PowerGrade reports for paper backup, analysis, parent-teacher interviews
___able to use PowerGrade and PowerSchool teacher to find student demographic data
___able to use PowerSchool teacher to find Special needs information, monitor attendance and student performance in other courses, and print various reports
___able to access and manage my school email using the Web browser based - WorldClient
___able to use the personal and public calendar features to track and plan personal and school events and tests
___able to use the meeting invitation feature of our Email/Staff communications system
___able to communicate using ComAgent
Action Plan activities / steps to strengthen this area:
Teacher Web Presence Minimum – Suggested Structure
A well developed school web site should include at least the following about each staff member:
- name, subject area, and individual subjects taught in the current year
- picture of the teacher would help parents / students identify you – especially in a large school
- email address (not necessary to link any more – most people will copy and paste to web email)
- local course outlines, links to dept. outlines etc, expectations, statement about homework / workload – whether you keep a separate page for this or it is included in PowerSchool records.
For example, Math teachers may want a separate running record of homework outside of PowerSchool, whereas English teachers are a little more project and assignment oriented and recording things in PowerSchool is sufficient. I.E. – most items are summative evaluations and the few homework things can be included in PowerSchool.
Where possible and applicable, teachers could include the following as an extension to the classroom and as study materials or resources for remediation:
- Course notes – (albeit, there is some room to debate some problems with this)
- Sample Exams, especially for Public exam courses
- Multimedia resources related to various topics; either some that you created or gathered from other web sources / or linked to from outside web sources. Flash movies, PowerPoints, other graphical or animated media products that support learning
- Your PowerPoints converted / published as web pages from lessons or that support your lesson
On the higher end of things, you might challenge yourself to learn how to do some online testing, drill and remediation products using things like Hot Potatoes, other web based test generators. You may learn how to create a Flash movie using Macromedia Flash Authorware as a means to illustrate a complex idea and to have it available to the student to watch as many times as they want.
Activity 1a–FrontPage 2003 – Getting Started with a Teacher Web Site (tutoring provided in Rm110)
- Create Teacher Disk Based Web Site in your network drive according to the instruction in Appendix A. Edit this site minimally. Publish this site to your teacher site on the EVH Web Server.
- Edit this site to include at least the minimum that is suggested above. Republish / Update.
A FrontPage Manual is available. The following web sites are suggested as resources to learn the basic of FrontPage. You may use the headphones to listen as you watch some of the videos online. .
(No need to type this in your browser; all links here are provided on the web page located at )
Webquest has several simple but nice teacher web page templates. You may also download and unzip these files as templates and simply edit them in FrontPage. file management skill required)
Activity 1b – Updating Your Teacher Web Site (departmental, individual work sessions)
- Review your existing web content, possibly with your department, and update what is necessary.
- Create a plan of “who will host what when where and why” as it relates to resources that are common across several sections of the same course or even different courses. (Why reinvent or duplicate – coordinate.)
- Make sure that your department has a top level web page that links to the individual teachers and or common resources.
- Discuss what should be added or changed ASAP, and what could be developed in the future; develop an action plan for that with specific goals, actions, dates etc. For example:
Need / Goal: Develop a PowerPoint with animations to help explain ????? to Math students
Task: Learn how to do animations within PowerPoint, motion along a path etc, create the animated equation etc, and publish to Math page.
Assigned: Byron H. – has some experience with this already
Developer: Next departmental meeting in 2 weeks. - Search for Resources that already exist that you can ‘gather’ or link to your page
- Other web based skill elective session and discussions may help with your development.
Security / Copyright Cautions & Suggestions
Be careful about ‘gathering’ resources from other already published web resources. Many things are open and easy to be copied but it is best to (a) simply ask permission of the author to copy and use and / or (b) provide author information in your link or on the copied page itself.
If you are concerned about some of your own ‘intellectual property’ being ‘gathered’ by some unintended person through your web site, there are some easy low tech ways to control that.
Notes / Secrets
Computer Use Policy for Students / Teachers / Cautions about Activity Tracking
Insert to go here…..
Email Server Issues – Spam, Management with Folders, Maintenance
Spam is defined asindiscriminately sent, unsolicited, unwanted, irrelevant, or inappropriate messages, especially commercial advertising in mass quantities. Noun: electronic junk mail.
Ways to Limit Spam:
- Do not use your EVH account as the address when registering to web sites / download etc; create a GMail or Hotmail account for that. Even when the send you confirmation and keys by email, they still might give or lose your information and it can end up on a spam mail list
- Spam is often generated without you giving out your email address. You can help to control this by marking certain emails that get through to your email account as SPAM. It will be deleted and submitted to the Spam control portion of the MDaemon Email Server. This will help the service learn what is spam and possibly block similar types of mail in the future.
(THUMBS DOWN ICON on the menu bar in the screen shot below.) - Identify good email as NOT SPAM. This will not move your email but will copy it to the service for learning what patterns of good email are like.(THUMBS UP ICON)
Using Folders and Filters to Organize your Email
Please delete unnecessary email ASAP. But by all means store important emails in our email server. When storing email, it is nice to create a subfolder arrangement inside your INBOX folder.
To create folders go > Options > Folders >
create a folder – usually it will be a sub folder of the inbox, but it can be a folder inside a subfolder. For example, you may want to create a folder for a course and inside of it create subfolders for students and parents. Emails from students will be moved to the Students subfolder and parents will be moved to the Parents subfolder for storage.
You can filter mail as it come in by setting up a filter that uses subject or even the email address as a means of directing mail to an organized folder system. In the example above, I redirect email from students relating to my course / assignments etc, to the various folders by a subject line. I tell the students to always put CT3200 in the subject field of the email. For example an assignment may be submitted with a subject line > CT3200 – Research Assignment on SPAM. The filter will redirect that mail to the CT3200 folder. (After I have dealt with it, I will move it to the student subfolder of CT3200.)
To setup a Filter, go Options > Filters – the rest is very intuitive!
Note that you can also use Filter to help get rid of the simpler SPAM in your Inbox.
Note: Your email folders such as the Sent Mail and Trash need some maintenance or options settings as well. I suggest that you go Options > Personalize – check the box next to the option listed below:
Collapse my nested folders (This setting may increase your login speed to the LookOut theme if you have many nested folders)
Empty Trash on Sign Out (Delete messages in trash when signing out)
Add Replies To Contacts (Automatically put people being replied to in the Contacts folder)
To quickly empty the Trash folder you can right click and choose empty trash.
You should also simply delete mail from your sent mail folder from time to time as you see fit. It may be nice to create a ‘Stored’ folder inside the Sent Mail Folder and move mail such as messages to parents, which you want to keep a long term record of having sent, to that folder.
Various Configuration Options for Home, School & NCSD Mail
It is a good idea to collect your NovaCentralSchool District email using our EVH mail system. You can set this up simply by choosing Options > Mailboxes. You must know the credentials of your account. If the screen below is not available to you then let me know so that I can adjust this option.
* You most likely will want to remove the mail from the NCSD server and save it only on our mail server here. It might be nice to create a folder for NCSD and then a filter that defines any mail with NCSD in the address as being directly routed to that folder. If there is new unread mail in the folder it will show the number in bold with the unread as the bottom denominator and the total as the top numerator.
- Notice that there are 2 unread in my Design Tech folder >
* The APOP authentication should be enabled as well.
Options for Microsoft Outlook – Home and Laptop Users
1. Create an IMAP Email Account in Outlook that simply allows you to read / manage your EVH mail in Outlook but does not actually copy down the mail like a POP3 mail account will. In Outlook:
> Tools
> Email Accounts
> Choose Add new email account
> Choose IMAP (instead of POP3) and then fill in the fields like this screenshot >
Your Mail folder should now show an EVH Folder and Inbox etc. >
If you are using this at Home then you likely have another POP3 account with Rogers or Aliant already set up.
This method above works sweet with collecting and reading but when you Reply to an EVH email you will need to choose to Reply via your Internet Service Provider’s mail sending system (SMTP server) – Aliant or Rogers Mail settings.
In this case simply choose to Send by…Rogers or whatever is your home ISP account.
2. Laptop Users (Admins) can create a POP3 account and move or copy mail into Outlook.
Staff Calendaring – Purpose & Potential – Recommended Activities
The MDaemon Email system that we use is capable of being a full scale personal planner and communication system – quite comparable to Outlook. It allows you to create Tasks, Notes, Contact, Private and Public Calendaring and Meeting Planning. Many of these features can help centralize and improve our staff communications and meeting planning and more.
Suggested Activity – Import an already setup calendar to your personal calendar in WorldClient. This activity will give you a calendar similar to what is in the printed Agenda but is available from anywhere through our email system. You can record personal or public events, meetings, appointments. (I actually use it as a daily scheduler and lesson plan book – and I can print or export anything that I do!)
- Open up WorldClient (the web based email client that allows you access to your email account –
- Click Options > Calendar > Import > Browse > find your way to R:\Email and click on Calendar.csv.
- Now you have a calendar with every school day and holiday mapped out for you. You can add other dates with full day events, hourly schedules, key in your supervision dates, meeting etc.
(This can be a very powerful personal planner that is available to you from anywhere.)
Suggested Activity – Meeting Planning Using WorldClient
Create a meeting for your dept. and send an invitation to your members by following the sample screen shots and step that follow. Contextualize the steps to your department.
Read through the steps below and then return to this point to follow the activity.
Create a meeting appointment for your department, and invite the others in your department.
-Click Calendar.
-Choose a Time, Date, etc
-Choose Scheduling
(Screen shot for these next actions is on the next page.)
-Next, key in the email address of the attendees. This could be people inside or outside our system. If they are using Outlook the meeting invitation will work for them as well.
-After you create your list, you may have to scroll the calendar focus to the correct date/time frame (upper center / right area of screen shot image) and you may have to press Refresh Calendar from the menu bar. In the example below you can see that CWells is inviting Cal to a lunch meeting. Cal has an ISSP meeting from 11:30-12 but is free from 12-1 which is the tentative lunch meeting
(Notice the busy versus tentative status.)