Getting Endorsements for the Restore Democracy Amendment

Who to seek endorsements from:

The types of groups and individuals we're seeking endorsements from are nonprofit organizations, political clubs, neighborhood councils, unions, business associations, and legislators. It is okay to start small with a group or person you already know (maybe even a small business you own), or an organization you have volunteered with in the past.

How to obtain an endorsement:

One you have identified an organization, the next step is to reach out to them. If you have a close relationship with the organization you may only need to find time for a conversation with its board or leader, or to attend one of their events or meetings. One of our volunteers had great success going to the groups and businesses she regularly went to, and asking for their support for the amendment.

If you are contacting an organization or person you do not know particularly well, reach out to them via email or phone and tell them that we have a legislative proposal we think they'll support and that you'd like to talk to them about getting their endorsement. You may have to be persistent and follow up multiple times, but eventually you can usually get through to someone who knows about their endorsement procedures. Then, it's simply your job to tell them more about the Restore Democracy Amendment.

Start simply. In many cases, an extensive explanation is not required. Saying that big money in politics is a problem and that we are asking for their support for an amendment to overturn Citizens United may be enough. You can delve into more details if necessary. Below are some talking points of why an amendment is necessary, why our amendment is a strong proposal, and why their organization should support it.

Talking Points

Why an amendment is necessary:

Supreme Court decisions are the reason corporations, unions, and wealthy individuals can spend unlimited amounts of money to influence elections. Supreme Court decisions can only be undone by a reversal or a constitutional amendment and since the composition of the Supreme Court is unlikely to reverse any major campaign finance decisions, an amendment is our best chance.

Over 70 percent of both Republicans and Democrats support an amendment to overturn Citizens United.

Without an amendment it is likely that future Supreme Court decisions will give powerful interests even more influence over our political process.

Why our amendment is a strong proposal

The Restore Democracy Amendment will achieve two critical things:

1) Overturn the Supreme Court's disastrous Citizens United decision so that corporations and unions can no longer spend unlimited amounts of money to influence campaigns.

2) Shift power back from the Supreme Court to We The People so that Congress and the states can enact additional campaign finance reforms.

The Restore Democracy Amendment is also unique because it offers the best combination of impact, clarity, and passability. It does not include vague or confusing phrasing that hampers other amendments. And by going after big money from both corporations and unions it has the best chance of getting support from Republicans as well as Democrats.

Why Their Organization Should Support It

We want to show that there is a broad base of support for the Restore Democracy Amendment--Republicans and Democrats, urban and rural, business and union, etc. The more support we have and the broader our coalition, the more comfortable members of Congress will be signing on.

An endorsement is only that. We are not asking groups to use their resources or time to support the campaign (though that would be welcome). We are just asking for the ability to list them as an endorser. It is a way of showing that they support the goal of getting big money out of politics with a constitutional amendment.

A more general talking point is the problem of big money in politics, you can explain on your own since you care about the cause. In fact, sharing why you specifically care about the issue is probably the best approach. In addition, you may want to connect the issues the endorser or endorsing organization cares about as well. You can help gain their support by explaining how their organization or the issues they care about are affected by big money in politics.

Resources you can use:

The Citizens Take Action website is a great resource for anyone who needs more information. There is a full explanation of the amendment, answers to frequently asked questions, and more. And you can always email us at if you have specific questions.

I know that's a lot of information so please let us know if you have any questions. We are proud to have dozens of endorsements thus far, but we are really just getting started so any that you can add to our tally will help start the snowball effect and give members of Congress more confidence that if they will be in good company if the support the Restore Democracy Amendment.