Malvern-Hot Spring County Library
Library Board Minutes
July 1, 2016
Attending: JA Funk, Linda Smith, Jerry Dodd, Gregory Crain, Ashley Graves and Clare Barlow
Not in Attendance: Vonda Cranford
1) Executive Session: The Board motioned to move to Executive Session.
2) Executive Session: The Board returned from Executive Session.
3) Approve Minutes: The Board motioned to approve minutes from the June 3, 2016 meeting.
M: Jerry
2nd: Linda
4.) Annex Foundation: The Board motioned to accept the bid from Stinson’s for the
foundation support beams under the annex, to be paid from the Ashford Genealogy
M: Jerry
2nd: Linda
5.) Annex Retaining Wall: The Board motioned to accept the bid for the retaining wall
on the annex property from Stinson, to be paid by the city.
M: Jerry
2nd: Linda
Next meeting: July 15th q
Meeting Adjourned.