Using the Form W-2 and 1099-INT information below, fill out the 1040EZ form provided.
Darcie L. Brennan is 20 years old, single, and cannot be claimed as a dependent on another person’s return. She works as a sales clerk and wants $3 to go to the Presidential Campaign Fund.
W-2 information
Darcie L. Brennan
2244 Vine Street, Lincoln, NE 68586
Social Security Number987-00-2080
ABC Stores
2001 Bent Road, Lincoln, NE 68506
Employer ID Number: 10-0001234
Wages:$10, 750
Federal income tax withheld:$645
Social Security Wages$10,750
Social Security tax withheld:$519.38
Medicare wages and tips$10,750
Form 1099-INT Information:
Town Bank, 5 State Street, Lincoln NE 68528
Interest income:$135
Darcie cannot take the Earned Income Tax Credit (EIC). She must be at least age 25 to qualify for the EIC.
Using the Form W-2 and 1099-INT information below, fill out the 1040EZ form provided.
Lynette is 17 years old, single, and can be claimed as a dependent on another person’s return. She works as a cashier and wants $3 to go to the Presidential Campaign Fund.
W-2 Information
Lynette Myer
601 Turnbolt Street, Robin, MI 48200
Social Security Number879-01-2405
XYZ Stores
2635 N. 63rd Street, Lincoln, NE 68507
Employer ID Number:10-1234000
Federal income tax withheld:$300
Social Security Wages$2,900
Social Security tax withheld:$219.50
Medicare wages and tips:$2,900
Medicare tax withheld:$209.00
Form 1099-INT Information:
Town Bank, 5 State Street, Robin, MI 48200
Interest income:$30
On line 8a enter “No” to the right of the word “below”: and leave the boxes blank. Susan cannot take the Earned Income Tax Credit (EIC). She must be at least age 25 to qualify for the EIC.
Using the Form W-2 and 1099-INT information below, fill out the 1040EZ form provided.
Jessica is 22 years old, single, and can not be claimed as a dependent on another person's return. She started to work in July as a school secretary and wants $3 to support the Presidential Election Campaign Fund.
W-2 information
Jessica Radler
715 North 45 Street, Apt. 18 Lincoln, NE 68503
Social Security Number508-66-9767
Lincoln Public Schools
5901 O Street Lincoln, NE 68506
Employer ID Number: 10-78228752
Federal income tax withheld:$721
Social Security Wages$15,420
Social Security tax withheld:$519.38
Medicare wages and tips$15,420
Form 1099-INT Information:
City Bank, 225 State Street, Lincoln NE 68528
Interest income:$40
Stacy cannot take the Earned Income Tax Credit (EIC). She must be at least age 25 to qualify for the EIC.
Using the Form W-2 and 1099-INT information below, fill out the 1040EZ form provided.
Martin Allgood works as Super Saver collecting carts and as a cashier. Martin is single and is claimed as a dependent on his parents' return. He likes politics but chooses not to contribute to the presidential campaign fund.
W-2 information
Martin Allgood
7860 Colby Street Lincoln, NE 68507
Social Security Number540-72-4321
Food Mart
2001 Zipper Street, Lincoln, NE 68506
Employer ID Number: 10-12330001
Federal income tax withheld:$246
Social Security Wages$6,525
Social Security tax withheld:$308.75
Medicare wages and tips$6,525
Form 1099-INT Information:
Interest income:$0
Martin cannot take the Earned Income Tax Credit (EIC). H must be at least age 25 to qualify for the EIC.